Specific cause of debt raising 107-04020000
This document outlines information about the raising of Social Security debts.
Recoverable debt
A debt is only legally recoverable if it meets one of the debt creation provisions. These provisions are in the Social Security Act 1991, which Services Australia administers.
No recovery can start if one of the debt creation provisions is not satisfied.
The Contents list outlines specific debt raising causes.
Raising debts associated with civil and criminal action
Debts arising from Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) stay orders
Raising debts of advance payments
Calculating a debt affected by an International Agreement
Raising debts resulting from a failure to provide Tax File Numbers (TFNs)
Recalled payments not received by Services Australia
Creating a new organisation debt record on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)
Debts resulting from internal transfers and clearances
Assessing derivation periods for debts arising from trust or company attributed income
Raising social security debts due to self-employment or business income
Raising debts resulting from a failure to report or notify
Related links
Finalised 'no debt' (FND) or 'zeroing' debts that are not legally recoverable
Australian Taxation Office (ATO) identity fraud, debts and arrears