Youth Allowance (YA) job seekers returning to part-time study 102-07010030
This document outlines the effect of part-time study on the payment of a job seeker receiving Youth Allowance (YA).
Approved activities for YA job seekers
YA job seekers who are not Early School Leavers and are studying part-time will need to combine part-time study with training, other approved activities or job search to meet their mutual obligation requirements.
A new Job Plan will normally be negotiated with the Employment Services Provider taking into account the job seeker's study hours. The job seeker will need to provide details of their part time study to their provider who will determine any additional activities the job seeker will need to undertake to meet their mutual obligation requirement.
YA job seekers may only be Centrelink managed job seekers if they fully meet their mutual obligation requirements by undertaking an approved activity and they meet the definition of Centrelink managed.
Principal carers
Principal carers undertaking part-time study may still have to other activities, such as job search. That is, a principal carer can undertake part-time study but depending on the hours of study may still be required to look for suitable work of at least 15 hours a week.
Partial capacity to work
Mutual obligation requirements take into consideration partial capacity to work that has been assessed as part of an Assessment Services, or where the student is the principal carer of one or more dependent children.
Early School Leavers
Youth Allowance job seekers who are Early School Leavers may be able to meet mutual obligation requirements through study.
Assistance for Indigenous job seekers
If the activity is a part-time course, and the job seeker is Indigenous, they may be eligible for assistance, e.g. Incidentals Allowance, under the ABSTUDY scheme. If the job seeker is thinking about applying for ABSTUDY for the part-time course, then they must be made aware that the course cannot be included as a compulsory part of the Job Plan. They must be given the option to not include it, as a job seeker is not eligible for ABSTUDY assistance if the same course of study is a compulsory part of their Job Plan. They will, however, be eligible to apply for ABSTUDY assistance if the course is only a voluntary component.
Related links
Part-time or full-time study as an approved activity