Participation in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) 001-02170030
Additional information on managing AMEP participation
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Service Officer responsibilities at all customer contacts regarding AMEP When a customer is identified as eligible for AMEP:
The Referral Summary (RRSUM) screen should be checked to view any Codes for AMEP. Referred (REF) status
Placed (PLC) status
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Confirming a customer's AMEP entitlement with the Department of Home Affairs Most customers enrolling in AMEP will sign a declaration allowing their AMEP details to be shared with other agencies. This allows AMEP information to be sent to the agency. If there are no AMEP details on the customer's record, contact the Department of Home Affairs Recording Management System (ARMS) helpdesk. The customer's first name, last name and visa information (e.g. grant number) needs to be included to assist ARMS with identifying the customer. When a Service Officer calls the ARMS helpdesk seeking information on the client's participation, a helpdesk officer will check the client's details to see if Department of Home Affairs already holds signed permission. If this is in place, the information will be released immediately to the agency. If Department of Home Affairs does not have the signed permission, the agency will be required to obtain written consent from the customer and fax it to Department of Home Affairs, or advise the customer they need to go back to their provider to have the permission entered into the system. Only after receipt of the signed consent, can Department of Home Affairs release the information to the agency. Service Officers will need to provide return contact details to enable the ARMS helpdesk to fax back their response. Note: under no circumstances should the ARMS helpdesk email address be given out to customers. The ARMS helpdesk is available from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm EST. |
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Manual recording of AMEP on the Referral Summary/Referral Details screen. Manual coding of the Referral Details screen can only be done if a customer has not given consent to the sharing of information from the Department of Home Affairs to the agency, or if a manual adjustment of the customer's enrolment dates is required. Security Access: Only users with the Process Direct Job Referral Updates (PROCESS DIRECT JOB REFFERAL UPDATES) access approved in ESSentials are able to update the following events on the Referral Details screen:
Access to Process Direct Job Referral Updates is limited to Service Centre and Senior Support staff at APS5 and above, and to Multicultural Services Officers (MSOs) at APS4 and above. Service Officers should contact these people to arrange for the record to be updated. If Service Officers are unsure who to contact, email the Participation Programs (Mutual Obligations) Section. Access the Referral Summary (RRSUM) screen:
For coding a customer as Placed:
- Achieved CSWE Level 1 (CEA) - Achieved CSWE Level 2 (CEB) - Achieved CSWE Level 3 (CEC) - Didn't achieve CSWE at any level (CEF) - Withdrawn (WDN)
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AMEP and Student payments Where a customer is doing AMEP, they may be eligible for a job seeker payment (AMEP as an approved activity) or a student payment (AMEP as an approved course). Service Officers should suggest that eligible customers undertake AMEP as an approved activity in the first instance. If a customer requests to claim a student payment for participation in AMEP, the agency may consider this if it benefits the customer and where all other eligibility criteria are met. There are risks involved in allowing a customer to be placed on a student payment while participating in AMEP as the customer can actually change the hours of study of their own accord and there is no restricted time frame as to when they have to complete the hours. Customers who are eligible for and want to claim a student payment while participating in AMEP need to be clearly advised that if their study load drops below the study load requirements for the course, their entitlement to the student payment will cease. If they do not notify the agency of the change in their study load within the required timeframe they may incur a debt. They may also lose entitlement if they do not transfer to another payment (e.g. JobSeeker Payment (JSP)) within 14 days. In determining whether a student payment can be paid, Service Officers need to determine the following:
In the situations outlined where a person is disadvantaged by transferring to a student payment (e.g. if it would result in the customer receiving a lower rate on Austudy than they would receive on JSP) this is not appropriate. |
Contact details
Department of Home Affairs ARMS Helpdesk
Participation Programs (Mutual Obligations) Section