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Controlled private companies 043-04010070

For Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) use only.

This document outlines information on determining if a company is a controlled private company. A company is a controlled private company for a customer if the company they are involved in is a designated private company and the customer passes the control test and/or the source test.

Assessment of controlled private company

When a company that the customer is involved in is assessed as a controlled private company then the income and assets of the company may be attributed to the customer if they are assessed as an attributable stakeholder. This assessment is made by a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO), based on information provided in the Private Company form (MOD PC) and accompanying documents.

If the company is not a controlled private company in relation to the customer, the assessment of the customer's interest in the company will be in accordance with pre 1 January 2002 rules for trusts and companies.

The control test

The control test looks at both formal and informal control and is applied on the grounds that the controller of a structure can use the assets for their own benefit or that of their family. The control test is used to determine if the customer (alone or with associates) holds:

  • 50 percent or more of the direct voting interests, or
  • a controlling interest (along with associates) of 15 percent or more in the income or capital

The source test

The source test only applies where a customer has transferred assets or services to a company after 7.30 pm AEST on 9 May 2000. The source test recognises that a customer transferring assets or services to a structure generally retains some means of control. It is used to determine if a company is under an obligation or could reasonably be expected to act in accordance with the directions or wishes of the customer.

The Resources page contains examples of the assessment of controlled private companies.

Control tests and attribution for trusts and companies

Formal control of a company

Informal control test

Source test

Attributable stakeholders for private companies

Accepting and disclosing information regarding trusts and companies

Designated private companies