Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim in Customer First 277-51070020
Families and Child Care Processing Service Staff only
This page contains information for Service Officers to follow when recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim.
Record child support details for a previous year FTB claim
This table describes the process for Families and Child Care Processing staff to follow when recording child support details for a previous year FTB claim. Look up local Processing Service details for: FTB Maintenance Updates.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer lodges claim + Read more ...
Customer lodges a FTB lump sum claim or later advises a change to child support details for their claim. Details provided by the customer are recorded and used to assess FTB for the previous financial year only. They do not affect ongoing FTB instalments. From 1 January 2012 children aged 16-18 years will also be included in lump sum claim processing when applying the Maintenance Action Test (MAT), Maintenance Income rules and assessing Maintenance Income Credits (MIC). FTB mixed delivery customers: If the customer also claimed FTB instalments in the same financial year, child support details provided for the lump sum claim will be used to reassess FTB for the instalment period, even if the lump sum claim is rejected. If there is a significant difference between details on the record and details advised on the lump sum claim, follow this up with the customer. |
2 |
Maintenance details selection screen (FMPYS) + Read more ... Go to the Maintenance Details Selection (FMPYS) screen for the relevant financial year. Did the customer have a child from a previous relationship in their care during the relevant financial year?
3 |
Claims for 2008-09 to 2010-11 + Read more ... Has the customer given their permission on their claim to obtain information directly from Child Support?
4 |
Claims for 2011-12 onwards + Read more ... From 2011-12 onwards, all claims are assessed using information from Child Support. Customers can no longer self-assess their child support. If the customer indicates on the claim that they have not taken action for their child, and they have not given a reason for which an exemption may be applicable (e.g. other parent overseas, family and domestic violence, parentage unknown etc.), the customer fails the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) for the relevant child for the relevant financial year. The Use Child Support Agency data? field will automatically default to 'Y'. Do not attempt to change this, even if the customer has not taken action to obtain child support. A Manual Follow-up (MFU) is created when the lump sum claim activity is finalised but the claim status is pending, awaiting child support details, see 'Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claim pending Child Support data' information in Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews for further details. For action by: Child Support Units Check that mutual customer matching with Child Support has been successful and take appropriate action if there has been a mismatch at the customer, payer or child level. If there are no mismatches, contact Child Support to confirm if the customer did in fact have a child support case for the relevant financial year. If it is confirmed that the customer:
Smart Centre Processing teams If the Fast Note from the CSU indicates that there is no child support case, check if the customer may be entitled to more than base rate FTB due to income. If so, call the customer to explain that Child Support has confirmed they did not have a child support case, therefore they can only be assessed for FTB at the base rate (due to failing the MAT).
If the customer did not take action and an exemption is not applicable or the customer is not entitled to more than base rate FTB due to income, they will fail MAT for the relevant child for the relevant financial year. Update as follows:
Ensure that the DOC contains all information obtained from the customer. The DOC also needs to state: 'AXB has been used for the financial year as the customer did not take reasonable action and AXB has therefore been coded to ensure that only base rate is paid. NMA has been coded from 1 July of the next financial year so that the customer is not identified as an ongoing AXB customer.' |
5 |
Claim pending Child Support Data + Read more ... The customer's claim will not be finalised until data is received from Child Support. From 1 January 2012 this also includes children aged 16-18 years who are in full time secondary study and Child Support extension data for children who turn 18 whilst a full time secondary student.
6 |
Child support entitlement registered + Read more ... Did the customer or their partner have a child support entitlement registered for collection by Child Support during the financial year?
Go to the Maintenance Details Selection (FMPYS) screen for the relevant financial year. 'S'elect the person (customer, partner or ex-partner) who was entitled to child support during the year or who was not required to take action to obtain child support for their child from a previous relationship. The FMPYS screen lists all partners linked to the customer on the Marital Status (MS) screen. |
7 |
Maint LSC Group Summary (MLGS) screen + Read more ... To add a payer group, code 'Y' in the Add new group?: field. To correct details, code 'C' next to payer group or child and then update details. To delete details, code 'D' next to payer group or child and confirm deletion, e.g. wrong payer group type, payer group was recorded against the wrong person, or the child was added to the wrong payer group. Did the person receive child support income from the payer during the relevant financial year?
Code Y in Group Children? Field. 'S'elect children on the Maint LSC Group Children (MLGC) screen to link to the group, and confirm selection. 'S'elect child on the MLGS screen. |
8 |
Maint LSC Maint Action (MLMA) screen + Read more ... If details exist for the child, selecting the child from the MLGS screen will display the MNLC screen. Use the Go to MLMA option on the MNLC screen to update details on the MLMA screen to correct or delete the details. Record details as advised by the customer:
Press [Enter] twice to view the results of the application of the Maintenance Action Test for the child on the Maint LSC Maint Results (MNLC) screen. Press [Enter] until the Mtce LSC Income Details (MLID) screen displays. Mtce LSC Income Details (MLID) screen Code the total child support income received from the payer for the child during the relevant financial year less any Maintenance Income Credit depletion amount:
Once all children have been added to the payer group, return to the MLGS screen to add another payer group if applicable, e.g. customer and partner were each entitled to child support or they were entitled to child support from more than one person. |
9 |
Maintenance Income Credit balance + Read more ... For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only: If applicable, code the carry over Maintenance Income Credit balance, after any MIC accrual/ depletion for the relevant financial year, on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen.
FTB mixed delivery customers If the FTB lump sum claimant had also claimed FTB instalments in the same financial year, the child support details recorded for the lump sum claim will be used to assess FTB Part A for the instalment claim period. This may change the FTB reconciliation result. For details of how maintenance income is calculated, including examples, see Maintenance Income Test (MIT) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). |