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Release of an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report to customer 001-02320050

This document outlines the process to follow when a customer requests a copy of an ESAt report.

Informal Access

In most cases, an ESAt report can be released by an APS4 Service Officer or above, outside the formal Freedom of Information (FOI) process. Within Services Australia this is termed 'Informal Access'.

An ESAt report can only be released under Informal Access when:

  • there is no current Disability Support Pension (DSP) new claim (or review of decision)
  • there is no unfinalised Disability Medical Assessment (DMA) report on the customer's record
  • the Assessor has not documented any concerns in the report about it being released to the customer
  • the status of the report displays as 'finalised', this means no further changes can be made to it

When a formal FOI request is required

Formal Requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 must be in writing. FOI requests must be immediately forwarded to the FOI Team.

For more information, see Requests lodged under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

ESAt reports

The Referral Summary and Referral Detail in Customer First show a summary of all ESAt referrals for the customer and includes information about the status of the report (for example; submitted, finalised) and the Assessor that submitted the ESAt.

Customer requests the release of more than one report

For release under Informal Access, consider the release of each report on its own merits.

Manual finalisation of an ESAt report

A staff member with the relevant access can request early finalisation of the ESAt report.

Applying a manual finalisation solely to enable the release of the report should only be done after checking that this action will not affect the agencies decision about the customer's income support payment, or the customer's referral to an Employment Services Provider based on the submitted ESAt report.

The Resources page contains links to FOI team contacts, the relevant form, and more FOI information.

Requests lodged under the Freedom of Information Act 1982

Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) reports