This document outlines the Kofax Validation system for Centrelink. Kofax Validation is used for manual classification of documents digitised through scanning from service centres, Record Management Units (RMU) and received via inbound fax.
On this page:
Kofax Validation features
Classifying images
Kofax Validation features
Table 1: this table describes how to use the Kofax Validation features. Some features such as splitting, moving and changing the document type are not required in every instance.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Access to Kofax + Read more ...
To access Kofax, use the appropriate link for the desired queue to work on. See Resources for a link.
Filters can be applied to ensure staff only receive work from the sub-queue they need to work from. See the Resources page for current links to Kofax validation queues.
To login to Kofax Validation, the staff member enters their logon ID as the User ID and universal password. Select Log on.
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Filtering in Kofax Validation + Read more ...
The filtering settings in Kofax Validation can be changed to display either Kofax Store, Kofax Processing or Kofax Participation work.
See the Resources page for a task card on how to set up filters in Kofax.
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Selecting a batch + Read more ...
Kofax will display the Available Batch screen showing batches for validation.
The batch status will show as 'Ready' or 'Suspended'
Batches can be selected manually from the displayed list by double clicking on the batch itself or highlighting the batch and selecting Open
Alternatively, checking the bottom left box 'Open next batch automatically' will result in all batches being included in the search and opening automatically
Selecting the Open Next Batch automatically field will display the next Available Batch after completing the current batch.
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Selecting in the next Available Batch + Read more ...
Select the Open button to open the next Available Batch. (If the Open next batch automatically box is checked, the next Available Batch will display for validation.)
Error Loading Batch message means the batch is locked by another user. It was selected at the same time by another person. Press [Cancel] and select a different batch.
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Features once selecting an Available Batch + Read more ...
After selecting an Available Batch:
To increase the image press [F11], and to reduce it press [F11] again
The Batch Content box contains the number of documents within the Batch. The brackets indicate the number of pages within the document
The Thumbnails box has a picture of each of the pages in the highlights Batch
The main image field in the centre of the screen has a picture of what has been highlighted in the Thumbnails box. To change the image, select another thumbnail or use the arrow buttons in the Kofax toolbar
An error in the batch is indicated by ! under Batch Content
The Current Error box details the reason the batch was sent to Kofax to be fixed
Check each batch in the Batch Content box, even if no ! displays
Buttons in the Kofax toolbar allow the movement of batches and thumbnails
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Moving images + Read more ...
Moving images with the Thumbnail box
Left click and hold the image to move
Drag the image to the preferred position within the thumbnail
A green tick will appear when the image can be placed at the requested location
Moving images to different batches
Click and hold the image to move
Drag it to the Batch Content box and place into the batch required
A green tick indicates the move is appropriate (the image will attach to the end of the batch when moved)
A red tick indicates more needs to be done before the move can occur
Moving more than one sequential image
Left click on the first image to be moved
Hold the [Ctrl] key and select multiple images
Release the [Ctrl] key (all will be highlighted)
Left click and hold down then drag to the required position
Moving all images in a document will result in a More Page message. This confirms the final page in a document is moved. An empty document is deleted after the final page is removed
Select Yes to delete the empty document
If unable to move images to a new document, a red circle with a red bar across appears. The Classification Result section needs to be completed before the image can be moved.
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Splitting documents + Read more ...
To create documents in Batch Category:
Right click on the image in thumbnails
Right click on split document
Another document will be created in Batch Content containing all of the images from the selected image onward
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Changing document type in Batch Content + Read more ...
To change the document type in the Batch Content:
Select the Classification Results box
Click on the down arrow to show 5 options
Centrelink form
Customer separator
MIFE cover (Medical Information File Envelope)
Supporting documents
Selecting either backpage, customer separator or MIFE cover will create a ToBeDeleted document
The system will delete pages within a ToBeDeleted document. Check pages in document to ensure all need deleting (for example, MIFE coversheet/s and blank pages)
Supporting documents and Centrelink form options are interchangeable. So there is no need to change from one to the other to set a document as either a Centrelink form or a supporting document
The Supporting document option is to classify supporting documents. It displays when the system cannot classify a document (due to a black page or a form with no barcode)
The Centrelink form option displays when the system can correctly identify the document as a Centrelink form
The document Classification ID drop down box lists Centrelink forms in alpha order. This is not predictive. Drag the bar to the correct form type and click on it, or use the shortcut
In Firefox, hold down the [Ctrl] key and press the [F] key at the bottom of the screen. A find box will display. Use this to click on the Document Classification ID. It will go yellow. Then type the form number. The Document Classification ID will go the form type
If it is a MIFE document (for example, UNS008) the MIFE indicator box will change to True once the Document Classification ID field is validated
If there is no form type, enter the relevant Unstructured (UNS) Code. See, Scanning Centrelink documents using an MFD for a full list of UNS codes
If the Customer Reference Number (CRN) field has been pre-filled, check the CRN on the image to ensure the CRN is correct
If no CRN is on the image, conduct a customer record search to obtain a CRN
If unable to assign a CRN to the document, ensure the Classification ID/form type is entered and leave the CRN field blank. If there is no existing Centrelink form code, enter UNS004. This document will then go to the National Queue for further action
Classifying images
Table 2: this table describes how to filter to specific queues and select, move and split an images.
