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Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens 007-11070010

This document outlines information on the various screens used in calculating reconciliation and lump sum claims for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

Staff trained in Process Direct, select the Process Direct tab. Staff not trained, select Customer First.

Process Direct

Reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens

Table 1




FAO Reconciliation and Claim Summary (FRCS) screen + Read more ...

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation can be viewed using the FRCS screen and manually navigating to reconciliation screens using the navigation link on each screen.

The calculation status on the FRCS screen displays the status of reconciliation and lump sum claims for each financial year.

To view top-up or lump sum payment details, including parked payments, go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen using Super Key.

To check and view reconciliation pending reasons from the FRCS screen, go to Step 2.

To investigate reconciliation results from the FRCS screen via the:

For more information on:


FTB reconciliation or lump sum pending + Read more ...

On the FRCS screen, select the Reconciliation Pending line. The navigation link displays FAO Non Lodger Details (FNLD) and FTB Lump Sum and Reconciliation Pending (LRPF) screens.

  • Select the LRPF screen to display the reason FTB reconciliation or the customer's lump sum claim has not been finalised, and whose income details are still required
  • Go back to the FRCS screen, select the Reconciliation Pending line and select the FNLD screen. This screen displays the tax lodgement status

For more information on pending reasons, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation or lump sum claim pending.


FTB Calculation Result (FACRF) screen + Read more ...

On the FRCS screen, select the appropriate reconciliation/lump sum claim results to go to the FACRF screen using the navigation link.

  • For FTB reconciliation, it shows for each period:
    • the customer's legislative rate
    • whether a payment choice applied
    • the amount paid
    • the reconciliation or re-reconciliation result, and
    • the difference between this assessment and the amount paid during the year or in the previous reconciliation
  • For FTB lump sum claims, for each period it shows:
    • the calculation amount, or
    • the recalculation amount, and
    • the difference between the latest calculation and the previous calculation

From the FACRF screen, select the relevant period. To go to the:

  • FTB Late Lodger Top-Up Summary (FLLTS) screen, go to Step 4
  • FTB Component Calculation Result (FCCR) screen, go to Step 5
  • FTB Calculation Period Assessment Part A (FCPAA) screen, go to Step 6
  • FTB Calculation Period Assessment SIFS (FCPAS) screen, go to Step 7
  • FTB Reconciliation Type Assessment (FRTA) screen, go to Step 8


FTB Late Lodger Top-Up Summary (FLLTS) screen + Read more ...

The FLLTS screen displays:

  • Total calculated result before any adjustments are made, i.e. the amount they would have been entitled to had they not been a late lodger or late notifier
  • Inhibited amount (INHBT): the amount unpaid due to late lodgement or late notification
  • Manual Top-Up (MAN): any manual top ups amounts included in the late lodgement calculation result
  • More Choice for Families (MCFF) and PIP payable top-up: the amount deferred during the relevant financial year under a payment choice, prohibition and Mandatory Continuous Adjustment (MCA). This amount may be payable in late lodger/notifier reconciliation. Eligibility is subject to actual income assessment and less the amount deferred under MCA which is not payable
  • SIFS payable top-up: Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS) amount payable


FTB Component Calculation Result (FCCR) screen + Read more ...

The FCCR screen displays each component of FTB assessed in the financial year being viewed. This includes:

  • FTB Part A supplement
  • FTB Part B supplement
  • Single Income Family supplements
  • The customer’s legislative amount if a payment choice has been applied, and
  • Total amounts paid and entitled for each FTB component (including Newborn Supplement and Energy Supplement Part A and Part B) for the period selected

If the amount in the Paid $: field is greater than the Reco $: field (that is, a negative amount in the Difference $: field) the customer has been overpaid.

Select the left or right arrows to view the relevant periods.


FTB Calculation Period Assessment Part A (FCPAA) screen + Read more ...

FCPAA displays income and Part A and Part B assessment details for each period. Select the left or right arrows to view the relevant periods.

On the FCPAA screen, select the Income table and use the navigation link. To go to the:

On the FCPAA, select the Maintenance Income table and use the navigation link. To go to the:


FTB Calculation Period Assessment SIFS (FCPAS) + Read more ...

View taxable income and blended family details used for Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS) on the FCPAS screen.

Note: for the 2017-18 and later financial years, SIFS is not payable to customers unless they meet the SIFS grandfathering provisions.

For the:

  • FTB Calculation Period Income Summary (FICS) screen, go to Step 9
  • FTB Child Eligibility Summary (FCES) screen, go to Step 11


FTB Reconciliation Type Assessment (FRTA) screen + Read more ...

The FRTA screen shows:

  • the type of reconciliation performed for that period
  • partner details including the partner type, and
  • the adequate income reason for each person

Select the left or right arrows to view previous or next periods.

Go to Step 13.


FTB Calculation Period Income Summary (FICS) screen + Read more ...

Displays income details used in the Part A or Part B assessment for the calculation period. (SIFS is assessed using taxable income).

