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Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA) when the care receiver is aged 16 years or over 009-03020030


Suggested letter text when contacting the non-claiming carer in cases of shared care - care receiver terminal

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-attachment.pngShared Care - Care receiver terminal Letter text to be used when contacting non claiming carer

Commercial care - examples




A carer provides daily care and attention to a care receiver as a result of their illnesses and/or disabilities. Two mornings each week a professional nurse also provides specialised care to the care receiver.

This care would not affect the claimant's eligibility for CA as the claimant is meeting the daily care and attention qualification.


A carer provides care 4 days a week and a professional nurse provides care on the remaining 3 days per week.

The carer would not qualify for CA as the carer is not providing daily care and attention.


A carer lives with the care receiver and is paid for providing daily care.

If the care being provided to the care receiver is in a private home by a resident carer, it will be considered no commercial arrangements exist and CA will be payable.