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Publications 101-08070040

This document outlines information about publications distributed by Services Australia for certain customer groups.

Access to Services Australia publications




Available publications + Read more ...

The only publication automatically distributed by the agency is Australian Pension News (APN).

Current customers who live outside Australia permanently or long-term (more than 26 weeks), automatically get the publication.


  • Country of Residence (CRES) screen to confirm customer lives outside Australia, or
  • Travel Outside Australia (TOAS) screen to confirm long-term absence from Australia

Organisations can order 'A guide to Australian Government payments' (The Guide) booklet through the Services Australia website.


Subscription Management + Read more ...

Customers can manage their subscriptions to APN using their Centrelink online accounts.

If a customer contacts to:

  • request a subscription to APN, go to Step 3
  • advise they have not received their APN, go to Step 4


Staff management of Organisation subscriptions + Read more ...

Actions relating to subscriptions for Organisations are managed through the Mailing List Subscription (MLSUB) screen. Subscriptions for customers are managed via Customer First using the Publication subscriptions summary option.

Actions that can be performed on the MLSUB screen include:

  • Limiting the screen display to only a particular publication, using the Publication field
  • Changing or adding a publication type, using the Publ field
    • This can be used to deliver a publication electronically to a customer who is not in the target group for the particular publication or to a non-customer
  • Changing the language a publication is delivered in, using the Lang field
    • Only the Australian Pension News (APN) is published in languages other than English. Use Field Help ('?') for details
  • Changing the delivery method, using the Delivery Method field
    • For organisations the delivery method can only be 'Post'
    • Electronic copies of all publications (including non-English versions) are available on the Services Australia website
  • Changing the number of copies to be delivered, using the Qty field
    • Organisations may receive more than 1 copy, however there are upper limits which differ according to the publication
    • The upper limit can be over-ridden by a Service Officer with appropriate access

Changing whether an organisation receives a publication or not, using the Receive field.

  • NOM/CUS field
    • This field is not visible in organisation records
  • Determining who in an organisation receives the publications, using the Contact ID field
    • This field is only visible in organisation records

The screen is usually updated by 'C'orrecting existing information, however there is a new line without an Action field that may be used to add new lines, for example, for an organisation that wishes to receive a new type of publication or an individual who is not in the target group for a particular publication who wants to receive it.


Customer advises publication is not being received + Read more ...

If the customer advises publication is not being received when MLSUB screen indicates has been sent, check the following:

  • contact details are correct
  • the method of delivery on the MLSUB screen is correct
  • check that delivery is not suppressed on the MLSUB screen and the Receive field is set to 'Y'

If these are all correct and it appears an error has occurred for the APN, email International Program with details.