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Generating a multiple records report using the Data Integrity Error Search Data (DIESD) System 111-07000010

This document outlines how to build and generate a New Multiple Intervention Plan (NMIP) multiple records report using the DIESD system.

Reason for the report

Staff can generate their own tailored reports showing the number of NMIP multiples created by staff in a site or zone.

The report reflects automatic or NMIP Centrelink multiple records only. After the creation of a new Centrelink record or CRN, the NMIP process checks for same/similar Centrelink records. If there is a match, it generates a CLI/MLC activity for the Data Quality Unit (DQU) to investigate.

The NMIP report only covers about 40% of all multiples created by network staff. The rest are discovered manually or by other methods.

The DIESD system allows users to search for an error code based on various criteria and filters. For more information, see Data Integrity Enquiry (DIE) System.

DIESD report

Generate a report by specifying a date or settlement period range and filter by Service Zone and/or Region Office Code.

The DIESD multiple records report provides the following data:

  • Newly created CRN
  • Area Office (Zone)
  • Region Office Code
  • User - Service Officer’s logon (who created the CRN)
  • Class Code
  • Activity Code
  • Service Reason
  • Existing CRN (possible primary)

For another way to create a NMIP multiple report, see Generating a Data Integrity Multiples Reporting Tool (DIMRPT) report. However, the DIESD allows more flexibility.

Data Integrity Enquiry (DIE) System

Generating a Data Integrity Multiples Reporting Tool (DIMRPT) report