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Single Touch Payroll debt recovery data match 107-21052045

This document outlines the procedures regarding Single Touch Payroll (STP) data matches.

On this page:

Non STP Recovery trained staff

STP Recovery trained staff

Non STP Recovery trained staff

Table 1




Non STP Recovery trained telephony staff + Read more ...

If a customer calls, non-trained staff must:

  • establish their Proof of Record Ownership (PORO)
  • follow details recorded in the Display on Access (DOA) DOC:
    • between 8:00am to 5:00pm (AEST), cold transfer customers through Services Australia Workspace to CLK Debt STPUseCase3
    • where a customer contacts outside these hours, use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Debt Recovery Referrals > STPUC3 Contact Referral and leave this Open. Workload Management (WLM) will transfer the open Fast Note to STP Recovery staff, who will contact the customer the next business day

Note: do not attach Fast Notes to the Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity.


Non STP Recovery trained processing staff + Read more ...

If a 'No Arrangement' work item is allocated to non STP Recovery trained staff doing processing work and an STP Recovery activity exists on the Activity List (AL) screen, if the STP Recovery activity is:

  • 'REGistered', continue with regular recovery action
  • 'STArted' or on 'Hold':
    • add the keyword RCV0019 to the 'No Arrangement' work item and hold this for 7 days, with no action taken
    • the allocated 'No Arrangement' activity will auto unassign from the staff member's inbox
    • these work items will be actioned within the STP Recovery process that has already begun on these files

Note: do not attach Fast Notes to the Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity.

STP Recovery trained staff

Table 2: For Service Officers with DMNSTP mainframe access only.




Actioning Single Touch Payroll (STP) reviews + Read more ...

Before actioning a review, go to the Payment Arrangement List (OPAL) screen.

Has the customer recently coded a payment arrangement or temporary debt pause online?

  • Yes:
    • from the Activity List (AL) screen, 'S'elect the STP MFU activity
    • when the STP Employer Summary (OPSTE) screen shows, key Y in the Finalise activity field
    • on the STP Outcome (OPSTX) screen, in the Reason field, key ARR (Arrangement from ETP selection) or EXC (Exclusion from ETP selection). In the Confirm field, key Y to finalise the activity
    • if the customer has not confirmed the details about the data match, delete the auto completed STP DOC (created at finalisation)
    • procedure ends here
  • No. For:
    • a new data match, DOC the customer’s record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Single Touch Payroll Recovery > STP- Recovery DOA DOC, go to Step 2
    • a customer who is returning a call, go to Step 2
    • a customer calling about the Q289 letter, go to Step 6
    • completing a due STP activity/MFU, go to Step 11


Confirm data is for the correct customer + Read more ...

Note: if the STP MFU is blank, finalise as an exclusion for 7 days.

Check the customers personal details including:

  • STP data (OPSTC) screen
  • Customer Personal Detail Summary (CPDS) screen for all of customers known names
  • date of birth
  • address (present and historical)

Is the data match for the correct customer?


Data mismatch + Read more ...

If the data match is not for the customer, email the Operational Leader (OL)/Quality Development Officer with the details.

OL/Quality Development Officer:

  • log into mySupport (see the Resources page for a link) and enter Mutual Client Register (MCR) Issues/Errors in the Search field

Debt Staff:

  • finalise the STP MFU activity on the STP Employer Summary (OPSTE) screen. Select the reason EXC (Exclude from ETP selection) on the STP Outcome (OPSTX) screen
  • delete the auto completed STP DOC (created at finalisation)

Procedure ends here.


Recoverable debts + Read more ...

Go to the Overpayment Debt List (OPDL) screen. Check if there is at least one recoverable debt that is cost effective to pursue.

Is there at least one debt to recover?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No:
    • 'S'elect the STP MFU activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
    • when the STP Employer Summary (OPSTE) screen shows, key Y in the Finalise activity field
    • on the STP Outcome (OPSTX) screen, in the Reason field, key EXC (Exclude from ETP selection). In the Confirm field, key Y to finalise the activity
    • delete the auto completed STP DOC (created at finalisation), as information has not been confirmed, it should not be on the file
    • procedure ends here


Reasonable effort + Read more ...

Review the customer record including:

  • previous arrangements
  • repayments
  • debt amount, status and balance
  • any correspondence and notifications sent to the customer

Make a reasonable effort to contact the customer using the Telephone Summary (TDS) screen and customer STP phone numbers.

See safeguarding the customer's privacy:

  • when raising and recovering debts, and
  • before discussing the reason for the call

All customers must be advised of the following:

  • the call is being recorded
  • the STP employment data match. Note: the STP information including the Year to Date (YTD) is only an indication of the customer's circumstances. Consider the customers individual circumstances
  • the current outstanding balance and any payment arrangements

If the contact attempt is unsuccessful and there is an answering service, leave a message. Ask the customer to call 1800 076 072 by the end of the following business day.

Send a pre-call SMS prior to every contact attempt if the customer:

Was customer contact successful?


