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Updating previous financial year incomes for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 108-05030040

This document outlines how to update previous financial year income estimates for FTB or CCS.

Revised previous financial year income

After the end of the financial year and once their actual income is known, customers may provide a previous income year estimate to have their entitlement to FTB and CCS reviewed as part of the reconciliation process.

A separate procedure applies for recording not required to lodge advice and previous year income.

Updating the customer's adjusted taxable income (ATI) estimate will trigger reconciliation of FTB if all required information is available.

Note: income changes completed for FTB may also result in changes to Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlement.

Actual income transferred from the ATO

If actual Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) details have been transferred from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for the relevant financial year following lodgement of a tax return, these amounts will be used to work out the customer's FTB and CCS rates rather than the estimated amounts for those ATI components.

Partner contact for income estimate

A previous year income estimate can be accepted from the customer's partner if they are a Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) and could reasonably be expected to be able to provide an estimate.

Change of previous year income estimate

If a customer changes their previous year income after the end of the lodgement year, the effect on the customer's family assistance payments depends on whether the change in their estimate is within time frames for an application for formal review of a decision.

Assessment of adjusted taxable income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Helping families provide a reasonable annual income estimate for family assistance payments

Recording not required to lodge advice and previous year income

Dates of effect for review of decision outcomes

Updating income estimates for the current financial year

Reconciliation of Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Non-lodger and late lodger process for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation

Effect of income support entitlement on Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) or Update (PPU) authority