The screen is accessed from the FCPAA screen. Select:

  • a period on the FACRF screen
  • FCPAA screen
  • customer or partner record in the FTB income table
  • FICS screen

If the customer's partner is deceased, this screen will show Deceased Partner Income Annualised over NNN Days: and the Partner Name.

Each component of adjusted taxable income is listed and a three letter code explains where the income amount came from.

Partner name: displays the name of the partner for whom the partner income is displayed. Where the partner is an ex-partner who has a Deny Access record, the word 'Sensitive' will display in place of the name.

If the period is an ex-partner period, the result of the ex-partner period income comparison will be displayed. See Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation.

To view FICS screen for previous or next periods, use the left and right arrows.


FTB(B) Quarantine (FTBQ) screen + Read more ...

Displays details of the customer's eligibility to the FTB Part B Quarantine for the period.

The information on this screen is for display only and cannot be updated.

Select the left or right arrows to view previous or next period.


FTB Child Eligibility Summary (FCES) screen + Read more ...

This screen displays details regarding child eligibility for the selected period.

On the FCES screen:

  • The FTB Child Eligibility Summary (FCES) table displays:
    • all FTB children and the assessment details for each child for the calculation period
    • eligibility for FTB Part A, Part B, Newborn Supplement (NBS) and SIFS for each child listed
  • The FTB Child Eligibility Details (FCED) table displays
    • details of each component and status for the period selected on FCPAA screen
    • information about shared care, maintenance and the FTB Part A and B status for the child for each calculation period
    • details about a child’s immunisation status and whether an FTB Part A rate reduction has been applied
  • To view details in the FCED table, select the child record from the FCES table

For more information, see:


FTB Child Eligibility Count (FCEC) screen + Read more ...

The FCEC screen displays the FTB components, and the number of children linked to each component. This is a view only screen.

Access the FCEC screen by selecting View Count (FCEC) on the FCES screen.

Select the left or right arrows to view previous or next period.


FTB Lump Sum/Reco Maint Details (LRMD) screen + Read more ...

The LRMD screen displays how the annualised child support amount was worked out.

It breaks up the calculation periods into separate amounts received for the customer and/or partner and the relevant periods for each person.

To go to the LRMD screen:

  • Select the reconciliation completed line on FRCS > FACRF > FCPAA
  • Use the left or right arrows to view previous or next period
  • Select the relevant child record in the Maintenance Income table and go to the LRMD screen

The LRMD screen is a view only screen.


FTB Financial Yr Maint Expln (FYME) screen + Read more ...

The FYME screen provides additional information relating to the assessment of maintenance income.

On the FYME screen, select the Group Assessment to display the child/ren included in the assessment.

Select the left or right arrows to view previous or next period.

The FYME screen is a view only screen.


FTB Supplement Summary (FSUP) screen + Read more ...

The FSUP is screen displays the information about the FTB Part A and Part B supplement, including the number of days for which the supplement has been assessed, information about whether supplements have been included, and the supplement amount.

Select the navigation link to go to:

  • FTB Supplement Reduction Explanation (FSRE) screen for information on supplement reductions
  • FTB Supplement Status Details (FSSU) screen. This displays the FTB supplement status details and the information required for the supplement to be included in the calculation

See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A and Part B supplements for more details.


FAO Top-Up Action (FTUA) screen + Read more ...

To view the FTUA screen, go to the FRCS screen.

Go to the FTUA screen using the navigation link. This screen will display inhibited reconciliation/claim recalculation top-up amounts that have been inhibited and not paid.

For information on un-inhibiting suppressed supplements and Top Ups, see Reconciliation of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


FTB Withholding for Debt Recovery - CLK (FWDC) screen + Read more ...

To view the FWDC screen:

  • Go to the FRCS screen
  • Select the appropriate reconciliation/lump sum claim result
  • Go to the FWDC screen using the navigation link

This screen display the amounts withheld for debt recovery purposes and screen shows the breakdown of all the arrears calculated:

  • Components column - displays FTB components
  • Amount available for withholding column - displays the amounts paid for each component which will be the amount available for withholding
  • Withheld to reduce FAO debt column - this displays the amount withheld
  • Current and Other Debt Withheld - Displays the Debt ID, financial year the overpayment relates to and the amount withheld

To view a summary of all FTB debt offsetting that has occurred for the customer, see the FTB Debt Offset Summary (FTBDOS) screen in Customer First.

The FTB Debt Offset Arrears Type (FTBDOAT) screen can be accessed via the FTBDOS screen in Customer First and shows all types of arrears being produced and used by the offsetting process for a particular activity.

The Debt Offset Summary (OPOS) screen in Customer First displays a list of each offsetting occurrence that exists for a particular debt in context.


FAO Reconciliation Manual Adjustment (FRMA) screen + Read more ...

Go to the FRMA screen via the FRCS screen.

