Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider 001-02060010
This document outlines the process for the selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia provider for a job seeker.
On this page:
Customer eligible for another program or has exemption
Selection and allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider
Job seeker not eligible for program message
Customer eligible for another program or has exemption
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Before referring to a provider + Read more ... Is the job seeker eligible for Disability Employment Service (DES), Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) or Community Development Program (CDP)?
2 |
Eligible for DES + Read more ... Job seekers eligible for DES do not require a referral unless they want to access Workforce Australia. This is voluntary. However, all job seekers must be encouraged to access Workforce Australia and have an initial appointment booked and they will be able to lodge a resume. This will assist them to access a wide range of job vacancies even if they are doing other activities. Does the job seeker wish to access services from Workforce Australia?
3 |
Eligible for Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW) + Read more ... Is the job seeker eligible for TtW?
4 |
Mutual obligation exemptions + Read more ... Check if the job seeker has one of the following mutual obligation requirements exemptions lasting more than six weeks in the future:
Does the jobseeker have an exemption?
5 |
Further exemptions + Read more ... Check if the job seeker has one of the following mutual obligation requirements exemptions:
Does the jobseeker have one of the above exemptions?
6 |
Referral to other programs + Read more ... Make a referral for the job seeker to another participation program if appropriate. See:
Job seekers participating in these programs must still be referred to Workforce Australia. A voluntary referral to Workforce Australia can also be offered when:
Does the customer need a referral or accept a voluntary referral for Workforce Australia?
7 |
Is the job seeker registering, already registered or re-registering? + Read more ...
8 |
Job seeker is re-registering + Read more ...
Selection and allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider
Table 2: this table describes the process of selecting and allocating a provider. Note: this process does not apply to job seeker selected for Workforce Australia Online for Individuals. These job seekers have the referral completed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).
Step |
Action |
1 |
The List Providers screen + Read more ... A list of all providers mapped to the job seeker's postcode appears on this screen. More than one page may be available and there is an ability to scroll through these selections. Providers that have no appointment sessions available within 2 working days and those with no available appointments within 14 days display can be selected from the provider list. This screen provides different options to display Workforce Australia providers that are mapped to the job seeker's postcode. Advance search options can be selected to display available providers. Choose to present the provider lists available by Provider Name, Post Code or Suburb to refine the display based on the jobseekers preferences regarding provider locality or their previous relationship with a provider organisation. The provider status will present on the List Provider screen. Those with an appointment available within fourteen working days will display as ‘available’. Providers with the earliest available appointment will present first on the List Providers screen. Providers who do not have available appointments within the next 2 working days will be identified in the status information on the List Providers screen. Encourage job seekers to choose a provider with immediate appointments available on the day or within 2 working days. Ask the job seeker to select a Workforce Australia provider from the list.
Has the job seeker selected a Workforce Australia provider?
2 |
Does the job seeker wish to refine the search criteria? + Read more ...
3 |
Refine the search for Workforce Australia provider + Read more ... Refine the search criteria to find a provider more suitable to the job seeker’s needs. Refine the search by selecting one of the following options from the Advanced search drop down list:
Enter the additional search criteria and select Refresh provider list (select once). |
4 |
Ask the job seeker to select a Workforce Australia provider + Read more ... A list of providers resulting from the refined search appears on the List Providers screen. Note that this screen may display differently on each web service call. Ask the job seeker to select a provider. Only providers with available capacity can be selected. Has the job seeker selected a Workforce Australia provider from the list resulting from the refined search(es)?
5 |
Refusal to satisfy mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... Has the job seeker refused to register with an Employment Services Provider?
6 |
Random allocation + Read more ... Random allocation uses the criteria of the job seeker's postcode to find providers with available capacity. Select Random allocation (select once) to randomly allocate a provider to the job seeker. Selecting Random allocation randomly allocates a provider to the job seeker and navigates to the Appointments selection screen. If the job seeker is not happy with the provider allocated randomly, up to 4 additional random allocations can be undertaken. To conduct another random allocation, select back to initial list (select once). If the job seeker is not happy with any of the maximum 5 random allocations, a Workforce Australia provider will be allocated. |
7 |
Details of the selected Workforce Australia provider are displayed + Read more ... The Appointments selection screen displays the following information about the selected provider:
If the selected Workforce Australia provider has appointments available in the next 2 working days, these appointments will be displayed first. Where appropriate, contact the Workforce Australia provider to request more appointments be opened within a certain timeframe (for example, next 2 working days). Once the provider has scheduled more appointments, view the additional appointments by refreshing the Appointment selection screen. If the resulting Workforce Australia provider has no immediate appointments, the job seeker must provide a reason why they have chosen this provider in preference to a provider with immediate availability. See the Resources page for a list of acceptable reasons. Wherever possible, job seekers should be encouraged to accept referrals to Workforce Australia providers with immediate appointments or their payment start date may be affected. Available providers will not require a reason code. |
8 |
Make an appointment on the Online Diary + Read more ...
Note: the job seeker must receive proper notification and reasonable notice of the appointment. |
Job seeker not eligible for program message
Table 3: this table helps troubleshoot a solution when a Service Officer encounters the job seeker not eligible for program system message.
Step |
Action |
1 |
'Job seeker not eligible for program' system message + Read more ... This message is not a system fault. If the message displays when trying to refer a job seeker to an Employment Services Provider, further investigation and action is required before making the referral. If the message presents:
2 |
For job seeker referrals outside of the new claim process - standalone Jobseeker Snapshot + Read more ... Navigate to the Employment ESAt referral request history table by selecting:
If a pending ESAt is displayed with a ‘Started’ status in the Type of Action field:
If a pending ESAt is not displayed with a ‘Started’ status in the Type of Action field, check the:
3 |
When completing the job seeker claim appointment (Participation Interview) for a new claim + Read more ... Participation Interview - Job seeker needs an ESAt referral If a job seeker needs an ESAt referral after completing the Job Seeker Snapshot, DEWR will generate an ESAt request to Services Australia systems. The relevant ESAt referral activities will generate once a Service Officer grants the job seeker's claim. If Service Officers try to refer a job seeker to an employment service before the Job Seeker Snapshot status becomes Active, the message ‘Job seeker is not eligible for the program’ presents. Check the Job Seeker Snapshot status by selecting:
If the status is Pending, an ESAt referral is needed instead. See Determining when an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required. Confirm if a RapidConnect determination is present on the Job Seeker RapidConnect (JMRC) screen:
If a RapidConnect Status Determined line is present:
If the RapidConnect Status Determined line is not present:
Note: cancel the JobSeeker Registration transaction and change the new claim status from On Hold to In Process. Procedure ends here. |