Completing the Ending a child support assessment (CS1671) 277-51140030
This document outlines the process for completing the Ending a child support assessment (CS1671) form.
Customer requests end of assessment
When a customer ends an assessment, they are asking Child Support to stop calculating how much child support the paying parent should pay them. Customers can make the request by calling Child Support or by completing the Ending a child support assessment (CS1671).
If customers want to change from Child Support collection to private collection but still want Child Support to calculate their child support entitlement, they do not use this form. Instead, they need to contact Child Support.
By ending an assessment, the paying parent no longer has a requirement under child support legislation to pay child support from a certain date. Only customers with a current child support assessment for a stage two child can end an assessment.
Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers
Customers receiving more than the base rate of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A for the child (including customers who would receive more than base rate but for a payment choice) may voluntarily end a child support assessment in certain circumstances only.
If the customer elects to discharge their child support arrears they should be advised that they have effectively elected to collect privately any arrears of child support owing to them. This needs to be recorded as child support income. The discharged arrears amount is not included in the entitlement data from Child Support therefore the discharged amount will need to be added to the Child Support assessed amount and manually coded as the actual amount.
End an assessment when child leaves care or dies
Child Support can end an assessment without a request from the payee if child support terminating event occurs, for example, the child leaves their care or the child or the payer dies.
The customer needs to sign and date the form after checking it and reading the Declaration.
Returning form
Customers can lodge the form with the Centrelink or send it directly to Child Support (address of nearest office on back of form). Customers can also complete and print the form online.
The Resources page contains a link to the Services Australia website and contact details for Child Support.
Related links
Completing Child Support forms with Centrelink assistance
Completing the Child Support Statutory Declarations (CS4649 and CS4648)
Changing from Child Support collection to private collection: effect on Family Tax benefit (FTB)
Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems
Separating safely - protecting personal details