Select the link for the relevant reconciliation/lump sum claim result and go to the FRMA screen using the navigation link.

To have the reconciliation result manually adjusted on the FRMA screen, see Reconciliation of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


FTB Manual Intervention (FAMIV) screen + Read more ...

The FAMIV screen is accessed from the FRCS screen by selecting the FAMIV option on the navigation link for the relevant assessment.

The FAMIV screen displays the manual intervention reasons related to a particular activity.

For activities requiring manual intervention, a warning will display on the Entitlements (ELD) screen.

For more information, refer to Manual Interventions screens.


FTB Maximum Deferral Amount (FMDA) + Read more ...

Once the late lodger or late notifier FTB reconciliation completes, the FMDA screen displays the FTB entitlement the customer chose to defer until after the end of the relevant financial year and/or amounts unpaid due to Prohibition (PIP).

For more information, see Non-lodger and late lodger process for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation.

Procedure ends here.


FAO Reconciliation & Claim Transaction (FRCT) + Read more ...

A transaction may be sent to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) if:

  • actual income has been received from the ATO, and
  • the result remains pending for a reason other than WAI (wait for actual income) or OPD (other period delay)

See Criteria for transaction to be sent to ATO.

For more information on Debt offsetting, see Debt offsetting during family assistance reassessment, reconciliation and claim processing.

Procedure ends here.


FAO Blended Percentage Override (FBPO) screen + Read more ...

If the blended family percentage used for FTB reconciliation does not match the latest details for the same period on the Blended Families Split FTB Rate (FBSR) screen, the FBPO screen can be updated by Specialist Staff to correct the result.

For more information, refer to Re-reconciliation of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


MNOI screen + Read more ...

The MNOI screen enables Child Support Unit (CSU) and other specialist staff to update maintenance income details for a past period to ensure the FTB reconciliation result is correct. At present, updates do not affect ongoing FTB entitlement although they are used in the Continual Adjustment process to calculate a projected overpayment.

Other users have view only access.

Go to the MNOI screen using Super Key via the Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen.

Fields on MNOI screen:

  • Income Year: is the financial year to which the override applies. This defaults to the previous financial year. To view details for other years, enter the financial year in the drop down box
  • Entitlement Group: is the group selected
  • Start Date is the start date of the override period
  • End Date is the end date of the override period
  • Amount is the total maintenance income (excluding capitalised maintenance) the customer received for this entitlement group between the start date and end date inclusive. The amount coded will override all maintenance income details for the group for the period, except for capitalised maintenance
  • Reason is the reason for the override

For more information about use of the MNOI screen and how to refer cases to the CSU, see Amending maintenance income details on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen.

Customer First

On this Page:

Reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens

Further reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Lump Sum FTB claim screens

ATO Lump Sum FTB claim finalisation

Reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens

Table 1: this table contains the calculation screens which show how a customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) entitlement was calculated. Note: all CCB/CCR references relate to financial years prior to 2018/2019.




FRCS screen + Read more ...

To view details, see Enquires about Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation or lump sum claim.

The FTB and CCB Reconciliation workflow is the starting point for all Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Benefit (CCB) reconciliation or lump sum claim enquiries from 1 July 2010 onwards.

Pre June 2010 Family Tax Benefit reconciliation can only be reviewed using the FAO Reconciliation and Claim Summary (FRCS) screen and manually navigating reconciliation screens.

If status is pending, see Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation or lump sum claim pending.

Note: the ATO Sensitive Warning (ATOSW) screen may warn that some information displayed on the lump sum and reconciliation enquiry screens must not be given to the customer.

From each screen, press [F1] to view screen help for more information about the screen.

The Calculation Status: FTB Reconciliation and FTB Lump Sum Claims displays the status of reconciliation and lump sum claims for each financial year.

The MCI Link Open: field shows whether a link with the ATO exists per the mutual customer identification process.

To view top-up or lump sum payment details on the Payment Summary (PS) screen, including parked payment details, see Table 2 > Step 7.

From the FRCS screen:

Note: from an FTB reconciliation or lump sum claim reassessment activity, access the FRCS screen by typing 'V' beside the relevant line on the Assessment Result (AR) screen and pressing [Enter]


Reconciliation & Claim Period Summary (RCPS) screen + Read more ...

Access to the RCPS screen will be allowed except for a 'Reconciliation Not Attempted' line on the FRCS screen or where no reconciliation or lump sum assessment periods have been determined.

The RCPS screen displays the reconciliation, lump sum claim and non-claim periods for FTB for a relevant income year in chronological order.

  • The Calculation Type: will display:
    • FTB Period of Reconciliation, or
    • Non Claimed Period, or
    • ATO Lump Sum Claim
  • Press [Enter] to return to FRCS screen

Procedure ends here.


FTB Calculation Result (FACRF) screen + Read more ...

For FTB reconciliation, it shows for each period the customer's legislative rate, whether a payment choice applied, the amount paid, the reconciliation or re-reconciliation result, and the difference between this assessment and the amount paid during the year or in the previous reconciliation.