Note: see Table 1 when the following actions are required before an image can be classified.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Access the Kofax Validation Queue + Read more ...
To access Kofax, use the link for the desired queue to work on. Filters can be applied to ensure staff only receive work from the sub-queue they need to work from. See the Resources page for current links to Kofax validation queues.
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Viewing digital images for classification + Read more ...
Review the image to make sure:
the image does not contain information for mixed or unrelated customers
the image is clear and the content can be read
information has not been cut off during the scanning process, for example, a:
miss feed (multiple pages overlap)
document has been scanned as simplex resulting in only every second page being scanned)
If the image:
contains reference to self-harm, see Customers talking about suicide or self-harm before continuing
contains mixed or unrelated customer information, split the pages into different batches before classifying, see Table 1, Step 7
contains 100 pages or more or is greater than 5MB, split the pages into different batches before classifying, see Table 1, Step 7
cannot be split as the information is on the same page or is not clear, go to Step 6
Does the image contain content that is inappropriate, offensive or threatening to staff, customer or a site?
Notify a Team Leader/Manager immediately
Escalate the document to Classification Support for removal. Do not attach the image to the customer record
No, go to Step 3
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Complete all required classification fields + Read more ...
Classify every document using only one Customer Reference Number (CRN) per document.
If a valid CRN:
has been provided on the document, use this CRN. No further check of the CRN is required
has not been provided, locate the correct customer record or add the customer to the system
If unable to confirm the correct CRN due to the customer being a Restricted Access customer, go to Step 8.
Check that:
the correct CRN is in the CRN: field
the correct form code is in the Form Type: field
all documents within the image belong to the one customer that is, there are no mixed/unrelated customers
all documents within the image belong to the one business process, for example, they relate to the one claim or review
the image is clearly readable, for example, no apparent folds or creases prevent viewing all the information on it
Are all the above conditions met?
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Updates needed + Read more ...
If the Form type or CRN is incorrect, go to Step 5
If any of the following apply, go to Step 6:
image is unreadable
CRN cannot be found or the document does not belong to a customer
image belongs to mixed or unrelated customers and cannot be split
a system issue is preventing the image from being classified
the image is not a Centrelink document
The Resources page contains specific classification information for form codes and unstructured documents.
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Complete the fields in the 'Classification Result' section + Read more ...
See the Classification Guidelines on the Resources page for more information.
Update the auto-filled details as needed, or insert the correct details into the blank fields:
If the form type is incorrect or is undefined, use the Form Type: field to search for and select the form type that best matches the digital image
If the CRN is incorrect, locate the correct customer record or add the customer to the system. Update the CRN in the CRN: field
If the image is also unreadable, go to Step 6
If after the correction, the image type cannot be classified, go to Step 6
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Image cannot be classified + Read more ...
If the image is unreadable (and there is no 'Received As Is' coversheet), contains documents that cannot be split, or are for mixed/unrelated customers:
If unable to find the CRN, the document does not belong to a customer, is not a Centrelink document or a system issue is preventing classification:
Escalate the image to the Classification Support Queue:
Key the Q004 form code in the Form Type: field Leave the CRN: field blank Press [Enter]
Procedure ends here.
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Restricted Access (previously known as Deny Access) + Read more ...
This will prevent access to the document. The system will display a list of authorised Restricted Access users for this record.
Escalate these images to the Classification Support Queue:
key the Q004 form code in the Form Type: field
leave the CRN: field blank
press [Enter]
Procedure ends here.
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Classify digital image + Read more ...
To validate the details, press [Enter]. The yellow highlighted box will then move to the next box that needs validation
If all documents within the batch are validated, Batch Validation Complete pop-up message asks what would you like to do?
Select Close batch
Press [Enter], or
Select the close batch icon on the Kofax toolbar
Log off or select another batch to continue