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Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) Child to Adult Transfer (CTAT) 009-03060020

Level 2 Policy Helpdesk


Table 1: this table has scenarios that impact on the processing of Child to Adult Transfer reviews.




Short term or episodic care

  • A carer who qualifies for CP (child) on the basis of short term or episodic care, stops being qualified under the CP (child) provisions at the end of the period, as determined by the Secretary
  • When a carer qualifies for CP (child) based on episodic or short term eligibility, CP (child) and CA (auto) continues until the end of the episodic or short term care period. If payment were granted the day before the child's 16th birthday for the maximum allowable period, a carer could continue to receive payment until the child turns 16 years and 6 months of age
  • Any extension granted before the care receiver turns 16 can apply to a period after the child turns 16 years of age, however no extensions can be granted after the child turns 16 years of age
  • Short term and episodic payments do not apply to CP (adult)
  • The carer may test their eligibility for CP (adult) or another ISP once the period of care has ended and the child has turned 16 years of age


Caring for 2 to 4 children all with disability or medical condition - Carer Payment (child) turning 16 years of age

  • When a carer qualifies under these provisions, and one (or more) of the children turns 16 years of age, they remain qualified until the eldest care receiver turns 16 years and 3 months of age or a determination has been made on a claim for CP (adult) or another ISP, whichever is earlier
  • When one care receiver turns 16, the carer is required to test their eligibility under the combined care or multiple care provisions, or test their eligibility for another ISP, including CP (adult). Eligible carers will be issued with an invitation letter advising them to complete a CTAT when the eldest care receiver turns 15 years and 9 months of age
  • If the carer has taken no steps to claim another ISP CP (child) cancels when the eldest care receiver turns 16 years and 3 months of age


Caring for a disabled adult and one or 2 children with a disability or medical condition - Carer Payment (child) turning 16 years of age

  • When a carer qualifies for CP (child) under these provisions, and the child/children in their care turn 16 years of age, they remain qualified until the care receiver turns 16 years and 3 months of age or from the date a determination is made about a claim for Carer Payment (CP) (adult) or another ISP, whichever is earlier. Eligible carers will be sent an invitation advising them to complete an online CTAT, when the eldest care receiver turns 15 years and 9 months of age
  • If the carer has taken no steps to claim another ISP CP (child) cancels when the care receiver turns 16 years and 3 months of age
  • Eligibility under these provisions only applies to CP (child). Therefore, when a qualifying child turns 16 years of age, the carer needs to test their eligibility for another ISP, including CP (adult)
  • If the carer has taken no steps to claim another ISP CP (child) cancels when the care receiver turns 16 years and 3 months of age, and the carer will need to complete a new claim


Exchanged care - Carer Payment (child) turning 16 years of age

The parenting plan, registered parenting plan, or parenting order allows carers to be paid under the exchanged care rules. These plans may specify the period for which they are in effect and will list the children to which the plan applies. If the plan no longer applies, the carer loses access to the 'exchanged care' provisions for CP (child).

If the plan:

  • no longer applies on the child's 16th birthday, the carer loses entitlement under the exchanged care provisions and needs to test their eligibility for another Income Support Payment (ISP), including other CP types
  • is still current after the child turns 16 years of age, the carer remains payable under the child turning 16 years of age provisions until that child care receiver turns 16 years and 3 months of age, or until the plan no longer applies, or until a determination has been made on a claim for CP (adult) or another ISP, whichever is earlier

A parenting plan, registered parenting plan, or parenting order may include a child until the age of 18 years of age. However, the carer only remains payable under exchanged care rules after the child turns 16 years and 3 months of age if the child:

  • then forms part of an arrangement where the carer is caring for a disabled adult and one or 2 children with a disability or medical condition (multiple care). For example, the carer may have been exchanging the care of 2 or more children with a disability or medical condition, and when the oldest child turns 16 years of age, the arrangement is reassessed under the multiple care provisions, or
  • is a child with a terminal illness. The carer would then lose eligibility for exchanged care when the child turns 18 years of age, or the plan no longer applies

Completing the SA432 form

Table 2: this table lists several parts of the form and why the information is required.




Details of the person(s) you care for

This section is about the care receiver:

  • Part A asks about the care receiver's residence details
  • Part B asks for information about care being provided to the care receiver including:
    • If the carer and care receiver reside in the same house
    • Hospitalisation
    • Daily care & attention


Part C: Question 14 - Day to day care needs

This section has questions about how the care receiver usually manages on a daily basis and covers:

  • the care receiver's abilities which include what he or she can do when using aids, appliances, or special equipment items
  • taking care of their own treatment and medication
  • dressing and grooming
  • mobility around the house
  • when the care receiver's disability or medical condition is only apparent at certain times the questions should only be answered for when the care receiver is not experiencing a flare up of the medical condition


Part C: Question 15 - Cognitive function

These questions relate to the care receiver's perception and communication abilities, and includes:

