Application for Child Support to be collected 277-04030000
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
This document explains information about applications for collection of child support.
Application for collection
At the time a payee registers their case they can elect to collect child support privately (private collect). The payee can later ask Child Support to collect child support on their behalf (collect), this is generally referred to as 'opting in' for collection.
When a payee opts in they can also request the collection of unpaid child support (opt in arrears) up to a maximum of 3 months before the day the application was lodged or 9 months in exceptional circumstances.
Throughout the life of a case, a payee may apply to change the collection arrangement from private collect to collect or vice versa. Since 1 July 1999, Child Support can also make a case private collect in some circumstances.
The Resources page contains frequently asked questions in relation to considering a request for collection of child support and tools to help Service Officer's process such requests.
Related links
Agreements between Child Support customers
Applications for a child support assessment
Contact with Child Support customers
Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support
Disbursements of child support
Documenting Child Support information
Employer Withholding (EW) - Election for EW not to apply
Employer Withholding (linking) for Child Support customers
Excess cash on a Child Support customer's account
Letters for Child Support customers
Child support overpayments and other payee debt
Registrar Initiated Private Collect (RIPC)
Stage 1 - low-income non-enforcement (LINE) period
Technical support in Child Support
Application for Collection Cuba Process Help
CSAOnline secure message Cuba Process Help
Non-agency payment (NAP) Cuba Process Help
Transfer or lock a customer Cuba Process Help