Stage 1 - registrations 277-05060000
This document outlines the processing of registrable maintenance liabilities which arise under court orders or court-registered agreements.
Child Support can register and collect a child maintenance, spousal maintenance or de facto maintenance entitlement arising from a court order or a court-registered agreement. These are commonly referred to as 'stage 1 cases'.
Stage 1 court orders can be made under the Family Law Act 1975, the Family Court Act 1997 (WA), the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 or another law of an Australian State or Territory.
Roles and responsibilities
Service Officer
- Deal with Applications for Collection of Maintenance Payments, when received by telephone or written application (Form 1) and
- Determine if an application is eligible and process the application
Service Officer (SO2)
- Register or refuse to register a maintenance liability
Service Support Officer (SSO)
Provide advice on complex issues or when Service Officer requires assistance.
Related links
Court varied assessments (CVA) including lump sum orders
Employer Withholding (linking) for Child Support customers
Access and troubleshooting Child Support self service
Using Child Support self service
Customer records Cuba Process Help
Documentation Cuba Process Help
IVR maintenance Cuba Process Help
Products and services Cuba Process Help
Separating safely - protecting personal details