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Carer Payment (CP) customer going overseas 009-03100030


Verification of working life residence in Australia form (AUS027)

Verification of working life residence in Australia and periods of employment in Australia (AUS027JP)

Verification of working life residence in Australia and periods of employment in Australia (AUS027KR)

Verification of working life residence in Australia and periods of employment in Australia (AUS027US)

Contact details

Centrelink International Services (CIS) - contact details for staff

Portability of CP

This table provides examples of Carer Payment (CP) portability outcomes.




Carer and Age Pension partner go overseas for 5 weeks

Alan and Chris are going to the USA on holiday for about 5 weeks from 22 June to the end of July.

Alan (on CP) is caring for partner Chris who is in receipt of Age Pension. They are both 68 years old. They also receive the Pension Supplement.

This is a temporary absence. The payment is portable (including the full Pension Supplement) and can be paid for the entire period while the customer remains qualified. This includes the Carer Supplement, as Alan will be in receipt of the qualifying payment in the period that covers 1 July.


Carer returns to Australia and departs again

Alan and Chris (as in Example 1) come back to Australia and a week later, they discover Alan needs to leave Australia to visit an extremely ill parent.

Alan intends to stay 6 weeks then come back and continue to care for Chris who will be in respite care while Alan is away.

Alan's departure is treated as a new event and payment is portable for a maximum of 6 weeks however, the portability period is limited by respite rules. If Alan exceeds the respite, CP will cancel.

Code Alan's absence both for portability and for respite.


Carer and care receiver son - hospitalisation while overseas

Helen and child Georgio, for whom Helen cares, have travelled to Greece together for a planned trip of 4 weeks to visit relatives.

Georgio becomes ill just before they are due to return to Australia and needs to be hospitalised for 2 weeks.

Helen decides to use the period of hospitalisation as an opportunity to have a break from care and takes a 2 week holiday using the respite days under the temporary cessation of care provisions.

Georgio and Helen return to Australia after a total absence of 6 weeks.

Helen qualifies for CP throughout the whole absence because the 6 weeks temporary absence outside Australia and the 2 week temporary cessation of care during that absence are within the limits of the allowed portability of period. Code both the 2 weeks respite and the portability.


Carer and care receiver leaving Australia to live in another country

Carroll cares for child Alice. They are leaving Australia and moving to South Africa to live permanently.

Carroll's Carer Payment (CP) is not portable and will cease on departure.

Even if they were going to an agreement country such as Canada, the CP would not be portable because agreements only cover people who are caring for their partner.