Eligibility for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) 001-02090010
This document explains the process for assessing eligibility for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE). SEE aims to help customers aged 15 years or more who have low levels of language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills. There are no restrictions on how many times a customer can participate in the program. Customers who do not have mutual obligation requirements and want to participate in SEE can register as a volunteer job seeker for the purpose of a SEE referral.
SEE eligibility criteria
To be eligible for a referral to SEE, a customer must be:
- 15 years or more
- deemed suitable for training, without any barriers that would prevent successful participation, and
- are either:
- an Australian citizen, or
- a permanent resident, or
- a Pacific Australian Labour Market Mobility visa holder, or
- a provisional or temporary visa holder with working rights in Australia and eligible for the Adult Migrant English Program
Customers are not eligible to be referred to SEE when they do not hold an eligible visa.
From 1 July 2024, there are changes to eligibility that are not applied in the Services Australia system. Some customers who are now eligible cannot be referred by Services Australia.
The Process page contains more details about customers affected by the system limitations, and what they need to do to get a referral to SEE.
When eligibility is established, and the customer has started in SEE, any further change in eligibility will not prevent the customer from continuing and completing training that has already started.
Adult Migrant English Program and SEE
Customers cannot participate in Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and SEE at the same time.
Service Officers must ensure the customer's eligibility for AMEP is tested:
- when assessing a customer's English language and literacy skills as part of the Job Seeker Snapshot, and
- before considering a referral to other literacy or numeracy programs, including SEE
Service Officers must record this advice in a DOC.
AMEP focuses on delivering English language training to eligible migrants and humanitarian refugees to help with their settlement in Australia.
SEE training:
- is available to any customer with low language, literacy, numeracy or digital skills, and
- can be delivered as part of a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course
A customer who is eligible for both SEE and AMEP can be referred to SEE while participating in AMEP. However, it is the customer's choice whether they continue in AMEP or move to SEE. If they choose to move into SEE, the customer is exited from AMEP automatically. It is preferred that a customer meets their basic English language goals in AMEP, before they move to SEE. This will ensure they are not at a language disadvantage in SEE.
The Resources page contains contact details, a link to the Department of Home Affairs website page about visas, a link to the Department of Home Affairs AMEP website (which includes a link to the AMEP eligible visa types), a link to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website page about SEE and more information about who is eligible for SEE depending on circumstances and/or current activities.
Related links
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
Referral to Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
Participation in Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement (LLNS)
Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
Employment services for visa holders