Application for assessment - non-parent carer 277-19061114
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
If there are concerns about a child’s safety, conduct the risk and referral process.
This document detail the process for managing a non-parent carer application for assessment. Service Support Officers (SSO) and Team Leaders should provide case-specific advice especially when managing cases involving sensitivities such as Family and domestic violence, and parents who are separated and still living in the same home.
Online application for assessment
There are 2 types of online applications:
- Unauthenticated application for assessment submitted through the Services Australia website. These applications are located in the Manage Application For Assessment (MAFA) inbox
- Authenticated application for assessment, submitted via the customers myGov account. Only existing customers with a myGov account can submit these applications. The applications are located in the Application For assessment (AFA) inbox
Unable to manage the application in Pluto
All applications for assessment begin in Pluto. There are limited situations where the application cannot be continued in Pluto and must be progressed in Cuba. For example, where a duplicate customer is identified.
Where you identify the application should be managed in Cuba:
- Seek technical support from your Service Support Officer to make sure proceeding in Cuba is the most appropriate option. See Technical Support in Child Support
- Update the interaction status in Pluto to ‘Not Required’. See Manage Interactions In Pluto
- Refer to Assessments Cuba Process Help for information on processing the application in Cuba
Add child to an existing application
This process does not cover adding a child to an existing case. See Add a child or relevant dependent to an existing child support assessment for information on adding a child or relevant dependant to an existing case.
Related cases
Provide general information to explain how related cases may affect the new application.
Do not:
- advise if the other parent or carer has another cases, or
- provide specific details about other cases, such as names of the children involved
- A formula assessment is used if an agreement for a child was terminated
- Transfer the customer to the Agreements and Court Orders team if:
- an initiating binding agreement is currently suspended for a child
- a terminating event has occurred for a child and the agreement has not otherwise ended
Court orders
Refer court ordered section 106A declarations to the Agreements and Court Orders team for processing. See Agreements and Court Orders table in Customer referral guidelines for Child Support staff.
Roles and responsibilities
New Customer Service Officer
Responsibilities include:
- creating customer records
- conducting pre assessment interviews
- providing information, products and referrals
- making decisions on eligibility, income and care
- establishing payment methods2
- processing a customer’s application for child support assessment
- resolving/actioning customer enquiries to achieve sustainable outcome
Service Support Officer (SSO)
Responsibilities include:
- providing advice regarding complex issues
- assisting Service Officers
The Resources page contains links macros, templates and user guides and a table of some third party carer application updates required for Cuba.
Related links
Application for a child support assessment
Application for assessment- contact with both parties
Application for assessment - record a decision and finalise
Eligibility and presumption of parentage (PoP) for a child support assessment
Add a child or relevant dependent to an existing child support assessment
Search and create a child support customer record