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Income statements and detailed income and asset statements 101-09020060

Important information
An Income statement is used by a business approved to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS). It shows the gross value (circumstances data) of all income and asset types for a customer. It includes any that are exempt under a Centrelink income and asset test. It allows a business to assess the customer's financial circumstances and eligibility for a service. Income statements do not show assessable data.
A Centrelink statement is used if a customer needs to show the details Services Australia use to assess eligibility, not an Income statement. See Differences between Income statements and Centrelink statements.

This document outlines information about the Income statement and the Detailed income and asset statement, and how to issue the statements to customers and registered businesses. The statements have customer income and asset information that can be provided to businesses to help with the eligibility for a concession, rebate or service.

Income statements

Income statements are available to customers and registered business and have a summary of the customer's income information.

Statements include all income data that is held on the customer's record as at a specified date ('confirmation date'). It shows point in time and circumstance information. It does not display information over a date range (for example, over a 12 week period).

Customers can provide the statement to businesses to help determine eligibility for a concession, rebate or service.

Note: partner income details do not display on Income statements. Customers can request their partner’s Income statement if there is a 'Y' in the Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) indicator on the partner’s record.

Statements can display current or historical information from the customer’s Centrelink record:

  • current - displays customer information for the most recently completed period (Customer's Entitlement period)
  • historical - shows customer information as at the confirmation date entered (a date back to 1 July of the previous financial year)

Income statements show on the customer’s History Summary (HS) screen. See the Resources page for letter codes and delivery methods for income statements.

Information displayed on Income statements

The statement shows the gross totals of income types from the customer’s record and may include the following information:

Income that is exempt under a Centrelink income and asset test display on Income statements.


  • Name
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN)
  • Date of Birth
  • Payment type
  • Assessed Children
  • Previous and future regular entitlements and payments (including a goods and services tax (GST) component if applicable)
  • Previous and future irregular payments

The GST component is paid to some income support customers as part of the reform associated with the introduction of GST back in July 2000. It applies to Jobseeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy, Special Benefit, Abstudy, Parenting Payment Partnered and some pension payments that do not include the Pension Supplement (for example DSP customer receiving Youth Disability Supplement).


Deductions for Centrepay, Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS), Income Management, tax and child support will be listed on the Income statement. This includes debt withholdings and advance repayments as follows:

  • Gross deduction amount
  • Deduction type
  • Service reason
  • Date paid

Family Tax Benefit

The legislative Family Tax Benefit (FTB) amount will be shown. This is the rate the customer is actually entitled to based on their estimate.

Youth Allowance

Youth Allowance (YA) Independent rate indicator will display on the statement if the customer is paid the independent rate of YA.

Shared care

Shared care states whether a shared care arrangement is in place for a child or children.

Maximum rate indicator

Confirms whether a customer is receiving the maximum rate of a pension type payment.

Customers can request a:

  • detailed Income and Asset Statement. This includes extra information that is not in the standard Income statement, or
  • Centrelink statement. This includes income and asset information that directly affects the customer's rate of payment and their entitlement to that payment (or assessable amounts)

Detailed income and asset statement

The statement is available to customers and registered businesses for income and asset information. Only a current Detailed income and asset statement can be issued (for example, as at today’s date). Historical statements cannot be issued.

The information:

  • includes all income and asset data that is held on the customer’s record as at a specified date (‘confirmation date’). It does not display information over a date range (for example, over a 12 week period)
  • provides a summary of the gross values (circumstances data) of the customer’s share of each income and asset type. It does not show partner income and asset information
  • includes all income and asset information that a customer has sole or part ownership of:
    • part ownership displays the customer’s portion of ownership as a percentage
    • the other part owner’s details (for example, partner details) are not displayed

Businesses approved for Centrelink Confirmation eServices in the finance Business Category for financial planning purposes, have access to the statement with the customer's consent. The detailed statement is available to other businesses that might need this extra detail. This is approved on a case by case basis.

Note: partner income details do not display on Income statements. Customers can request their partner’s Detailed income and asset statement if 'Y' is in the Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) indicator on the partner’s record.

Information displayed on Detailed income and asset statements

The statement gives a summary of the gross totals (circumstance data) of each income and asset type as listed on a customer's Centrelink record and detailed information for each of the following income and asset types.

Income and assets that are exempt under a Centrelink income and asset test display on the Detailed income and asset statement.

Deposit accounts and direct investments

The deposit accounts and direct investments details available in the Income statement include:

  • asset type
  • amount
  • currency type
  • date of effect
  • institution name
  • type of accounts and or direct investments
  • number of units
  • unit value
  • percentage owned by the customer

Values display in foreign currency where applicable.

Managed Investments (MIV)

The Managed Investments details available in the Income statement include:

  • asset type
  • amount
  • currency type
  • date of effect
  • institution name
  • product name
  • number of units
  • unit value
  • percentage owned by the customer

Values display in foreign currency where applicable.

Real estate

The real estate details available in the Income statement can include:

  • asset type
  • income type
  • value
  • frequency
  • date of effect

The gross value of all real estate details recorded on the customer’s record are displayed. This includes the customer’s principal home and any real estate that may be exempt under a Centrelink income and assets test. Allowable deductions and mortgage interest are not deducted from the gross income amount.

