Implementing Administrative Review Tribunal (ART second review) partial stay orders 001-10130030
This document outlines the process for implementing ART partial stay orders.
Payment Pending Review
Job Seeker Compliance Framework appeals to the ART (ART second review) are not covered in the Payment Pending Review (PPR) legislative instrument. This means that, unless the ART has issued a stay order against the imposition of the penalty prior to the ART second review, it is not appropriate to code or allow PPR for appeals to the ART (ART second review) relating to Unemployment Non-Payment Periods (UNPP) or serious failure penalty periods.
Full stay orders
ART stay orders issued for an entire UNPP or serious failure penalty period are referred to as full stay orders. Full stay orders are implemented by a Participation Solutions Team (PST)-skilled Service Officer (WNPPD).
Partial stay orders
Stay orders issued for part of the UNPP or serious failure penalty period are referred to as partial stay orders and are implemented by a Participation Solutions Team (PST)-skilled Service Officer (WNPPD).
Where the decision is made to reapply the UNPP or serious failure, care should be taken to ensure the job seeker only serves a non-payment period for the amount of time the ART had granted the partial stay order. If the ART granted a partial stay order for 6 weeks, the job seekers would have already served a 2 week UNPP or serious failure penalty period (arrears would not have been paid for 2 weeks). Therefore, if the decision is made to apply the UNPP or serious failure penalty period, the end date should be manually adjusted so that the job seeker only serves the remaining 6 weeks of the penalty.
The Resources page contains contact details for the Workload Management Team.
Related links
Payment Pending Review (PPR) of decision to apply a penalty for non-compliance
Non-compliance with compulsory requirements - review and appeals
Implementing the outcome of a review of a participation failure decision
Assessing a serious failure for refusing to accept or failing to commence a suitable job
Persistent non-compliance for Community Development Program (CDP) job seekers
Unemployment due to a voluntary act or misconduct
Manually adjusting non-payment period start and end dates
Priority explanation or formal review of a decision