For FTB lump sum claims, for each period it shows the calculation amount, or the recalculation amount and the difference between the latest calculation and the previous calculation.

  • 'S'elect a period to view more details for the period. Go to Step 4
  • Code 'R' next to a period to view Reconciliation Type Assessment (FRTA) screen which shows the type of reconciliation performed for that period, partner details including the partner type, and the adequate income reason for each person
  • Code 'B' next to a period to view a breakdown of entitlement for each FTB component. See Table 2 > Step 5
  • Code 'K' next to a period to view any change adjustments and reasons for that FTB entitlement period. 'K' is not an option for total Auto/ Manual/ Special adjustments
  • If an amount appears in the Total Auto/Man/Special Adjustment line, see Table 2 > Step 6
  • Press [Enter] to return to FRCS screen

Procedure ends here.


FTB Calculation Period Assessment (FCPA) screen + Read more ...

FCPA displays a summary of FTB Part A, Part B and Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS) assessment data for the period.

  • 'S'elect FTB(A) Status to view income, maintenance income, and Part A assessment details via the FTB Calculation Period Assessment Part A (FCPAA) screen
  • 'S'elect FTB(B) Status to view income and assessment details via the FTB Calculation Period Assessment Part B (FCPAB) screen
  • 'S'elect FTB (B) Secondary Earner to view details used for Part B quarantine, see Table 2 > Step 8
  • 'S'elect SIFS Status to view taxable income and blended family details used for SIFS on the FTB Calculation Period Assessment SIFS (FCPAS) screen. Note: for the 2017-18 and later financial years, SIFS is not payable to customers unless they meet the SIFS grandfathering provisions
  • 'S'elect Child Details Display go view child assessment for all FTB components, see Table 2 > Step 4
  • Press [F7] or [F8] to view FCPAA screen for previous or next period
  • Press [Enter] to return to the FACRF screen

Procedure ends here.


FTB Calculation Period Income Summary (FICS) screen + Read more ...

Displays income details used in the Part A or Part B assessment for the calculation period. (SIFS is assessed using taxable income.)

The screen is accessed from the FCPAA or FCPAB screen after selecting a period on the FACRF screen, then selecting FTB(A) Status or FTB(B) Status on the FCPA screen, and then selecting FTB Income.

If the customer's partner is deceased, this screen will show Deceased Partner Income Annualised over NNN Days: and the Partner Name.

Each component of adjusted taxable income is listed and a three letter code explains where the income amount came from.

Partner name: displays the name of the partner for whom the partner income is displayed. Where the partner is an ex-partner who has a sensitive record, the word 'Sensitive' will display in place of the name.

If the period is an ex-partner period, the result of the ex-partner period income comparison will be displayed. See Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation.

  • Press [F7] or [F8] to view FICS screen for previous or next period
  • Press [Enter] to return to FCPAA or FCPAB screen

Procedure ends here.


Maintenance reconciliation screens + Read more ...

The FAO Lump Sum & Reco Maint Summary (LRMS) screen displays:

  • Calculation Result: total annualised maintenance income for the financial year
  • Calculation Period: each separate relevant period. Where relevant periods for separate payers overlap, the periods will be combined and the annualised amounts added
  • Income Source:
    • 'ATO' - information provided by customer on the ATO FTB lump sum claim (including mixed delivery customers)
    • 'CLK' - information recorded on the Centrelink record, provided by the customer or Child Support
    • 'CLS' - information provided on the Centrelink lump sum claim
  • MIFA Count: number of children assessed in working out the Maintenance Income Free Area (MIFA)
  • MIFA:

From the LRMS screen:

  • 'S'elect a period to view further child support details for the period on the FTB Lump Sum & Reco Maint Details (LRMD) screen
  • Code 'M' next to a calculation period to view Maintenance Income Credit calculation details on the MIC Reco Adjustment (LRMJ) screen
  • Press [Enter] to return to the FRCS screen


LRMD screen + Read more ...

The LRMD screen displays how the annualised child support amount was worked out. It breaks up the calculation period selected from the LRMS screen into separate amounts received for the customer and/or partner and the relevant periods for each person.

  • Change the Period or Payer field to view LRMD screen for that period/payer group
  • Code 'C' next to group line to view the FTB Maint Child Periods (LRMC) screen. Go to Step 8
  • Code 'I' next to group line to view the FTB Maint Child Income (LRMI) screen. See Table 2 > Step 1
  • Code 'P' next to a group line to view the FTB Reco Maint Periods (LRMP) screen for the entitlement group for the financial year. See Table 2 > Step 2
  • Code 'O' next to group line to view the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen. See Table 2 > Step 3
  • Press [Enter] to return to the LRMS screen


LRMC screen + Read more ...

