Focussed psychological strategies for medical practitioners 012-42020060
This document outlines details about the recognition of additional mental health training in focussed psychological strategies (FPS).
Focussed psychological strategies
FPS are specific mental health care management strategies, derived from evidence based psychological therapies.
Recognition of a medical practitioner's additional skills and ongoing training in FPS are important elements of maintaining high quality standards within the provision of FPS for assessed mental disorders.
Eligibility for Recognition
For recognition to claim or bill for FPS services for Medicare purposes, the medical practitioner must satisfy the requirements for higher level mental health training and skills as determined by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC).
Specialists and consultant physicians are not eligible for FPS recognition.
Notification that a medical practitioner has completed additional training in FPS is received directly from the GPMHSC.
Access to Medicare
Recognition as a medical practitioner trained in FPS for Medicare purposes allows the medical practitioner to access relevant FPS items in the MBS.
Continued access to FPS MBS items requires the medical practitioner to continue to meet the eligibility requirements as detailed in the Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulations 2021.
The Resources page contains a link to the Medicare Benefits Schedule. The References page contains a link to the regulation.
Application for Recognition
Medical practitioners who have determined by the GPMHSC as trained in FPS do not need to submit an application to Services Australia directly. The GPMHSC will notify Services Australia that the medical practitioner meets the training and skill requirements.
The Resources page contains contact details for the GPMHSC.
Legislation Recognising Focussed Psychological Strategies
Recognition of a medical practitioner for FPS is made by the Chief Executive Medicare (or their delegate) under the Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulations 2021 and Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services Other Medical Practitioner) Determination 2018 made under the Health Insurance Act 1973.
Recognition is recorded on the medical practitioner's stem on the Provider Directory System (PDS).
The References page contains a link to the regulation.
Removal of Recognition
Where a medical practitioner is no longer eligible to access FPS items, GPMHSC will notify Services Australia directly.
Disputes about recognition
Direct any disputes about FPS recognition or removal to the GPMHSC.
The Resources page contains contact details for the GPMHSC.
Disclosure of details / Privacy Incidents
Services Australia has the responsibility to maintain records that relate to personal and business details. People provide these details with the understanding that the agency will protect this from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. It is important for customers to remain confident the agency will protect their details and comply with the privacy provisions of the various legislation it administers.
A privacy incident can occur when details held by the agency is:
- inappropriately collected
- lost
- subject to unauthorised use/access/modification, and/or
- disclosure
Privacy incidents may include cases where personal details held by the agency is discovered to be:
- incorrect
- inaccurate
- not up to date
- incomplete
- irrelevant, or
- misleading
Staff must report all privacy incidents to their team leader immediately.
The Resources page contains:
- a link to Services Australia’s Privacy and Secrecy page
- links to the Useful Contact details
Related links
Mental health treatment plans (MHTP) under Medicare (Better Access Initiative)
ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential for health professionals