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Call and screen recording - information and access 111-17081500

This document outlines call and screen recording and access.

Call and screen recording overview

  • Services Australia (the agency) will advise employees when commencing in a role where calls and screens may be recorded
  • Services Australia Workspace automatically records inbound and outbound contact centre calls
  • Approximately 10% of recorded calls across the agency may be randomly selected to include screen recording
  • Call recordings are stored securely for 7 years and are automatically deleted once they reach 7 years
  • Screen recordings are securely stored for 90 days and are automatically deleted once they reach 90 days
  • Access to call and screen recordings is controlled, monitored, and audited in line with the Call and Screen Recording Policy

For more information about access, storage and use of call and screen recordings, see Resources page for the agency’s Call and Screen Recording Policy.

Administrative access (informal release) of call recordings

Recordings of conversations between a customer and the agency may be available to customers. This is through the agency’s administrative access (informal release of information) processes.

A customer can verbally request a copy of a call recording. A Service Officer will submit this request on behalf of the customer. The relevant business team will retrieve, review and release the recording to the customer where available and appropriate.

Guidelines for business areas actioning these requests:

  • Ensure the call recording is reviewed in its entirety
  • A request under administrative access includes the customer’s discussion between themselves and the agency. A staff member’s voice recorded while the customer is on hold is not part of the customer's conversation with the agency. This may be removed from the call recording prior to release
  • Determine whether to remove any sensitivities from the call recording in accordance with privacy and secrecy provisions. See the Resources page for contact details of relevant teams for guidance and advice
  • The business area may need to consider further action after the release of a call recording. This may be relevant if there were quality or customer service concerns within the call

The Process page explains how to process a customer request for a copy of a call recording.

The Resources page contains contact details and links to User guides, macros, and Verint Support Hub and resources.

Level 1 - Managing complaints and feedback

Level 1 complaints - Child Support

Customer aggression - Response

Reporting, recording and escalating incidents of customer aggression

Customer requests access to their personal information

Quality Call Framework quality checking

Requests lodged under the Freedom of Information Act 1982