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Creating links between organisations for trust and company purposes 043-04150020

For Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) use only

This page contains information for Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) to follow to create links to assess income or assets from a private trust or private company in a multiple entity structure.

Creating links between organisations

This table describes the steps to follow to create links between organisations to assess income and assets from a private trust or company in a multiple entity structure.




Checking the controlled organisation's record exists + Read more ...

Search for the controlled organisation's record, using the Reference Number Search (RNS) or Organisation Name Search (ON) screens.

Does the entity have a record?


Index the entity record + Read more ...


Check current links on controlling organisation's record + Read more ...

Go to LS screen in controlling organisation record.

To display Trust and Company (TAC) type links only, code 'TAC' in the Link Type: field.

Does link between the entities already exist?


Create new link + Read more ...

Ensure that the controlled organisation's details are in the header as the link has to be created from that organisation's record.

Note: it is essential to start the link between organisations from the correct organisation.

For example, if Red Octopus Pty Ltd controls Blue Octopus Pty Ltd, (e.g. 100% of the Blue organisation's income and assets are attributed to the Red organisation), then the link will be started from Blue organisation's Customer Reference Number (CRN) and the destination will be Red organisation's CRN. The Blue organisation's CRN must be in the header.


The OCL screen and the LS screen + Read more ...

Go to the Other Customer Links (OCL) screen. If no links exist, the OCL screen will be blank.

If there are already links on the controlled organisation record, the Link Summary (LS) screen will display.

  • If the blank OCL screen is presented, go to Step 6
  • If the LS screen is presented, on the LS screen, code 'Y' in the Add new link: field. A blank OCL screen will display


Completing the fields on the OCL screen + Read more ...

Complete the following fields as shown:

  • Link type: code 'TAC'
  • From SVC Rsn: code 'TRF'
  • To: code 'TRO'
  • Start date: code the start date of the link

The Organisation Name Search (ON) screen will display.


The ON screen + Read more ...

Search for the organisation to link to by using CRN, name or a keyword.

The Stakeholder Code: field will have 'TAC' defaulted and the field is protected so that the search will only be for trust and company organisations.

Text entered on the ON screen is case-specific (upper or lower case).

For a name search, the Org name: field is used. The first three characters with an asterisk (which denotes all other possible characters) are generally enough. For a keyword search the Keyword: field is used, each word in the organisation's name is a keyword.

For example, a company called 'Red Octopus Pty Ltd' can be found by typing 'Red*' in the Org name: field or by typing 'Octopus' in the Keyword: field.


The OL screen + Read more ...

The results of the search will display on the Organisation List (OL) screen.

Select the correct organisation. The Link Confirmation (LC) screen will display.


The LC screen and finalising the activity + Read more ...

Code 'Y' in Confirm Selection?: field on the LC screen to verify the selection of the controlling organisation

  • If more than one link is to be added in the same activity, key 'Y' in the Add another link of this type?: field and a new OCL screen will display. Repeat Steps 5 to 9
  • Once all the links have been added, go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Finalise the activity

The link now shows on the LS screen