For each child in the entitlement group selected from the LRMD screen, the LRMC screen displays a separate line for each change in the child's child support circumstances during the financial year. These determine the relevant period for the entitlement group:

  • The start date (date of effect) of the circumstance period
  • Whether this period was used to work out the entitlement group’s relevant period:
    • 'Relevant Period' counts toward relevant period
    • 'Extended Period' counts toward relevant period
    • 'No Relevant Period'
  • A 3 letter period reason code. Often this will reflect the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes
  • A general comment where required to indicate that income was excluded

From the LRMC screen:

  • Press [F7] or [F8] to scroll up or down
  • Press [Enter] to return to LRMD screen

Further reconciliation and lump sum claim calculation screens

Table 2: this table contains further screens used in calculating Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation and lump sum claims.




LRMI screen + Read more ...

For each child in the entitlement group selected from the LRMD screen, the LRMI screen displays separate details for each change in maintenance income during the financial year:

  • start and end date of period and number of days
  • assessment method used for maintenance reconciliation for the period:
  • amount received for period and a running year to date total which is not annualised
  • all types of maintenance income are included: Child Support disbursements or entitlements, actual maintenance, capitalised maintenance, Stage 2 Agreement amounts, Pre-Stage 1 amounts, voluntary payments and previous year adjustments
  • whether a percentage of the amount received was excluded due to child support received for child disability expenses
  • if no maintenance income was assessed for the child for the period, it may display:
    • 'No Relevant Period'
    • 'Income Excluded' - customer only received FTB Part A base rate for child rate due Maintenance Action Test (MAT) codes
    • 'Extend Period' - the child's relevant period was extended by a disbursement. Income is excluded for this period, other than disbursed amounts. Note: if the child is base rate restricted, 'Income Excluded' will appear

To print all pages for screen, type 'Y' in PRINT: field and press [Enter].

The LRMI screen shows the total non-annualised amount received for the entitlement group. Press [Enter] to view the annualised amount on the LRMD screen.


LRMP screen + Read more ...

The LRMP screen shows the relevant period/s for the customer/partner for a particular entitlement group for a financial year.

It is only available for a financial year after that year has ended.

The screen is used to check reconciliation results and to help specialist staff update the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen.

To view the LRMP screen, either:

  • 's'elect the group on the Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen and type 'Y' in the GO TO: LRMP field
  • code 'P' in the Go To: field on the MNOI screen
  • code 'P' next to a group line on the LRMD screen

Note: if navigating via a reconciliation line, the relevant periods displayed will be those used for that reconciliation, even if they have been updated since. The 'Calc Status' field on LRMP will only display if a reconciliation line was selected.


MNOI screen + Read more ...

The MNOI screen enables Child Support Unit (CSU) and other specialist staff to update maintenance income details for a past period to ensure the FTB reconciliation result is correct. At present, updates do not affect ongoing FTB entitlement although they are used in the Continual Adjustment process to calculate a projected overpayment.

Other users have view only access.

To go to the MNOI screen:

  • if reconciliation has completed, type 'O' next to the group line on the FTB Lump Sum & Reco Maint Details (LRMD) screen
  • if reconciliation has not completed, type 'Y' in the GO TO: MNOI field on the Mtce Ent`ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen

Fields on MNOI screen:

  • Income Year: is financial year to which the override applies. This defaults to the previous financial year if navigating from MNGS screen or the same year as the LRMD screen. Press [F10]/[F11] to view details for other years, or enter the financial year in this field
  • Entitlement Group: is the group selected via MNGS or LMRD screen to which the override applies
  • Start Date is the start date of the override period
  • End Date is the end date of the override period
  • Amount is the total maintenance income (excluding capitalised maintenance) the customer received for this entitlement group between the start date and end date inclusive. The amount coded will override all maintenance income details for the group for the period, except for capitalised maintenance
  • Reason is the reason for the override

For more information about use of the MNOI screen and how to refer cases to the CSU, see Amending maintenance income details on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen.

Procedure ends here.


FTB Child Eligibility Summary (FCES) screen + Read more ...

Displays all FTB children and the assessment details for each child for the calculation period, as available on the FTB Assessment Details (ASDT) screen.

For each child listed, eligibility for FTB Part A, Part B Newborn Supplement (NBS) and SIFS is shown. This page also displays information about shared care, maintenance and the FTB Part A rate reduction for the child.

  • 'S'elect a child to view further details on the FTB Child Eligibility Details (FCED) screen
  • Press [F7] or [F8] to view details for the previous or next period listed on LRMS screen
  • Press [Enter] to return to the FCPA screen

Procedure ends here.


FTB Component Calculation Result (FCCR) screen and FTB Component Calculation Result Supplements (FCCRS) screen + Read more ...

FCCR displays the customer’s legislative amount if a payment choice applies, and total amounts paid and entitled for each FTB component (including Newborn Supplement (NBS) and Energy Supplement Part A and Part B) for the period selected.

'S'electing the Supplements field on the FCCR screen will navigate to the FCCRS screen.

