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Where to find child support information on Centrelink systems 277-51060000

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This document outlines where to find child support information used to assess a customer's entitlement to Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A under the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) and Maintenance Income Test (MIT). This information can be viewed at the customer, Maintenance Entitlement Group, and child levels.

FTB instalment claims

The Child Support Overview via Customer First Workspace provides an overview of the customer’s current child support assessment, including MAT, MIT and child support assessment and collection method.

Alternately, this information can be viewed via the Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) screen. On this screen, children are grouped according to whether or not the customer or their partner is entitled to take action to obtain child support for them.

Child support screens display child support entitlement and disbursement information transferred electronically from Child Support as well as information recorded manually.

The Assessment Explanation (AXFTB) screen indicates if FTB Part A is restricted to the base rate for a child due to the MAT.

Maintenance Income Test (MIT) details

A summary of the assessment of the customer's maintenance income can be viewed on the Rate Explanation (REXFTBA) screen.

Details of the customer's total annualised maintenance income, Maintenance Income Free Area (MIFA), MIT ceiling and maintenance income reduction can be viewed on the FTB Maintenance Assessment Explanation (REXFTBM) screen.

A detailed explanation of the maintenance income assessment can be viewed from the MIT Explanation Summary (MNEX) screen.

FTB reconciliation

After the end of each financial year, maintenance reconciliation occurs as part of the FTB reconciliation process. Separate screens are used to show how MAT and MIT were applied in the FTB reconciliation calculation. These can be viewed from the FAO Reconciliation (FRCS) screen.

FTB lump sum claims

For claims for 2008-09 onwards, child support details used for the relevant financial year can be viewed for a child or payer group from the Maint LSC Group Summary (MLGS) screen after selecting the child support recipient from the Maintenance Details Selection (FMPYS) screen.

For earlier years, child support income details can be viewed by selecting the recipient from the FMPYS screen. Maintenance action details can be viewed on the Child Maintenance Previous Year (CHMPY) screen after selecting the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen.

For FTB lump sum claims lodged with the Australian Taxation Office before July 2009, child support details are displayed on separate ATO claim screens.

FTB lump sum claim calculation screens show how child support details affected the lump sum claim result.


Finding old Fam (pre July 2000) maintenance information on Centrelink systems

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens

How to group children on a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) record

Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes

Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers

Maintenance Income Test (MIT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Modified Entitlement Method

Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim

Transfer of information between Centrelink and Child Support

What to check when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) rate has changed