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Change of circumstance for Youth Allowance (YA) 001-04050000

This document outlines a Youth Allowance (YA) customer's obligation to advise changes in their circumstances, consequences of failure to notify of changes and the requirement to check contact details every time a customer contacts Services Australia.

Notification obligations

Youth Allowance (YA) customers are obliged to advise the agency, usually within 14 days, of any event or change in circumstances that could affect their payment.

Once a customer has signed their claim form (confirming, among other things, that they have read and understood what changes they must advise) they are bound by the notification provisions.

Notifiable events

Customers are advised of the types of things they must notify in their grant notification letter and on the back of each reassessment letter sent to them.

Following is a list of the types of changes a customer must advise. As circumstances vary for each customer, this list is not exhaustive.

Changes of circumstance that may require review or update to a customer's record include:

  • any changes to income or assets, including commencing employment
  • any change of contact details including changes to address and/or telephone number
  • any change to accommodation details, including changes to address and rent
  • any change to relationship status
  • any changes to parent/guardian circumstances including employment
  • any change to residency status
  • any changes to study, including temporary cessation due to incapacity
  • any changes to approved activities/exemptions, including starting/ceasing a rehabilitation program
  • departures from Australia, even for a short period
  • imprisonment

The work item ZCOC_ZYAL Change of Circumstance - Youth Allowance may display for any of the above reasons. This relates to a scan that could have been triggered by a Request for information.

Statement reporters

YA customers may be required to lodge a Reporting Statement for a specified period. Any changes to a customer's circumstance must also be advised when the Reporting Statement is lodged, or within 14 days, whichever is earlier.

Online notifications

YA customers with mutual obligation requirements who have an Approved Activity or Principal Carer long term exemption can view their activity or exemption from their Online Account. If they have a change of circumstance, they are able to click on a link within the activity, which in turn will create a work item for a Service Officer to contact the customer to discuss their circumstances.

Failure to notify

YA customers may incur an overpayment if they fail to notify a change of circumstance which results in a loss of entitlement.

Check and update contact details

Every customer's address (including postal address) and telephone details (including mobile phone numbers) must be checked at every contact, and updated if required. Note: if the customer has authenticated themselves via IVR, address details do not need to be confirmed.


Youth Allowance (YA) job seekers returning to part-time study

Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker or Australian Apprentice (apprentice or trainee) returning to full-time study

Coding new study details

Commencing or returning to work for JobSeeker Payment (JSP) and Youth Allowance (job seeker)

Special Employment Advance (SEA)

Commencing or returning to self-employment JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance and Austudy

Raising Parental Income Test (PIT) debts for Youth Allowance (YA) and ABSTUDY payments

Youth Allowance (YA) customer going overseas

Youth Allowance (YA) or ABSTUDY customer becomes partnered

Cancellation at customer's request of JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)

Transfer from JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/Youth Allowance (YA) to Carer Payment

Youth Allowance (YA) customer leaving parental home

Parents moving in with ABSTUDY or YA customer

Returning to the parental home when independent or qualified for the away from home rate of YA

Youth Allowance (YA) or ABSTUDY independence impacts when a customer separates

Reporting overview

Reporting requirements for customers receiving a payment with mutual obligation requirements