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Registration for Income Management deductions, Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR) or Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) 101-09010040

This document outlines how businesses apply and are assessed for the Income Management deductions, Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR) and Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) programs. This document also includes the process to be followed for processing an update to an Australian Business Number (ABN) for an approved business.

On this page:

Business changing their ABN/ACN

Registration for Income Management, EVoR, and CCeS applications

Assessing the Business Application

Finalising Business Applications for Income Management, EVoR and CCeS

Running the contract workflow and advising the business of the outcome

Business changing their ABN/ACN

Table 1: This table describes what to do when a business advises of a change to their Australian Business Number (ABN)/Australian Company Number (ACN).




Business advises there is a change in ABN + Read more ...

Businesses are required to advise the agency of a change in Australian Business Number (ABN). This contact might be made either by the business contacting the National Business Gateway helpdesk relevant to the program, or through engagement or a program compliance assurance review with the Third Party Programmes team (TPP).

Has the change in ABN/Australian Company Number (ACN) been identified through contact to the National Business Gateway helpdesk?

Note: in all instances where the business is approved for more than one programme, engagement should take place with the Third Party Programmes team.

See Updating or adding business details for Deduction and Confirmation programs

  • Yes, for Income Management, EVoR or CCeS applications, go to Step 2
  • No, change in ABN/ACN has been identified through contact with the Third Party Programmes team. Go to Step 3


National Business Gateway have received ABN/ACN update request for Income Management, CCeS or EVoR + Read more ...

All information should be obtained from the business regarding the changes to the business and the contact details to discuss further.

Forward details to the TPP.

Go to Step 3.


Through advice from a business or through a review + Read more ...

The ABN needs to be updated in Customer First.

  • Advise the business they need to lodge a new Business Application
  • If the business has multiple programs a new Business Application is required for each program
  • Advise the business they need to submit a new Business Online Services User Details (SA445) form to update any staff access within the business
  • Assess where or not the same Customer Reference Number (CRN) can be retained

See Step 1 in Table 2.

Registration for Income Management, EVoR, and CCeS applications

Table 2: This table describes the process for the Business Application processing team to register Income Management, EVoR and CCeS applications.




Lodging a Business Application + Read more ...

If a business contacts regarding lodging a Business Application, advise them of the following lodging options:

  • Fax it to Services Australia, it is then digitally scanned ready for assessment
  • Lodge it at a service centre - it should be faxed. Make sure the original application is given back to the business
  • Post it to the Third Party Programmes team who should fax it to be digitally scanned

Advise the business their application will be assessed and they will be contacted to discuss their application.

Has a Business Application been received?


Forms received + Read more ...

Business Applications and related forms are received by the National Business Gateway:

  • Services Australia Business Application - Centrelink Confirmation eServices (SA391) form
  • Services Australia Business Application - Electronic Verification of Rent (SA436) from
  • Business Application for Income Management Deductions (SA448) form
  • The Business Online Services User details (SA445) form for CCeS, Income Management and EVoR

The record is indexed by National Business Gateway Online Support and transferred to the Business Application Processing team (CCF) for Income Management, CCeS and EVoR.

Go to Step 3.


National Business Gateway Business Application team have received an application for CCeS, Income Management or EVoR + Read more ...

The Service Officer can search for the business:

  • by using the Advanced Organisation Search Tool, or
  • via the Organisation Name Search (ON) screen in the ISS system in the B environment. On the ON screen, key Third Party name and 'PYI' in the Stakeholder code field

Does a record already exist for the business?


New application lodged following a change in ABN/ACN + Read more ...

Where a change in ABN/ACN has taken place, a new Business Application must be assessed. If the business wishes to retain the same CRN, the Program Support Manager in the Third Party Programmes team (TPP) should assess whether or not the CRN can be retained.

Has the new application been lodged following a change in the businesses ABN/ACN?

  • Yes, check that there has been a change in the entity only, and the rest of the information remains the same including: Owner, Address of Business, Authorised Officer/s Contact Officer details and the TPOs website/branding - check there are no significant changes
    • to retain CRN, go to Step 5
    • for a new CRN, send a withdrawal of approval letter (template located in the Shared Drive for TPP. Go to Step 6
  • No, see Step 1 in Table 3


Update business record + Read more ...