FCCRS displays the additional supplements including FTB Part A and B supplements and Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS) (where eligible) that make up the total paid or entitled amount for the calculation period.

The information displayed will be the same as that on the period view of the Rate Component (RAC) screen for the same period.

  • Press [F7] or [F8] to view details for previous or next period
  • Press [Enter] to return to FACRF screen

Procedure ends here.


Adjustments + Read more ...

The Total Auto/Man/Special Adjustment line on the FACRF screen is used to show adjustments to a customer's reconciliation result.

While manual adjustments such as a manual intervention activity are shown, not all adjustments are manual. The majority of the adjustments shown are automatically generated by the system.

  • In initial reconciliation, the most common adjustment is a qualification overpayment that has been incorrectly zeroed for reconciliation and has been included as an adjustment (for example, child left care, change in rent details)
  • In re-reconciliation, the most common adjustment is the overpayment amount from the previous reconciliation (for example, previous reconciliation result was a debt of $900, re-reconciliation includes the $900 in the calculation as a $900 adjustment)

As most of the adjustments occur as part of an automated reconciliation activity, do not refer these adjustments as manual unless certain they are a manual activity. If the reconciliation result is quite complex, refer the customer's query to the appropriate person for explanation.

The FTB Total Adjustment Period Display (FTAPD) screen displays the adjustment period, reason for auto adjustment and any manual FTB adjustments made via the FTB Confirm Reco Amounts (FCRA) screen.

Calculation Result: $ (negative or positive) this amount is the total entitlement for reconciliation after any adjustments have been taken into account.

The period From: and To: dates will display, in chronological order, any suppressed ex-partner period debts, suppressed income support period debts or any adjustments made on the Rate Component (RAC) screen.

  • Code 'Y' in Go To FRCAS Screen: to view FTB Special Adjustment Periods/Reasons
  • Press [Enter] to return to the FCPA screen

Procedure ends here.


Top-up or lump sum payment details on the Payment Summary (PS) screen + Read more ...

  • Payment Type: field
    • 'Parked CAN' - when reconciliation or a lump sum claim is processed, any arrears amount is parked awaiting the 'wash up' transaction to come back from the ATO. Where there has been a 'Pre-Issue Cancellation' of the customer’s NA, the arrears will be 'Parked Can' until the correct income comes across from the ATO. To view details, see Manual intervention where Australian Taxation Office (ATO) cancels Notice of Assessment (NOA).
    • 'Parked' - ATO FTB claim payment was delivered by the ATO
    • 'ATO Arr' - ATO claim and or reconciliation payment was delivered by Centrelink
  • Sent to: field
    • 'ATO To Deliver' - when the payment Type: is 'Parked CAN'
    • 'ATO Delivered' - when the payment Type: is 'Parked'

Type 'S' next to payment line and press [Enter] to go to the Payment Details (PD) screen.

Procedure ends here.


FTB (B) Quarantine (FTBQ) screen + Read more ...

Displays details of the customer's eligibility to the FTB Part B Quarantine for the period.

The information on this screen is for display only and cannot be updated.

Press [F7] or [F8] to view details for previous or next period.

Press [Enter] to return to FCPA screen.

For more information, see:

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Lump Sum FTB claim screens

Table 3: this table describes the screens for an FTB lump sum claim lodged by a customer via the ATO.




General information + Read more ...

ATO General Information (ATOGI) screen

This screen displays the following ATO transaction fields:

  • Claim lodgement date at ATO
  • Claim receipt date at Centrelink
  • Claim has errored
  • Cancellation of NA

ATO Enquiry Menu (ATOENQ) screen

This screen displays a list of enquiry screens for ATO-specific information.


Claim selector + Read more ...

ATO FTB Claim Selector (ATOCLM) screen

This is the ATO claim information screen. It is used to select a financial year for details or start a re-assessment.

Note: third party details from this screen must not be provided to customers verbally or in writing. As printed information from this screen may contain third party details, printouts of this screen must not be given to customers.

  • To view details, type 'V' in Action: for the relevant financial year and press [Enter] to go to the ATO Customer Personal Details (ATOCPD) screen with option to go to further screens
  • To start a reassessment, type 'S' in Action: for the relevant financial year and press [Enter] to go to the ATO Task Selector (ATOTS) screen to select screens for updating. To update, enter Source: and Date of Receipt (DOR):


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Task Selector (ATOTS) screen

This is the selection point to navigate to the ATO relevant screens. It lists relevant screens and displays a 'Y' in data exists: if information is available on that screen for the claimant.

  • Type 'S' next to financial year on ATO FTB Claim Selector (ATOCLM) screen and press [Enter] to go to the ATOTS screen
  • Type 'S' beside one or more screen names on ATOTS and press [Enter] to navigate to the screens selected


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ATO Claimant Personal Details Summary (ATOCPD) screen

This is a display only screen. It shows a customer's personal details as supplied for a particular financial year. ATO FTB Claim Selector (ATOCLM) screen will navigate to the enquiry only screens commencing with ATOCPD.

