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Register practice for a Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) for Medicare 012-41040010

This document outlines information about the initial registration of diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology practices recorded on the Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) Register.

Registering a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice

To register, diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practices must submit a correctly completed Application to register or amend a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice form (HW061) to the agency.

Subsections 23DZQ(2) and 23DZZP(2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 requires that registration of new diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practices begins on:

  • the day a complete and correct application is received, or
  • a later date specified in the application

New practice registrations are approved by a staff member APS5 or above in the Provider Engagement Service Delivery Support Team (PESDST). PESDST confirm the application meets all requirements under section 23DZQ or 23DZZP of the Act before authorising registration. Practices are ineligible for accreditation or Medicare benefits until registration is granted.

New practice registration LSPN record start dates cannot be backdated, including those created as part of a relocation.

Note: this form and any supporting documentation can be uploaded and submitted through HPOS, see Health Professional Online Services. If the form is received via HPOS, then correspondence should be delivered via HPOS. Forms received via HPOS can be identified as the naming convention will contain the 10 digit Registration Authority (RA) number of the user, and the HPOS Reference Number field will contain a 9 digit reference number that can be used to search in HPOS to reply. For example, Business name: 9987654321, and the HPOS Reference Number field: 123456789-1. For further instructions, see the Process page in Health Professional Online Services Support Mail Centre - Managing emails from health professionals.

The HW061 form:

  • needs information about the:
    • practice ownership
    • practice location and type, and
    • details of equipment used to perform services
  • can be completed by any person, however, the proprietor of the diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice or a responsible executive officer/authorised representative (if a company, government agency or public body) must either:
    • sign the declaration, or
    • tick the declaration acknowledgement box and be the person who submits the form via HPOS

Note: the proprietor can be an individual, or group of individuals when the practice is privately owned.

The practice must be advised in writing of the LSPN within 28 days of the agency receiving a correctly completed application (HW061).

See Eligibility and Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) practice registration for Diagnostic Imaging (DI) and Radiation Oncology (RO) for assessing instructions.

The Resources page contains a link to the HW061 form.

Authorised representatives

  • For partnerships, companies, government agencies and public bodies, an authorised representative must be nominated. This person may be the responsible executive officer who signs or uploads the form but the 2 roles (responsible executive officer and authorised representative) are distinguished. In the Provider Directory System (PDS), the proprietor details are recorded on the Organisation tab and the authorised representative details are recorded on the Contact tab when recording information in an LSPN record
  • The nomination of an authorised representative is optional for practices owned by an individual
  • There can be up to 2 authorised representatives per LSPN record. The Primary Authorised Representative and Secondary Authorised Representative have equal authority to act on the proprietors behalf, including making changes to the LSPN record or requesting information
  • If an authorised representative is nominated, that authorised representative or proprietor must sign or upload the form to add or change the representative or provide a letter to the agency to this effect

Number of registrations needed

An Application to register or amend a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice form (HW061) is needed for each diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice at each specific location.

If more than one practice operating under a different business entity is at the same location, a separate registration and LSPN record is needed.

Registrations needed for practices

If a practice provides both diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology services, only one Application to register or amend a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice form (HW061) form is needed.

Some practices (for example major hospitals) may have diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology equipment located in more than one campus. A HW061 form for each campus (location) must be completed so a separate LSPN can be issued.

If registering a hospital with a number of departments who undertake diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology services on the one campus, a hospital (which includes all buildings and levels located within the grounds) can register either:

  • one practice with one LSPN record only - the departments located on that campus use the same LSPN on patient contacts accounts and receipts. The address recorded must accurately and specifically reflect the location, or
  • each department separately - a completed HW061 form is needed for every department so separate LSPNs can be issued

Registration needed for a base for mobile diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology equipment

Each base for mobile equipment must complete an Application to register or amend a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice form (HW061). The distinction between a premises and a base for mobile equipment will depend on where the majority of services are performed and the amount of equipment used on site or as a mobile service.

When equipment is used as a dedicated ‘mobile’ service, then a base for mobile equipment registration is appropriate. However, if the mobile equipment is used for services frequently performed off the premises, but on occasions is also used at the premises (where other equipment is also used), then the mobile equipment can be listed with the registration for the premises.

Upon registration, all mobile vehicles stored or garaged at the base for mobile equipment should use the same LSPN. Another form must be completed with the address details of the depot if the mobile equipment is stored at a different location, such as a vehicle that is not garaged at the base for mobile equipment.

Providing LSPN record details to a third party

Before providing LSPN record details to a third party who is not the authorised representative or proprietor of the practice see Performing practice staff security check for the Diagnostic Imaging/Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) Register.

New practice registrations and LSPN record as part of a relocation

A new LSPN is needed when a practice or base for mobile equipment changes address. This includes suite/room changes within a building. To reduce gaps in Medicare eligibility, practices are responsible for requesting the cancellation of their existing registration and applying for a new practice registration and LSPN record before the relocation happens.

Practices need to provide the below information on the Application to register or amend a diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology practice form (HW061):

  • closure date at question 4 of the form for their existing LSPN record, and
  • start date at question 6 for the new practice

Note: if the practice has not provided the closure and start date on the form, or they are not different dates, return the application form with the appropriate standard letter template.

Sections 23DZR and 23DZZU of the Health Insurance Act 1973 requires practices to notify the agency of a relocation within 28 days.

  • When the practice has notified the agency of these changes prior to them taking effect, the closure and operational start dates on the application form should be used
  • When the practice has notified the agency after the changes took effect:
    • the date of lodgement should be used as the closure date for the existing LSPN record
    • all equipment recorded at the existing LSPN record must be manually end dated on the closure date requested on the form (the system does not do this automatically)
    • the date of lodgement is used as the operational start date for the new LSPN record

See the Process page for more information on processing a new LSPN registration as part of a relocation.

Capital sensitivity

DI services are no longer payable when the equipment has exceeded its:

  • effective life age, or
  • maximum extended life age

This does not include those with a current approved exceptional circumstances exemption.

This is in place for almost all DI equipment providing services excluding Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and radiation oncology equipment under Medicare.

For this reason, DI equipment cannot be listed on the LSPN Register unless a date first installed in Australia or date manufactured is provided.

See Eligibility and Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) for Diagnostic Imaging (DI) and Radiation Oncology (RO) for further information.

The Resources page contains system generated registration start and end dates, equipment types and descriptions, links to forms, contact details, external websites and examples relating to the LSPN Register.