Child Support data has not loaded onto or is incorrectly affecting customer's record 277-51130120
This document explains the process for Service Officers when Child Support data does not load onto, or is incorrectly affecting, a customer's Centrelink record.
Child Support data loading errors or mismatch of information
A customer may advise that they have a child support assessment, but the data is not present or is incorrect on their record.
Staff need to complete initial checks to:
- make sure child support data is showing on the customer’s record, or
- help the customer to apply for child support where appropriate
No Child Support data is present
Information transferred from Child Support via the data exchange may not be present on the customer's record if the customer or child matching process has not completed. This may not have occurred due to a mismatch between the information held by Centrelink and Child Support.
The following details, if recorded incorrectly, may cause a mismatch:
- spelling of the name of the customer or child
- date of birth of the customer or child
- address details of the customer or child
If personal details are incorrectly recorded by either Centrelink or Child Support, the Service Officer must correct the customer record and advise the Child Support Unit (CSU) via a Fast Note. CSU will then complete the matching process and request that Child Support retransmit the data. See the Process page.
Child Support data is present but is incorrect and has resulted in an incorrect debt
If an FTB debt is raised due to a known system error, it may be suitable for a temporary write-off of the debt(s), pending the system error being corrected. This should only occur if the details of the system problem or issue has been published in Operational Messaging within the Operational Blueprint or in a Network News Update (NNU) bulletin.
Error corrections/cancellations by Child Support not updated in the Centrelink system
Some updates made in the Child Support system will not automatically update the Centrelink system. These include:
- a child being incorrectly duplicated in the Child Support system. Child Support will cancel the duplicated record, but this will not remove the duplicated record from the maintenance group on MNGS
- when a non-agency payment (NAP) is coded by Child Support and later cancelled in the Child Support system, the NAP will not automatically be removed from the MNGP screen
For all scenarios where something has been cancelled in the Child Support system and has not updated in the Centrelink record, the record will need to be referred to the Centrelink Payments Support Team (CPST) via mySupport.
The Resources page contains a link to mySupport and contact details.
Related links
Action required when Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer no longer entitled to child support
Amending maintenance income details on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen
Changing from Child Support collection to private collection: effect on Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Mutual customer and child matching with Child Support
Ongoing contact and child support assessment for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Recording private maintenance income on Centrelink systems
Retrospective Child Support assessments and Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Transfer of information between Centrelink and Child Support
What to check when your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) rate has changed