ATO Customer/Spouse Details (ATOCSD) screen

This screen displays the death date of the customer and/or partner provided on the ATO FTB claim.

It also displays relevant periods where the customer was overseas in the last three years if one period was for more than 13 weeks (26 weeks for departures before 1 July 2004).


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ATO Spouse Personal Details (ATOSPD) screen

This is a display only screen. It shows details of a customer's partner(s) as supplied for a particular financial year. If the customer had more than one partner, there will be a page for each partner.

ATO Spouse Name Details (ATOSND) screen

This screen displays the partner’s name and date of birth as supplied on the ATO FTB claim even if it is different to the name on Centrelink records. It also displays their Customer Reference Number (CRN).

A page displays for each relevant partner.

ATO Customer/Spouse Details (ATOCSD) screen

This screen displays the relevant periods where the customer was overseas. It shows any dates the claimant was overseas after an initial departure longer than 13 weeks (26 weeks for departures before 1 July 2004) in the last three years.

If applicable, this screen also displays death date of the customer and/or partner provided on the ATO FTB claim details.


Income information + Read more ...

ATO Claimant Income Details (ATOCID) screen

This screen displays the customer's actual or estimated adjusted taxable income for the relevant financial year. It also shows periods overseas in the last three years if one absence was greater than 13 weeks (26 weeks for departures before 1 July 2004).

ATO Spouse Income Details (ATOSID) screen

This screen shows details of a customer's and partner's income. Where a partner has not yet lodged their Income Tax Return, the income details may be an estimate.

FAO Income for Previous Years (FIPY) screen

This screen is used to record estimates for previous years for ATO and Centrelink FTB lump sum claims and Child Care Benefit - Approved care (CCF) lump sum claims and for reconciliation. This screen displays the actual or estimated amount for all six components of adjusted taxable income. Note: from 2 July 2018, Child Care Subsidy (CCS) replaced CCB.

Actual income received from the ATO will be displayed on this screen but cannot be updated.

A separate page displays for the customer and each relevant partner.


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ATO Child/Child Screen Selector (ATOCCS) screen

This screen is used to select child/ren for updating or viewing details.

The screen displays the name and date of birth for the child as stored on the Centrelink database. If the name supplied on the ATO lump sum claim is different to the Centrelink name then it will be added as an 'also known as' (AKA) name but can only be viewed on the ATODDS screen.

Y under Data Exists: indicates information is recorded on the ATOCC, ATOCD or the ATOCM screen.

These screens display details provided by the customer on their claim. Details can be updated.

  • ATO Child Circumstances (ATOCC) screen displays:
    • claim periods for the child
    • qualification codes
    • student status
    • shared care percentages

ATO Child Details (ATOCD) screen displays child details of periods overseas and multiple birth indicator.

  • ATO Child Maintenance Action (ATOCM) screen displays child support entitlement and child support income details
  • ATO Dependent Details (ATODDS) screen. Display only screen. A separate page for each child displays details provided by the customer on their claim including name, gender, date of birth, multiple birth indicator, periods overseas and child support details


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ATO Family Circumstances Details (ATOFCD) screen

This screen is used to record and display customer and partner/ex-partner relationship details supplied with the ATO FTB claim for the relevant financial year. Partners are allocated a number that corresponds with the Ptr No: field.

  • Ptr No: Partner as at 30/6 indicator. This field corresponds to the number of partners in the year
  • Agreed %: Percentage of FTB to be paid to the customer for this period, the blended family %

ATO Family Circs Periods (ATOFCP) screen

This screen displays the relationship and dependent circumstance details as provided by the claimant to ATO.

A list of children by number with a start and end date for period/s in the customer's care. Separate periods are listed for each change in the customer's relationship status. Details include blended family and shared care percentages.


Maintenance details + Read more ...

ATO Maintenance Details Selection (ATOMDS) screen

This screen displays the names of the claimant, partner or ex-partner(s) listed on the claimant's ATO FTB lump sum claim.

Y in Recipient: field means that the person received maintenance.

'S'elect a maintenance recipient to go to the ATOMRD screen for the person selected.

ATO Maintenance Recipient Details (ATOMRD) screen

This screen displays the amount of child support the customer and/or partner received and the relevant periods it was for (per payer).

Payer Action: field allows details to be inserted for a separate payer or for details for the payer to be deleted.

ATO Maintenance Income Detail (ATOMID) screen

This screen displays the maintenance income details for the claimant and/or partner for the selected financial year.

The payer's name is not given. Payers are listed in numerical order. The periods are provided by the claimant.

There can be more than one relevant period for the income amount and more than one payer per person. Total maintenance income received from a payer is displayed.

ATO Child Maintenance Action (ATOCM) screen

This screen is used to record and display child support details as advised by the customer on their claim. It shows the date they or their partner were entitled to claim child support, and either the date they took action to obtain child support or the date from which an exemption applied.

