Classifying Centrelink digital images via the Kofax Validation Queue 111-10010110
This document outlines the Kofax Validation system for Centrelink. Kofax Validation is used for manual classification of documents digitised through scanning from service centres, Record Management Units (RMU) and received via inbound fax.
What is Kofax used for?
The main purpose of the Kofax Validation application for Centrelink digitisation is to enable manual classification of digital images when the system could not automate the process.
Staff can also use Kofax Validation to merge, split, rotate, delete or reorder pages within documents.
Scanning via Multi-Function Device
Documents scanned via this method will present either:
- directly onto the customer's record if automatic classification can occur, or
- sent to the Kofax validation queue for manual classification. Once the document has been classified it will appear on the customer's record
Inbound faxing
Documents received via this method will be sent to the Kofax validation queue for manual classification. Once the document has been classified it will appear on the customer's record.
Classification of documents within Kofax
Classification is the process of determining the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and type of document.
Documents scanned on an MFD will automatically classify at the point of scanning if a valid CRN is entered into the MFD and a barcoded form or reclassification page is the first page scanned.
If this does not occur, manual classification will be required. This will result in a delay in attaching the document to the customer record.
If a document cannot be read and needs a rescan, see Requesting a document rescan, retrieval or location.
When is manual classification needed after scanning?
Manual classification is required if a valid CRN is not entered into the MFD and/or a barcode cannot be read by the MFD.
To manually classify an image, the Electronic Document Classification Team (EDC) view the image and assign a CRN and/or form code to it. Documents requiring this manual classification will be delayed from attaching to the customer record. The Resources page contains:
- a link to scanning dates and classification timeframes, and
- contact details for the EDC team
Once a digital image is attached to a customer's record, Workload Management creates a work item for processing (if required). Images scanned Store Only will not create a work item, but can be viewed on the customer record.
For more information on classification guidelines, see Classifying Centrelink digital images via the National Queue. The same processes are required for Kofax classification.
Escalating a document to the Classification Support Queue:
A document can be escalated to the Classification Support Queue when additional support and expertise is required to finalise the classification process.
To escalate a document, key the Q004 form code in the Form Type field, leave the CRN field blank and press Enter to close the batch. It is important that Q004 is entered so the document is mapped to the Classification Support Queue to minimise potential delays.
Orphan and Administrative documents
Escalate to the Classification Support Queue any image that cannot be attached to a customer record because:
- there is not enough information in the document to locate a customer record, establish a customer's identity, or create a new record - Orphan documents
- they do not relate to any customer. For example, invoices - Administrative documents
- they are part of a process where the documents cannot be attached to a record. For example, tip offs or inappropriate images - Administrative documents, or
- there is a business reason why the documents cannot be attached to a record but they still need processing. For example, a single page contains details for multiple customers - Administrative documents
In some cases, an Administration document may also be an Orphan document. For example, an invoice addressed to Services Australia where the owning team or agency cannot be identified.
Note: classification of a document as Orphan or Administrative should only be undertaken by Local Peer Support (LPS) assigned to action images from the Classification Support Queue.
Kofax Validation sub-queues
There are sub-queues within Kofax Validation:
- Scan for processing queue - documents that require activity creation on the customer record to initiate processing
- Store only queue - documents that have been processed before scanning and therefore do not require activity creation
- RMU queue - for validation of documents scanned for storage at RMU. These documents have been processed and therefore do not require activity creation
- Fax queues - documents received via inbound fax that require manual classification
Medical Information File Envelope (MIFE) documents
MIFE documents are medically sensitive information lodged by customers. They are accessed for decisions about:
- new claims
- reviews
- work capacity assessments, and
- exemptions from mutual obligation requirements
To identify a MIFE document, the MIFE indicator tick box will be selected in Document Tools in Customer First or the Documents tab in Process Direct.
The Resources page contains:
- links for classification guidelines and codes
- Intranet links to the ICT Security Portal and Workload Management pages
- a link to the Multi-cultural Guide for international customer record creation tips
- Kofax specific information, including links to Validation sub-queues, a filtering taskcard and helpful keyboard shortcuts, and
- contact details for the Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team