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Debt repayments not on the customer’s record 107-05150000

This document outlines locating debt repayments that are not showing on the customer's record.

Repayment methods

A customer can pay their outstanding debt by:

  • direct debit
  • BPAY®
  • withholdings
  • an Australia Post outlet
  • mail (cheque or money order)
  • garnishee (electronically or mail)
  • Money You Owe online

Repayments not on the customer's record

ESSentials receipt all payments received except for payments made with withholdings. ESSentials will transfer details of repayments received to the customer's record each night. Payments made by mail or BPAY can take several days to display on the customer's record.

Payments that are in ESSentials but not on the customer's record must:

  • have the payment corrected through ESSentials
  • not be manually added to a customer's record

Reasons for debt repayments not showing on the customer's record include:

  • processing time for payments to show on the customer's record
  • customer used an incorrect biller code or customer reference number
  • the customer does not have a debt or intended to pay out an advance loan
  • a system problem results in the payment not showing on the customer's record
  • an employer has remitted a garnishee payment with an incorrect reference number

Non-Debt Staff

Non-Debt Staff:

  • record details of the call on a DOC, and
  • cold transfer the customer to Payment Assurance Operations

If the call cannot be transferred, refer the case to Debt Staff:

  • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Debt Recovery Referrals > Debt Recovery Action Required

The Resources page contains links to Contact details and mySupport.

Money you owe option online

Arranging cash repayments to recover debts

Procedures for arranging withholdings to recover debts


ESSentials/Debt Management and Information System (DMIS) interface