If a record exists and a new Business Application has been signed:

  • On the Organisation Name Search (ON) screen:
    • code 'PYI' in Stakeholder Code field
    • code 'Add' in Act field
    • complete footer
    • update the Svc Rsns field with the new service reasons for the new agreement
    • press [Enter]
  • Key 'Y' in the Confirm Selection field on the Organisation Details (ORD) screen and press [Enter]

Select the following from the Organisation Task Selector (OTS) screen:

  • Organisation Name (OND) screen
  • Organisation Contact (name/phone/address) (OSCS) screen
  • Organisation Address (ADS) screen
  • Agreement details (OSAS) screen
  • Bank details (Income Management only) (OSBS) screen
  • Additional Properties (OAP) screen

Note: where details are already input on these screens, make sure details are current and correct.

See Step 1 in Table 4.


Add new business record + Read more ...

If a new CRN is required following a change in business details:

  • Key in the full name of the business in the Name field
  • Code 'Add' in the Act field and complete the footer and the Svc Rsns fields, then press [Enter]
  • Code 'AO' in the Nxt field and press [Enter]
  • Code the following:
    • the address details in the relevant fields
    • name of contact for the organisation in the Contact field
    • contacts position in the Position field
    • contacts phone number in Phone No field
    • 'WRK' in the Type field
    • fax and email of the contact/organisation in the appropriate fields
  • Key 'Y' in the Add Organisation field (Y/N) field and press [Enter]

Go to Step 7.


Business Application assessment + Read more ...

The Business Application Processing team assess the application to make sure all questions are answered.

Launch the Contract and Agreement Summary page from the Customer First workspace. Select the program matching the received Business Application.

The contract workflow should be updated with the assessment, business details and outcome of the application.

A Business Application Assessment Worksheet (BAAW) is completed detailing the assessment and criteria for approval. This is scanned to the business record.

The EVoR BAAW is available on the Resources page.

See Step 1 in Table 3.

Assessing the Business Application

Table 3: This table describes how to assess a Business Application and associated coding where necessary.




Check websites + Read more ...

All Australian Business Numbers (ABN)/Australian Company Names (ACN) must be checked using the ABN Lookup and ASIC websites. The Resources page contains a link to these websites.

The ABN/ACN should be current and the entity type should be checked.

If the business is:


Unincorporated entities + Read more ...

Contact the business and advise that in order to enter into a contract the options are:

  • For a member of the business (with an ABN) to contract with the agency (the member signs an individual undertaking and enters into the contract in their personal capacity and as a representative of the business)
  • For the Third Party Organisation (TPO) to register as an incorporated entity
  • If there is an associated trust, a trustee can lodge an application on behalf of the trust
  • Having an overarching legal entity to take responsibility - such as an 'umbrella' business/organisation
  • Check the Business Application and make sure the individual who signed the individual undertaking has not changed and is still liable for the business. If the Business Application is not signed, contact the TPO with a request to send a signed Business Application or send a Request for information (Q823) letter

For Indigenous Businesses check the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations website. The Resources page contains a link to this website. Some Indigenous Businesses may be registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act (CATSI Act).

If they are registered under the CATSI Act, create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC and record this.

Scan the document to the TPOs record that states they are incorporated under this Act.

Go to Step 5.


Trusts + Read more ...

Trustee details cannot be established from ABN Lookup or the ASIC website.

In order to determine who the trustee is, the following script can be used:

'The Trustee is the representative of the trust. A contract may be entered into with the trustee on behalf of the trust as long as the trustee is a valid legal entity itself.

In order to be eligible to participate in the (programme) scheme, you will need to provide the details of the trustee.

This information can be found by asking your accountant or solicitor.'

To code trustee details in Customer First:

For example:

Trust - The Trustee for the Citizen Trust

Trustee - Business Pty Ltd

The business name in Customer First - Business Pty Ltd ATF the Citizen Trust

(ATF - As Trustee For)

Code the ABN of the Trust and the ACN of the Trustee if they are a company. If they are not a company but are a legal entity with or without an ABN, record this on a Display on Access (DOA) DOC.

If there is a Board of Trustees, create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC and list all the relevant Trustees associated with the business.

Go to Step 5.


Partnerships + Read more ...

In Customer First, code the entity name as per ABN Lookup/ASIC, and create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC stating who makes up the partnership.