  • understanding what people are saying
  • letting other people know their feelings and what they want by speaking, using sign language, or using a communication aid
  • knowing where they are
  • knowing the time of day
  • remembering things that happened that day


Part C: Question 16 - Behaviour

This section has questions about the care receiver's behaviour and covers if they:

  • wander or 'run away' from home
  • physically harm or threaten other people
  • damage possessions or objects
  • deliberately harm themselves
  • have unusual, inappropriate, or repetitive behaviours
  • withdraw from contact with other people, or appear as depressed or fearful


Part D - About the care provided

This section has questions to obtain information such as:

  • domestic arrangements of the carer and care receiver and the location of where the care is provided
    • this section should be used to investigate any CA (adult) changes, that is, from s954 to s954A or vice versa
  • any temporary absences from care including TCC (respite), hospitalisation and overseas travel
  • any changes in the amount of care provided
  • paid employment, self-employment, voluntary work, education, or training activities of the carer (for Carer Payment carers)


Part E - Privacy Notice & Declaration

The carer must sign the SA432 before submitting the form for their CTAT assessment.

Approved Workaround – Service Support Officer (SSO) only

Table 3: this table outlines the approved workaround to be completed by SSOs




Approved Workaround

This is an approved workaround, which must be followed. If, after following the workaround, CA is still not restoring, this must be reported to ICT and any activities held to user. Do not create a new claim (SOA) activity to restore CP and/or CA.


Delete the original CRA adult link

This step is to be coded by SSO only.

In the carer's record in Customer First

  • Make sure there is no started SSO activity on AL
  • Go to the link summary (LS) screen
  • Key 'CAR' in Link Type field
  • Key 'Y' in the Display all field
  • Delete the end-dated CRA link with the relevant care receiver, on page 1
  • Source: INT - Internal
  • DOR: date approved workaround is being coded
  • Go back to the Link Summary (LS) screen
  • 'S'elect the same CRA link (there will be no end date) and press [Enter]
  • Key 'D'elete in the Action field and press [Enter]
  • in the Confirm Delete field, key 'Y'
  • Go to the Activity Results (AR) screen and finalise activity


Restore CA continued

In the carer's record in Customer First, Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and in the following fields:

  • Svc Rsn field, key 'CDA'
  • Action field key 'RES' and press Enter
  • Event Date, key the CTAT cancellation date
  • Take the activity to AR and make sure the CA is restoring, however do not finalise, leave restoration activity as started and go to Step 4


Create a new CRA adult link

This step is to be coded by SSO only.

Take note of the care receivers Surname, First name, DOB, and cancellation date.

In the care receiver's record in Customer First create a new CRA link:

  • Go to the 'IN' screen from the Next field
  • Complete fields with the care receiver details:
    • Surname
    • First name
    • D.O.B
  • SVC Rsn: CRA
  • Act: ADD
    • Source: INT
  • DOR: date of cancellation
  • Select Continue
  • 'S'elect the adult record, this can be identified with CHICRA under Serv
  • Select Continue
  • On the PED screen, Confirm: 'Y'
  • Continue to flow through all the screens as they present
  • When the CRS screen presents, 'S'elect 'self':
  • Continue through all screens as they present make sure the:
    • coding is correct on all entries
    • ADAT assessment is from date of cancellation
  • 'S'elect the CRA ADD activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
  • Key 'AR' in the Next field
  • Finalise the activity

The CRA link should now be active between the carer and care receiver.

DOC the carer's record with the following approved text:

'As per OB 009-03060020 Resources - Approved Workaround SSO. The Approved Workaround has been applied by SSO and Adult Carer Allowance link deleted and recreated to allow Carer Allowance restoration following CTAT reassessment.'

Go to Step 5 to finalise the restoration.


Finalise Restoration

Go back to the carer's record, pick up the started restoration activity from the AL screen and take to AR to finalise.

  • Make sure the CA arrears are correctly paying from the previous cancellation date
  • If the restoration activity is before 01 July 2024, double check the Carer Supplement and/or the Child Disability Assistance Payment is not overpaid, adjust via OOP screen if required.

Did CA restore?

  • Yes, DOC the carer's record with details of restoration
  • No, this must be reported to ICT:
    • Report the issue via ROXY and include the following escalation text: 'CA is not restoring for CTAT reassessment (within 13 weeks of cancellation). Approved Workaround from OB 009-03060020 > Resources tab has not resolved the issue. New claim (SOA) activity is not an approved workaround to restore CA for CTAT reassessments, please investigate further'
    • Do not create a new claim (SOA) activity to restore CP and/or CA
    • Make sure the activity is held to user
    • Annotate the SSO Approved Workaround DOC on the carers record with following approved text: 'CA is not restoring following SSO Approved Workaround in 009-03060020. Reported to ICT [insert SD number from ROXY report] '