ATO Lump Sum FTB claim finalisation

Table 4: this table describes the final screens accessed for FTB lump sum claims lodged by a customer via the ATO.




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ATO Consent Details (ATOCON) screen

This screen displays the consentee's details where the ATO FTB lump sum claimant has given consent to recover the debt of the consentee.

ATO Consent to Recover Debt (ATOCRD) screen

This screen is used to record and display the debt consent indicator and the CRN of the consentee as supplied on the ATO FTB claim or income transaction.

If the ATO claimant or Centrelink customer (consentor) consents to withhold another person's (consentee) debt from his/her tax return, the details of the consentee will be supplied with the ATO transaction.

This consent is only for recovery by the ATO and not for recovery by Centrelink and not for Centrelink debts.


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Customer Identification Match Totals (CIMT) screen

This screen will display the total number of outstanding claims that need indexing on the Customer Identification Match summary (CIMS) screen. Staff can enter their region on this screen.

Customer Match Selection Screen (CMSS) screen

This screen displays the selected person, as well as all the other persons listed on the ATO claim. This screen will be the point at which a Service Officer selects the person/s for manual indexing or to add the person.

Customer Confirm Identification Match (CCIM) screen

This screen is used to compare the person selected from the CMSS screen with the person selected from the Name List (IL) screen. This screen displays data for both records and the Service Officer is to determine if these persons are the same person.


Work items + Read more ...

Work Item List (WIL) and Work Item Details (WID) screens

When ATO FTB lump sum claim information is transferred to Centrelink, sometimes the automatic process stalls and manual intervention is required to correct details.

When this happens, a work item is created in a started activity that lists the details to be corrected. Work items can be 'errored' or 'unprocessed' and either 'primed' or 'not primed'.

  • Errored work item - the automatic process could not be completed as there was an error during batch processing
  • Unprocessed work item - the unprocessed work item could not be completed due to an errored work item. Once the error work item is fixed any unprocessed work items can be actioned. This is usually because one item is dependent on the other, for example, unable to process a child because the child could not be identified on the Centrelink record. Once the child is added, the unprocessed work for the child can be done
  • Primed work item - the information does not need to be coded into the fields as it has been done in automatically
  • Not primed work item - the information needs to be coded into the fields as it was not done in the automatically

Code 'G' beside the error and press [Enter] to go to the errored screen.

'S'elect the error and press [Enter] to go to the WID screen.

When the error is fixed, code 'T' beside the error and press [Enter].


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ATO Sensitive Warning (ATOSW) screen

Do not disclose to the customer the individual components of actual income of a partner or ex-partner without their expressed consent.

This screen displays when navigating to the:

  • FAO Reconciliation and Lump Sum Calculation (FRCS) screen
  • FAO Income for Previous Year (FIPY) screen, or
  • ATO Spouse Income Details (ATOSID) screen

This is to remind users that income details for a partner cannot be given out. Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) does not apply to ATO information.

Verify customer income details and total income used in the FTB lump sum claim but do not give a breakdown of partner/s income to customer.

Automatic Transaction Warning (ATW) screen

This is a warning screen to prevent a Service Officer from accidentally taking over an activity before the automatic process is completed.

When the automatic process stalls, an activity will be on the Activity List (AL) screen waiting for the system to pick it up at a later time and retry the automatic process.

If an assessor selects this activity in the meantime, a warning will be produced on the ATW screen asking the Service Officer if they actually want to take over the activity or not.

It is suggested that the Service Officer does not accept these activities the first time as this will allow the system to try and complete the claim activity automatically at a later time.


ATO Non-lodger Partner Exemption + Read more ...

ATO Non-lodger Partner Exemption screen (ATONLPE)

This screen is used to record and display that the ATO customer's partner, who was their partner as at 30 June of the relevant year, is no longer their partner due to either separation or death.

On initial access the financial year field will be blank and will display the partner as at 30 June 2001. The financial year, reason and date of event fields are to be updated, including source and date of receipt.

Valid reason codes for ATONLPE screen:

  • SEP - separated. SEP is used when a customer advises they separated from their partner after 30 June 2001
  • DEA - deceased. DEA is used when their partner, as per the ATO claim, has died
  • NLS - no longer separated. NLS is used where the customer had an ATO partner as at 30 June 2001, and advised after 1 July 2001 that they have separated. The customer then subsequently advises that they have reconciled, therefore NLS is to be coded on the ATONLPE screen

If the ATONLPE screen has already been updated:

  • go to the ATOCLM screen
  • select the relevant financial year line
  • code the source and date of receipt fields
  • the ATOTS screen will display
  • select the ATONLPE screen
  • code the appropriate reason (SEP, DEA or NLS)

Some customers may have an extension to lodge their Income Tax Return with the ATO. Advise these customers that if they do not lodge their Income Tax Return with the ATO by the 30 June they will not receive a top-up (if applicable) and they will receive a non-lodger debt for FTB.