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Override entitlement processing for concession cards 101-06060020

This document outlines information about manual overrides for concession cards.

Reasons for using manual override

The assessment of concession entitlement for a customer and their dependants relies on correct processing within the relevant host systems (for example, LIC, FAO, NSS, PGA and PEN). A manual override should only be applied when the host system has been coded correctly but the concession entitlement is not correct.

For example, if a dependant does not appear on a card because that child was not added to the host system, the dependant should be added to the appropriate host system rather than applying an override.

The only reasons for which a manual override can be used are:

  • to backdate for medical service or treatment
  • to add a dependant
  • appeals (requires a valid appeal number)
  • system limitation
  • system fault (requires a valid mySupport number)
  • temporary application of an approved policy enhancement pending system release, such as the continuation of a Health Care Card (HCC) to customers whose Mobility Allowance is cancelled due to the customer becoming a funded participant of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • Ministerial decisions

Authorised levels for override

Only a select number of staff including the Level 2 Policy Help Desk, ICT Level 2 (Concession Entitlement Systems) Team, and Program Concessions (Business Owner) have the authorised access to the override facility for concession cards.


Policy approval for backdating an entitlement start date is required from the Level 2 Policy Help Desk. If granted, the Help Desk will implement the override.

Future overrides

Future entitlement coding is only available in limited circumstances and when used, must have a manual review created. Service Support Officers will seek approval in appropriate cases by referring the details via an online query to Level 2 Policy Help Desk.

All overrides must have a date of effect and end date recorded. Full circumstances of the reasons for requesting an override must be recorded on a DOC on the record detailing entitlement during the override period.

System limitations

There are system limitations to the duration of the override period. This cannot be earlier than the current Concession Limiting date of 1 January 2019. Overrides are not able to be used to provide concession entitlement where there has been no eligibility established.

The Resources page contains links to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk and mySupport.

Concession Entitlement System

Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)

Health Care Card (HCC)

Low Income Health Care Card (LIC)