Securities and Investments (shares)

The securities and investments (shares) details available in the Income statement include:

  • asset type
  • amount
  • currency type
  • date of effect
  • institution name
  • account type (type of security and/or investment)
  • number of shares
  • unit value
  • percentage owned by the customer

Values display in foreign currency where applicable.

Superannuation and annuities

The superannuation and annuities (assets/income) details available on the Income statement include:

  • asset/income type (pensions/income streams)
  • amount
  • currency type
  • date of effect
  • institution name
  • account type
  • number of units
  • unit value
  • percentage owned by the customer

Superannuation and annuities are defined as an asset. Details of frequency and income will appear in the aggregated figures. This displays under the income section on the statement.

Values display in foreign currency where applicable.

Foreign Income, Foreign Pensions and Foreign Assets

The foreign income, pensions and asset details available in the Income statement include:

  • Foreign Income:
    • Income type
    • Component (For Income, examples are Earnings, Business, Farm; For Pensions, examples are Old Age, Social Pension)
    • Amount
    • Currency type
    • Frequency
    • Date of Effect
  • Foreign Assets:
    • Asset type (for example: Real estate, Business, Superannuation, Other)
    • Component (for example: Business, Overseas Assets)
    • Amount
    • Currency type
    • Frequency
    • Date of Effect

Values display in foreign currency where applicable.


Deductions for Centrepay, Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS), Income Management, tax and child support are listed on the Income statement. This includes debt withholdings and advance repayments as follows:

  • Gross deduction amount
  • Deduction type
  • Service reason
  • Date paid

Family Tax Benefit

  • The legislative Family Tax Benefit (FTB) amount is shown. This is the rate the customer is entitled to based on their estimate
  • Maintenance income. This is the annual maintenance income amount provided by the Child Support or a court order during the financial year, regardless of whether the customer receives that amount from the payer

Youth Allowance

Youth Allowance (YA) Independent rate indicator displays on the statement if the customer is paid the independent rate of YA.

Single rate indicator

For customers who are partnered but are being paid at a single rate, the indicator is displayed.

Shared Care

Shared care states whether a shared care arrangement is in place for a child or children.

Maximum rate indicator

Confirms whether a customer is receiving the maximum rate of a pension type payment.

If the customer needs a statement with assessable amounts, they should request a Centrelink statement instead of an income statement (which shows circumstances information).

Requests for Income statements by registered businesses using Centrelink Confirmation eServices

Income statements can only be requested by registered Income Confirmation businesses for customers who are current or suspended and have consented to the business obtaining the information electronically. Businesses can get this information using Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) via:

  • Single Enquiry Service (1 customer at a time)
  • Batch Service (multiple customers at once), or
  • System to System (a direct interface from a Business to the Agency)

The category a business operates in determines the Income Confirmation characteristics they are able to access. Businesses can request changes to the characteristics based on their business requirements and the information they need to receive.

Income Confirmation provides approved businesses an Income statement electronically without the need for the customer to visit Centrelink. For more information about CceS for a business, see Customer consent for Centrelink Confirmation eService (CceS). A business can receive an Income statement or a Detailed income and asset statement.

Requests for Income statements by customers

Customers can request an Income statement by:

  • A self service option is available for customers using the Request a document service in the Centrelink online account to view, print and save the statement immediately. A copy of the statement will also be sent to their online account if they are subscribed to online letters
  • A self service option is available for customers using phone self service for customers to have a statement posted to their mailing address
  • A self service option is available for customers using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app to view, print and save a copy of their Income statement on their smart device
  • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.png phoning the Smart Centre, or
  • \\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png visiting a service centre

Income statements can only be issued to customers that are current or suspended.

The Process page has information on issuing the Income statement and the Detailed income and asset statement.

Requests for Income statements by customers for Consumer Lease or Small Amount Credit Contract (SACC) providers

Customers may need to give income and deduction information to apply for a consumer lease or small amount credit contract. To satisfy this requirement they can get either:

  • a Detailed Income and Asset Statement, or
  • an Income Statement and a Deduction Statement. Note: a Deduction Statement can only be issued when a customer has deductions in place

Differences between Income statements and Centrelink statements

The type of statement required will depend on the information the customer requires.

Income statements

  • Have circumstances data not assessable values
  • Provide gross values of each income and/or asset type the customer owns, or has part ownership of
  • Show gross values for income and assets that are exempt under a Centrelink income and asset test (for example, principal home). This allows a business to apply an independent assessment of the customer’s full financial circumstances and decide if a customer is eligible for a concession, rebate or service
  • Displays customer information as at the confirmation date (point in time only). It cannot show information over a date range
  • Will display Family Tax Benefit (FTB) payment information

Centrelink Statements

  • Show assessable values
  • List gross values and net (assessable) values of each income and asset type that directly affect the customer’s rate of Centrelink payment and their entitlement to that payment
  • Show net amounts for exempt income and assets
  • Can display payment information over a date range (such as the 8 most recent payments)
  • Does not include Family Tax Benefit (FTB) payments

The Resources page has a table showing letter codes and delivery channels for income statements and a link to the Centrelink Confirmation eServices for businesses.

Withdrawing a business's approval to use a deduction and confirmation service

Centrelink Statement

Faxing letters using Outlook

Centrelink documents and appointments options online

Centrelink Confirmation eServices