Youth Allowance (YA) job seekers returning to part-time study 102-07010030
This document outlines the effect of part-time study on the payment of a job seeker receiving Youth Allowance (YA).
Assessing part-time study for YA job seekers
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Part-time study + Read more ... Youth Allowance (YA) job seeker advises they have commenced part-time study. If the job seeker has commenced full-time study, see:
Is the customer a Centrelink managed job seeker?
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Centrelink managed job seeker + Read more ... The customer must be undertaking an activity that fully meets their mutual obligation requirements. Note: job seekers who have not completed Year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification must undertake full-time study or part-time study in combination with other training/approved activities for at least 25 hours per week to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements. These job seekers cannot have job search activities in their Job Plan. See Mutual obligation requirements for Youth Allowance job seekers under 22 years of age who have not completed Year 12 or an equivalent level of education (Certificate III or higher) qualification. Is the job seeker fully meeting requirements and eligible to be Centrelink managed?