Qualification for ABSTUDY Lump Sum Bereavement Payment 099-02020030
This page contains information relating to the qualification for ABSTUDY Lump Sum Bereavement Payment (LBP).
Qualification for ABSTUDY LBP
This table describes the process to check for a manual follow-up on the surviving partner's record, mapping of the manual follow-up and assessing eligibility for a LBP. Portions of this process are completed by staff in the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Services team only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check for a Fast Note + Read more ... Is there a Fast Note to check the customer's eligibility for a LBP on the Activity List (AL) of the surviving partner's record?
2 |
Check if customer eligible for LBP + Read more ... Does the customer appear to be eligible for a LBP?
3 |
Customer eligible for a LBP + Read more ... Payment of the LBP can be actioned by either:
If a MFU has been created, processing should be done via the MFU. To pay LBP by:
4 |
Select the MFU + Read more ...
The ABY BRVLS/OOP payment line will be populated on the AR screen.
Create an online letter (Q504) when granting LBP. The Q504 letter has selectable variables to advise the customer of the rate of their on-going ABSTUDY Living Allowance. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Initiate via the OOP screen + Read more ... To process the LBP:
Create an online letter (Q504) when granting LBP. The Q504 letter has selectable variables to advise the customer of the rate of their on-going ABSTUDY Living Allowance. Procedure ends here. |
6 |
Customer ineligible for a LBP + Read more ... As LBP is not a payment for which a customer makes a claim, it is not a requirement to advise a customer of non-eligibility unless the customer has sought clarification of eligibility or has been told they will be assessed for LBP. Record details on a DOC of assessment. Issue an online letter (Q505) letter to advise of ineligibility for LBP if required. |