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Connecting customers to Adult Migrant English Program 001-02170020

This page contains information on the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

Customer contact about AMEP

This table describes the process of connecting a person to the AMEP.




Job seeker identified as possibly suitable for AMEP + Read more [1]

  • Job seekers will be flagged as potentially eligible for AMEP during the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • Work item ZALL_REF_GEN with a JSR/MFU and ‘AMEP’ keyword is created when a customer has been identified as potentially eligible for AMEP. Note: referrals should be actioned by providers, however in limited cases, some Service Australia staff can make the referral
  • Under 22 years old customers who are identified during the Participation Interview as eligible for AMEP are automatically RapidConnect exempt
  • Determine whether the customer is eligible for a student payment for enrolling in AMEP as an approved course
  • If the customer contacts via a Smart Centre or attends a Service Centre, go to Step 2
  • If a participant has already been placed in AMEP, and is Centrelink Managed or is not connected to an Employment Services Provider, go to Step 3
  • If Service Officer has been allocated one of the above work items, go to Step 4

Note: AMEP participants have access to the program for 5 years or more, and can cease and recommence their participation repeatedly during that period. Service Officers should check the Referrals Summary screen for the AMEP participation status. If a customer has previously been referred to or placed in AMEP, advise the customer to contact their AMEP provider to recommence, or give the customer details of a new AMEP provider if they wish to change providers. The AMEP Provider and Department of Home Affairs will assess whether the customer has any remaining entitlement to AMEP.


Customer contacts via the Smart Centre or attends a Service Centre enquiring about AMEP + Read more [2]

Tell the customer that they should contact the AMEP provider directly to have their referral and placement recorded and that Services Australia generally do not record these referrals. The Resources page has a link to a list of AMEP providers, and their contact details.

Services Australia staff generally should not code a referral on the customer’s record via the Create SEE/AMEP referral workflow within Process Direct.

Complete any job seeker management activities (JSR/MFU) with keyword AMEP on the job seeker’s record via Customer First.

Procedure ends here.


Placed in AMEP and Centrelink Managed or not connected to an Employment Services Provider + Read more [3]

The Service Officer is to:

See Participation in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).


Service Officer has been allocated an AMEP related work item + Read more [4]

Job seekers are identified as potentially suitable for AMEP following their responses within the Job Seeker Snapshot.

The following work items are created when a job seeker has been identified as potentially suitable for AMEP:

  • ZALL_REF_GEN (JSR/MFU with ‘AMEP’ keyword)

ZALL work items are allocated and actioned to Service Officers in Process Direct. Service Officers should consider the information provided within the relevant Work Item under the Snapshot button in Process Direct or on the Activity List (AL) screen in Customer First.

Where contact is not required (for example, the referral has already occurred), finalise the activity as per Table 4 > Step 9 in Job Seeker Management Activities.

Where a job seeker requires an Interpreter to undertake the phone contact, see Contacting an on-demand telephone interpreter (Interpreter Connect).

When it is necessary to contact a job seeker, 2 reasonable and genuine attempts to contact must be made.

If the contact number recorded on the job seeker’s record is a mobile number, Service Officers should create a pre-call notification (SMS only) using Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC). After creating the SMS, wait 1 to 2 minutes before making the outbound call attempt.

If unable to contact the job seeker on the first attempt, try again approximately 15 minutes later.

Sufficient detail about the outbound contact attempts must be included in Notes (Process Direct) or within a DOC (Customer First).

Has contact been made with the job seeker?



  • Issue a Q164 letter to the job seeker allowing 14 days to contact. Consider additional mailing time if required
  • Hold the JSR/MFU activity until the Q164 response due date + 1