The agreement can be entered into under the name of the partnership, which is taken as being an agreement jointly and severally with each partner in the partnership.

Only one partner needs to sign the Business Application. The names of the other partners can be recorded on a DOC.

Check the Business Application has been signed by one of the partners.

Go to Step 5.


Access the Reference Numbers (NU) screen + Read more ...

  • To insert the ABN, enter details on a new line
  • To insert the ACN, enter details on a new line
  • To correct existing ABN, code 'C' beside the existing line and overstrike details as required
  • Code 'ABN' or ‘ACN’ in the Organisation/Type field
  • Leave the Env field blank
  • In the Reference Number field, code in the valid ABN/ACN for the business
  • Complete the Source: and DOR fields
  • Code 'AR' in the Nxt field, and press [Enter]

Go to Step 6.


Application assessment outcome + Read more ...

Application has been assessed and it has been determined.

If the application:

If programme advice is required, go to Step 7.


Program advice required + Read more ...

In some instances, pending details included in the Business Application, further advice and approval may be required.

This may relate to use of the service, ASIC referrals, legal or privacy advice specific to a business’s unique processes or legal entity advice.

Details to be emailed to the Deduction and Confirmation Branch Income Management for business team for clarification as required.

Proceed as instructed by Deduction and Confirmation Branch Income Management business team.

Finalising Business Applications for Income Management, EVoR and CCeS

Table 4: This table describes the process for finalising the registration of Business Applications for Income Management deductions, EVoR and CCeS.




Update service reasons for the agreement + Read more ...

  • At the Agreement Details (OSAS) screen, 'S'elect the service reason to attach to a new agreement
  • To attach to an existing agreement, select the existing Agreement ID
  • Add or ‘S’elect the service reasons
  • Press [Enter]
  • At the Organisation Service Agreement Details (OSAD) screen for new agreements, the service reason will be attached to the first agreement for the business
  • To attach to an existing agreement, add the new service reason in the blank field and change the date of effect to 'T'oday
  • Check the default details are correct and code 'I' to insert in the Action field and press [Enter]

For CCeS only (additional step)

Businesses can only be approved to use CCeS under one of the business categories defined in the CCeS policy. Where a business appears to qualify for several business categories, staff should determine the most suitable one based on the main activities of the business.

The business category allocated to a CCeS business must match the market sector coded on the Org Market Sector Select (OCMS) screen. Note: the market sector ‘Other’ (OTN) must not be used on any business records as it is not a business category in the CCeS Policy.

Continue to press [Enter] until the Org Market Sector Select (OCMS) screen displays. Code the following:

  • 'S'elect the Market Sector required (for example, welfare)
  • In the Standard field, code 'Y' for a standard profile or 'N' for a non-standard profile. Non-standard is only selected when a Third Party Organisation (TPO) has been approved to receive additional information not available in the standard Characteristic Set. This is determined by the Business Application Processing Team from the details the TPO puts in the Business Application. Note: businesses should only be given access to the minimum amount of information needed to confirm entitlement to a concession, rebate or service. See the Resources page in Add or remove characteristics for CCeS businesses for a list and descriptions of the CCeS characteristics
  • 'I' in the Action field
  • Press [Enter]
  • Key 'Y' to confirm the detail
  • Press [Enter]

Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Go to Step 2.


Update additional service reasons as required + Read more ...

The OSAS screen will be redisplayed so additional service reasons can be selected and updated as necessary.

Once all service reasons have been attached, press [Enter].

Go to Step 3.


Business Online Services User details form + Read more ...

Businesses applying for Income Management, CCeS or EVoR are required to complete and return with their Business Application a Business Online Services User details (SA445) form.

For all programs except Income Management, go to Step 6.

For Income Management, go to Step 4.


Income Management only + Read more ...

Businesses applying for Income Management are required to indicate on the Business Application the required frequency of Income Management deduction reports.

On the Organisation Service Bank Details (OSBD) screen, for new accounts code bank account details and set Report Delay Code as indicated in Business Application field as either '1WE' or '2WE' to define the frequency the Centrelink Deductions Report will be sent to the business. Note: code 'DLY' in the Report Delay Code field to define the frequency the Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) report will be sent electronically to the business. This option is only available for EDT.