Discuss the reason for the call + Read more ...

If the customer:

  • does not dispute the data match, consider exclusions and set up an arrangement. Go to Step 8
  • disputes the data match, obtain details about why the customer disagrees and refer the file to an Operational Leader/Quality Development Officer for investigation
  • has received the Q289 letter to enter into a voluntary payment arrangement, and:
    • requests additional time, hold the activity for a maximum of 7 days from the response date listed in the Q289 letter. After this time, no further extensions should be granted and staff must resume the recovery process
    • refuses to enter an arrangement, tell them their employer will be contacted to place a wage garnishee. They will receive a notice with details of the garnishee. Go to Step 12


Unsuccessful contact attempt + Read more ...

Was a message left for the customer to call back?

  • Yes:
    • hold the MFU activity for 2 business days
    • DOC the customer’s record detailing the outbound call attempt. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Single Touch Payroll Recovery > STP- First Customer Call Attempt
    • procedure ends here
  • No:
    • DOC the customer's record detailing the outbound call attempt. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Single Touch Payroll Recovery > STP- First Customer Call Attempt
    • go to Step 11


Exclusions + Read more ...

A customer can be excluded from the STP data match process because of their circumstances. For example, the customer is experiencing severe financial hardship or has been a victim of family or domestic violence.

To assess severe financial hardship, first engage in conversation with the customer to gather information about the circumstances. After considering the information provided, if there is doubt about their circumstances, a more detailed financial assessment may be conducted.

Are there circumstances for the customer where an exclusion may be required?


Exclude customer from STP data match + Read more ...

To exclude the customer from the STP process:

  • 'S'elect the MFU from the AL screen, to go to the OPSTE screen
  • in the Finalise activity field, key Y to go to the OPSTX screen
  • key EXC (Exclude from ETP selection) and the date the customer is to be excluded to finalise the activity
  • an online document is automatically created on the customer's record with the details of the STP data
  • record the decision and reasons for excluding customer in a DOC on the customer record
  • procedure ends here

If the customer:


Payment arrangement + Read more ...

Negotiate a new arrangement to recover the debt:

  • record the arrangement and DOC the customer’s file. See Arranging cash repayments to recover debts
  • 'S'elect the MFU from the AL screen
  • when the OPSTE screen shows, key Y in the Finalise activity field
  • on the OPSTX screen, key ARR (Payment Arrangement Coded) to finalise the activity
  • an online document is automatically created on the customer's record with details of the STP data
  • procedure ends here


Send Q289 letter + Read more ...

Compare the address from the STP data with the address start date on the Address History (ADH) screen. Send a manual Q289 letter to the address with the most recent date. If completing the letter in Customer Record, go to the Letter Display (LD) screen.

Do not send an 'Ask employer for employment details' (Q609) letter, STP data match information is sufficient to confirm employment. STP information updates regularly and includes payroll event start and end dates.

DOC the customer's record detailing the issuing of the Q289 letter. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Single Touch Payroll Recovery > STP- Data Match Q289 Letter sent.

Hold the STP MFU activity for 15 days to align with the issuing of the Q289 letter.

Did the customer respond and enter into a payment arrangement?


Consider garnishee + Read more ...

Consider issuing a wage garnishee. See Garnishees.

Customer suitable for wage garnishee + Read more ...

If the customer is suitable for a wage garnishee on STP data match employer:

  • locate the customer's employer using the OPSED screen. Phone the employer to confirm the best way to issue paperwork to their payroll area. For example, by post, fax or email
  • locate the company's legal name via the 'ABN Lookup' link on the Resources page. Send garnishee notices to the legal business/company name, not the trading name
  • 'S'elect the MFU from the AL screen:
    • press Continue to view the OPSTE screen
    • in the Finalise Activity box, key ‘Y’ to view the OPSTX screen
  • key GRN (Garnishee Coded) to finalise the activity
  • an online document will automatically create on the customer's record with the details of the STP data
  • to apply the wage garnishee, see Table 3 in Garnishee of continuing income to recover debts

Note: staff may attempt to locate employer contact numbers through White/Yellow Pages, Google/Bing or ABN searches only where the STP match contains:

  • no employer contact number or the listed number is not answered, or
  • an employer contact number is for an area other than payroll and the person is unable/unwilling to provide contact information for their payroll department

If payroll details are not confirmed via phone after completing relevant searches:

  • issue the garnishee letter to the employer using the address obtained via White/Yellow Pages, Google/Bing or ABN search
  • make sure the envelope is marked private and confidential with 'Attention: payroll staff in confidence'

Customer not suitable for wage garnishee + Read more ...

If the customer is not suitable for a wage garnishee on STP data match employer:

  • document the customer record, use the Not suitable for garnishee Fast Note
  • 'S'elect the MFU from the AL screen:
    • press Continue to view the OPSTE screen
    • in the Finalise Activity box, key ‘Y’ to view the OPSTX screen
  • key EXC (Exclude from ETP selection) on the OPSTX screen to finalise the activity