Recording accommodation details 108-18092602
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, see Family and domestic violence to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
This document contains information on how staff record accommodation details.
Requirement to notify
Customers must advise Services Australia of any changes to their address and/or accommodation details. This is to ensure:
- the agency has current and correct contact information
- customers receive:
- the correct entitlements
- communications
Customers who change their address or accommodation details either temporarily or permanently:
- must advise the agency within 14 days of moving, and
- notify any change in their circumstances resulting from their move. For example, if the customer owned their previous home, details of what has happened to the property
Check the customer's residential and postal address. If required, update the address details. Note: do not check the customers address details, if the customer has been authenticated.
If a customer requests that their mail go to a different address, record the postal address.
Note: Where a customer advises they are separating, see Separating safely - protecting personal details to ensure personal information is kept safe.
Where a customer indicates that their partner is not moving with them, this is considered a family and domestic violence interaction point, see Family and domestic violence.
Change of postal address only
Postal address changes do not affect the customer's entitlement for Rent Assistance (RA).
All mail will go to the postal address.
Sharing accommodation
When a single customer advises a change to living arrangements, the Living Arrangements question set must be asked, particularly when the single person advises:
- they are moving in with another person, and
- there is no change in their relationship status
Note: do not update future address changes for sharers. Ask the customer to contact the agency when they have physically moved address or changed accommodation circumstances.
No home address or temporary/unstable accommodation
Record a Homelessness Indicator if a customer:
- no longer has a home address, or
- their new accommodation is temporary or unstable
The customer must provide an address where they can receive mail before the customer's residential address is updated to no fixed address.
Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen including assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
Home Ownership field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Sharer Status field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Type of rent field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen
Net rent rules for Rent Assistance (RA)
How to process Rent Assistance (RA) in Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims
Rent Assistance (RA) address has ended and Error E036AT
Rent Assistance (RA) ZCOC_SAARA - AAC Customer Task work items
Related links
Where customers are unable to provide a residential address
Separating safely - protecting personal details