Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers with court order or a court registered agreement 277-51070050
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
This document explains the requirements for a FTB customer to satisfy the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) when they have:
- a court order, or
- court registered agreement for child support
Consent orders and maintenance action
There are specific requirements for a customer with a consent order to take reasonable action to obtain child support.
Court orders when paying parent is overseas
If the paying parent is overseas, the customer may:
- have sought a court order to allow collection by Child Support, or
- already be privately collecting an overseas court ordered amount of child support
Registering court orders/court registered agreements
If the customer gets a court order or court registered agreement they may register the document with Child Support. The customer may choose to:
- privately collect their court order/registered agreement amount, or
- ask Child Support to collect it on their behalf
Private collection and MAT
Before to 1 July 2012, if the customer privately collected their child support, Centrelink assumed the customer received the full amount of the notional assessment (NA) that related to the court order or court registered agreement.
If the customer advised they could not collect their full agreement amount privately, they would have failed the MAT for the child unless they requested Child Support collection or they applied for an exemption from seeking child support.
From 1 July 2012, if the customer elects to privately collect their child support, they will be deemed to receive the full NA amount as advised by Child Support. If the customer advises they are not receiving the full value of their agreement, they will not fail the MAT.
Note: the value of the agreement is not received from Child Support for private collect customers, only the notional assessed amount is received. The NA is used in the MAT for these customers. The customer may still request Child Support collect on their behalf where they cannot collect the full value of the agreement.
Ending a court order or court registered agreement
To end a court order/court registered agreement before it is due to end, a person must apply to the Family Court.
If the receiving parent is no longer the main carer of the children stated in the court order/agreement, Child Support can stop collection of child support payments. Only one of the parties needs to apply to restart collection.
Normally, a court order or agreement ends when:
- the paying parent dies
- the child turns 18 years of age
- the child becomes a member of a couple
- the child is adopted
However, the court order may state that child support is to continue after any of these events.
Related links
Action to obtain child support when the paying parent is overseas - Maintenance Action Test (MAT)
Applying for Child Support collection and effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Assessing capitalised maintenance income for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Centrelink action for Child Support Prescribed Income Test for a Stage 1 customer
Exemptions from seeking child support for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
Separating safely - protecting personal details
Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes
Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
Non-cash maintenance income assessment for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems