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Debt raising over duplicate, multiple or intertwined Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) 107-04010090

This document outlines information about customers with duplicate, multiple or intertwined Customer Reference Numbers (CRN). Debt raised on an obsolete CRN and not recovered.

Duplicate Customer Reference Numbers (CRN)

A duplicate customer record is the same record across 2 environments. Duplicate CRNs may be the same CRN for:

  • different customers. Refer these cases to the Data Quality Unit
  • the same customer, but in different environments

Check the Duplicate CRN List (DCL) screen for the environments a record is in. Most duplicate CRNs occur during an Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA). If these CRNs do not resolve within two days, refer the case to the Centrelink Payments Support Team (CPST).

Multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN)

Multiple CRNs occur when a customer has more than one record. One record is the customer's primary record and the other record is the multiple. The Primary Record is the customer's correct record (this is the record Debt Staff must use).

Intertwined Centrelink records

Intertwined Centrelink records occur when information and/or data is put on the wrong customer's record. This can result in:

  • incorrect assessments
  • privacy breaches, and
  • incorrect data exchanges with other departments and agencies

Unrecovered and Undetermined Debt/s on a Multiple or Intertwined record

Unrecovered and undetermined debt/s on a multiple or intertwined CRN must:

  • be finalised 'no debt'
  • be manually raised on the primary CRN
  • transfer any repayments made to the multiple or intertwined CRN to the primary record

For assistance to determine the correct record, see Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN).

Do not send a letter to the customer. Record the date of issue of the original advice on the current record.

The Resources page contains the contact detail for the Data Quality Unit (DQU) and Centrelink Payments Support Team (CPST).

Types of Centrelink records

Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN)

Intertwined Centrelink records

Transfers and refunds

Changing account details on debts raised in the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

Debt investigation

Finalised 'no debt' (FND) or 'zeroing' debts that are not legally recoverable

Create a new debt record manually on the Debt Management and Information System (DMIS)

Online Document Recording (ODR)

Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)

General Centrelink debt recovery information

Storing scanned documents