Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation or lump sum claim pending 007-11010020
This document outlines the pending reasons for FTB reconciliation and FTB lump sum claim assessments.
Customer enquiries
If a customer asks why reconciliation or assessment of the claim has not occurred, advise them why it has not occurred, and check details confirm what information is still required.
FTB reconciliation or lump sum payment is parked
If the customer's FTB reconciliation or lump sum payment is parked as reconciliation has already occurred, Service Officers should check that the relevant Australian Taxation Office (ATO) information has been received.
Pending reasons
FTB reconciliation or lump sum claim calculation may be pending because one or more of the following applies:
- Information about payments received by the customer or their partner from Services Australia is not yet available
- Actual income details needed for the customer or their partner have not been received from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO):
- If actual income details are received for one member of a couple, reconciliation is delayed for up to 4 days in case the partner's actual income details become available
- Note: Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS) is assessed using taxable income, not adjusted taxable income (ATI) as for FTB Part A and Part B. This means that FTB reconciliation could result in only SIFS entitlement being assessed. Note: for the 2017-18 and later years, customers must meet the SIFS grandfathering provisions for SIFS to be paid at reconciliation
- The reconciliation outcome is a debt, and there is a pause on debt raising due to a declared major disaster or emergency event such as a pandemic (not used for new disasters declared after August 2022)
- Adequate care details are not yet available for an FTB lump sum claim - a care assessment is required, and care assessment data has not yet been received from Child Support
- For blended families, the customer has lodged a lump sum claim and requested a blended family percentage, but a claim has not been lodged/processed for their partner
- The immunisation status of an FTB child is unknown due to a pending link with the Australian Immunisation Register for an FTB lump sum claim
- An FTB immunisation grace period commenced on or before 30 June which has not yet ended, and reconciliation cannot occur until:
- the child meets immunisation requirements or
- the FTB immunisation grace period ends (whichever occurs first)
The Resources page contains a link to the FTB reconciliation timeline.
Related links
Enquiries about Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation or lump sum claim
Recording not required to lodge advice and previous year income
Alignment of Care processing for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims
Family assistance reconciliation and lump sum claim screens
Debt offsetting during family assistance reassessment, reconciliation and claim processing
Previous partners and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation
Accessing and using Centrelink self service
Manual intervention into family assistance reconciliation