ESSentials/Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) interface 107-02060030
This document outlines information on ESSentials and DMIS. To ensure correct withholdings, and payments received.
Debt management systems
Services Australia has several systems that manage financial information raising, recording, and recovering debts. Information exchanges between these systems ensure correct:
- withholdings and
- record of payments
ESSentials and DMIS
For financial accounting purposes ESSentials maintains records of all payments received and made. Only record payments in DMIS when:
- the money has already been receipted and verified within ESSentials and
- the details have not and will not be credited to DMIS via the interface
The Resources page contains links to Services Australia website, mySupport, ESSentials task cards, and self-service information.
Related links
General Centrelink debt recovery information
Debt repayments not on the customer's record
Overview of the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)
Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) screens
Internal systems interface with the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)