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Child Support Objections 277-09170000

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

This document outlines the purpose, timeframes and different types of objections. It includes who can lodge an objection and which decisions can be objected to. The procedure is for Child Support Objections Officers at all levels (APS4 – APS6).

Objection definition

An objection is a formal review for customers who believe Child Support made a mistake or applied the law incorrectly. Customers must lodge most objections in writing.

An Objection Officer not involved in the original decision conducts the review. The Objection Officer will:

  • reconsider the facts, law and policy aspects of the original decision, and
  • determine the correct and/or preferable decision

There are 3 possible outcomes of an objection:

  • Disallowed
  • Allowed, or
  • Allowed in part (also known as partly allowed)

Decisions to which a customer can object

A customer can object to decisions made by a Child Support officer but cannot object to the Child Support legislation.

For example, a customer can object to a decision to accept or not accept an estimate from either party. However, they cannot object to a decision about presumption of parentage. In these cases, the Registrar may be able to correct the error without using the objection process.

Objections to care decisions

Since 1 July 2010, customers can object to any care percentage decision made by Child Support or Family Assistance. For WA ex-nups the relevant date is 3 March 2011. The customer can lodge the objection over the phone or in writing. If a customer raises multiple issues, they can only lodge the objection to a care percentage decision over the phone.

Objections to care percentage decisions where the notification date was before the relevant date follow the same process as for other objections.

Timeframes for lodging an objection

A customer must lodge their objection within 28 days of being notified of the decision. Customers living in a reciprocating jurisdiction have 90 days to lodge an objection. To apply outside this period, the customer must apply for an extension of time. They must give reasons why they didn’t lodge the objection in time.

Timeframe for making an objection decision

The objection process can take up to 60 days. The time frame is 120 days for customers in reciprocating jurisdictions. It requires the open exchange of information between all parties to the objection.

Objections to Change of Assessment decisions (Part 6A objections)

A different section of legislation (Part 6A) applies to objections to Change of Assessment decisions. A different team within Child Support processes Part 6A applications.

Objections to overseas Child Support liabilities

If the objection relates to a liability issued by an overseas authority, transmit the objection to the relevant overseas authority.

Roles and responsibilities

General Objections Service Officer (SO4):

  • to consider and either grant or refuse applications for extensions of time to object to decisions
  • to consider and allow (in whole or part) or disallow an objection to a decision

General Objections Service Officer (SO5):

  • to consider - and either grant or refuse - applications for extensions of time to object to decisions
  • to consider and allow (in whole or part) or disallow an objection to a decision
  • allow or disallow an objection in relation to a care percentage determined pursuant to s52 of the Child Support (Assessment) Act

Part 6A Objections Service Officer (SO6):

  • as per Service Officers (SO4) and (SO5) above
  • to consider and disallow an objection to a COA decision
  • to consider and allow (in whole or part) an objection to a COA decision
  • to make a new Part 6A decision when allowing (in whole or part) an objection to a COA decision (where all parties were involved prior to the original decision being made)

The Resources page contains links to:

  • Macros
  • Contact details
  • Letters
  • General and Part 6A Objections tools
  • Part 6A Objections specific tools
  • Forms
  • Security Incident Management
  • Customer contact - initial discussion
  • Completing the Statement of Reasons macro - General Objections
  • Objections COA Reasons evidence table


Care objections

Review objection

Gather evidence relating to Child Support objection

Make decision and finalise Child Support objection

Child Support objection received out of time - Extension of time and Special Circumstance application

Summary disallow of Child Support Part 6A objections

Care objections

Review objection

Gather evidence relating to Child Support objection

Make decision and finalise Child Support objection

Child Support objection received out of time - Extension of time and Special Circumstance application

Summary disallow of Child Support Part 6A objections

Centrelink - Child Support information exchange

Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support

Solutions Gateway Team

Child Support's information gathering powers

Letters for Child Support customers

New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information from NZIR to Child Support

New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between Inland Revenue, New Zealand and Child Support

New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) - Amended Certificates from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support

New Zealand Case Management - Bulk Annual Assessments of Child Support – NZIR to Child Support

New Zealand Case Management - Withdrawals and Returns to NZIR from Child Support

Transmittal of Child Support information (excluding New Zealand)

Contact with Child Support customers

Documenting Child Support information

Change in child support care levels

Change of Assessment Cuba Process Help

CSAOnline secure message Cuba Process Help

Documentation Cuba Process Help

Intray management Cuba Process Help

Letters Cuba Process Help

Objections Cuba Process Help

Section 120/161 notice Cuba Process Help

Sensitive issue management Cuba Process Help

Care Window

Client Profile Window

External Information Window

Issue Section 120/161 Notice Window

Objection Actions History Window

Objection Maintenance Window