Single Touch Payroll debt recovery data match 107-21052045
This document outlines the procedures regarding Single Touch Payroll (STP) data matches.
Single Touch Payroll (STP) data matches
Services Australia matches customer details with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to identify mutual customers. When there are matches with a high level of confidence, customers are added to the Mutual Client Register (MCR).
Employers report Pay As You Go (PAYG) salary and wage details to the ATO through their regular payroll cycle using STP. If the customer is on the MCR, Services Australia will receive the STP payroll details for that customer.
Services Australia complies with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's (OAIC) Guidelines on Data Matching in Australian Government administration.
Only use STP data match information obtained for debt recovery purposes. Do not use data matches where the information was obtained for another purpose. See Guideline 8 of the OAIC Guidelines on Data Matching in Australian Government administration.
Customers must be advised of any data matches before taking administrative action or checking the details with a third party. See Guideline 6 of the OAIC Guidelines on Data Matching in Australian Government administration.
STP data
The Debt and Compensation Program (DCP) Branch will identify customers on the MCR who:
- are no longer current
- have an outstanding recoverable debt
- do not have a current arrangement or valid write off in place
DCP will receive the following STP details:
- customer payroll details including address and phone number where available
- employer details including ABN
- employment start date, payroll event start and end date and the customer’s Year To Date (YTD) gross income
The following screens contain the STP data:
- OPSTE - STP Employer Summary screen
- OPSED - STP Employer Details screen
- OPSTC - STP Customer Details screen
- OPSTX - STP Outcome screen
Note: access to view and update these screens is restricted to staff with the appropriate ISP role (DMNSTP). This is to ensure appropriate use of the STP data.
STP data is initially in a Manual Follow-up (MFU) work item on the Activity List (AL) screen. The work items are automatically removed after 7 days if they retain their REGistered status.
The Resources page contains Intranet links to the Privacy and Secrecy page Vulnerability strategy and Government data matching guidelines.
Related links
Arranging cash repayments to recover debts
Garnishee of continuing income to recover debts