Do not code the End Date field for a business unless suspending access or withdrawing approval. This action would unlink all customers from the businesses record.

Go to Step 5.


Update bank details for Income Management + Read more ...

At the Organisation Service Bank Summary (OSBS) screen:

  • If a new or different bank account is to be added, 'S'elect the service reason and press [Enter]
  • If the same bank account details are already registered for the new service reason, select the current bank account

Go to Step 6.


Update details in RAMB + Read more ...

The SA445 form provides a way for businesses to apply for access to Centrelink Business Online Services to access programs electronically. These roles are processed in the Registration and Access Management for Business (RAMB) service using the details provided on the SA445.

Complete SA445 processing and check if the business already has an existing record.

For a brand new business, a shell record should be created in RAMB once the Work Unit activity in the Centrelink system is finalised. Work Units should automatically create:

  • Key 'myhsi' into a web browser and press [Enter]
  • Select Registration and Access Management for Business from the list
  • Open RAMB and select the View/Update Organisation link
  • Key the CRN and select Continue
  • Select Change Details - Update all details (contact, ABN etc.). Note: for new business records only
  • Select Change Roles - add appropriate business line access

For Electronic Verification of Rent or Income Confirmation updates, go to Step 7.

For Customer Confirmation or Centrelink Deduction Report updates, go to Step 8.


EVoR or Income Confirmation updates + Read more ...

Electronic Verification of Rent - Single Enquiry

Business Line Access

Unified Government Gateway

  • UGG Electronic Verification of Rent (Rent Assistance Update)

Electronic Verification of Rent - Batch Enquiry

Business Line Access

Organisational Online Mail

  • OOM Basic
  • OOM Rent Verification User (allows User to send and retrieve reports)

Income Confirmation - Single Enquiry

Business Line Access

Centrelink Confirmation eServices

  • CCoP IC Business User

Work Unit

  • Income Conf Wor

Income Confirmation - Batch Enquiry

As above, plus:

Business Line Access:

Organisation Online Mail

  • OOM Basic
  • OOM CCeS Income Confirmation

For all programs, go to Step 9.


Customer Confirmation updates and Centrelink Deduction Reports + Read more ...

Customer Confirmation - Single Enquiry

Business Line Access:

Centrelink Confirmation eServices

  • CCoP Centrelink Confirmation User (if available to select) and/or;
  • CCoP DVA User (if available to select)

Work Unit

  • CCS (example) or Default or Similar

Customer Confirmation - Batch Enquiry

As above, plus:

Business Line Access:

Organisation Online Mail

  • OOM Basic
  • OOM CCeS Confirmation Service

Customer Confirmation – Superannuation (Single Enquiry Only)

Business Line Access:

Centrelink Confirmation eServices

  • CCoP Superannuation Confirmation User

Work Unit

  • CCS (example) or Default or Similar

(Income Management)

Centrelink Deduction Reports

Business Line Access:

Organisation Online Mail

  • OOM Centrepay User

Work Unit

  • Centrepay or Centrepay EDT

Go to Step 9.


Complete activity + Read more ...

The activity should appear completed on the Activity List (AL) screen. If activity is not complete, select and finalise on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Record details on a DOC of the new Business Application and updates made to the businesses record.

Business Applications are digitised and are saved on the business' Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the Centrelink system on the Electronic Customer Document (ECD) screen for future reference.

See Step 1 in Table 5.

Running the contract workflow and advising the business of the outcome

Table 5: This table describes how to advise a business of the outcome of their application.




Business Application assessment has now been completed + Read more ...

Launch the Contract workflow and make sure the final outcome and any updated business details are recorded.

Go to Step 2.


Advising the business of the outcome of their application + Read more ...

Following the assessment of the application, is the business approved for the service they have applied for?


Application is approved + Read more ...

Once the business is approved:

The helpdesk should also provide further information to the business as required. This can include access to Centrelink Business Online Services (the Resources page contains a link to this service), system specifications for businesses requiring technical documents for their IT systems and general help and support.

The Third Party Programmes team (TPP) are to be notified of new businesses approved by the Business Application team via email to the TPP positional mailbox.

Procedure ends here.


Application not approved + Read more ...

A letter advising of the assessment outcome is to be sent to the Business using the Q822 OLA notice.

If the business withdraws their application, send the Q824 letter confirming the withdrawal.