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Transfers to Carer Payment (CP) 009-04020000

This document outlines information to help with queries when a carer transfers from another income support payment to Carer Payment (CP). It outlines the eligibility and payability criteria for CP and what documents are needed from the carer.

Eligibility and payability criteria

Before a carer transfers from another payment to CP, the carer must meet the eligibility and payability criteria for CP, either for a:

This includes the limitations on absences from care.

The carer should also be considered for Carer Allowance (CA) if eligible. If the carer qualifies for CP (child), they will be automatically eligible for CA (auto), although carers should be encouraged to apply for CA (child) for the following reasons:

  • While grants of CP (child) will automatically qualify carers for CA (auto), the same applies if CP (child) cancels - CA (auto) will cancel automatically at the same time as CP (child). The carer must lodge a new claim for CA if the child still requires and receives additional daily care due to their disability or medical condition
  • If a carer claims and is granted CA (child) their payment will usually continue if CP (child) ceases, for example due to a change in income/assets or hours of employment
  • If the carer claims both CP (child) and CA (child) and the claim for CP is rejected, they may still qualify for and be granted CA (child)
  • If the carer only claims CP (child) and the claim is rejected, a new claim for CA (child) is required

The care receiver must also be eligible under the relevant disability assessment tool - the Adult Disability Assessment Determination (ADAD) or Disability Care Load Assessment (child) Determination (2010).

If the care receiver is not on an income support payment, they must also satisfy the non-customer Care Receiver Income and Assets (CRIA) test.

Transfers to CP from another income support payment

A carer may be transferred from another payment to CP if:

  • qualification for the 2 payments is either overlapping or continuous, and
  • the carer is qualified for CP, either while they are still receiving the old payment or immediately after ceasing to receive the old payment

The original payment will cease to be paid when CP is granted. With a transfer, the same payday code is maintained.

If a customer chooses to transfer, any qualification or grandfathering provisions may be lost. If the customer loses entitlement to CP, they may not be able to transfer back their original payment as they may no longer qualify.

See the Resources page for a list of special considerations for the relevant payment type from which the customer is to be transferred.

Claim needed to transfer to CP

Carers wanting to transfer from another payment to CP must make a claim for CP so their eligibility for CP can be assessed.

If the carer loses eligibility for the original payment, the CP claim must be lodged within 14 days to make sure of continuity of payment. This may be extended up to 13 weeks if the carer's medical condition was the sole or dominant cause for not lodging within 14 days.

Care must be taken when a carer who is already receiving CP and/or Carer Allowance (CA) contacts to claim CP and/or CA for a second care receiver. Discuss with the carer if CP is more appropriate for the new care receiver, depending on the carer and care receiver's circumstances. If the new care receiver is suffering from a terminal medical condition, it may be more appropriate to claim CP for the new care receiver.

Referral to specialist officers

A person who is taking on caring responsibilities may need to be referred to a Centrelink specialist officer such as a social worker.

Documents required

Identity Confirmation requirements for transfers may vary depending on the type of payment the customer is transferring from.

Concession cards

Customers are not automatically issued a new concession card when transferring from one payment to another, even when they retain entitlement to the same type of concession card.

The customer must request a new card. Any new card issued after the transfer activity is processed will show the primary payment at time of issue. This includes the annually reissued card, which is sent one month before the expiry date of the current card.

Working Credit, Income Bank

Carers under Age Pension age receiving CP are eligible for Working Credit.

If a carer has had Working Credits, Student Income Bank or Australian Apprentice Income Bank in the last 12 months, they may be able to transfer them.

Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)

A carer claiming CP may have to serve an SWPP.

Carers serving an SWPP who transfer from another payment to CP will also be precluded from CP until their SWPP has ended. If a carer transfers from a payment type that is not assessed for an SWPP, an SWPP assessment may be needed.

The Resources page contains:

  • links to information on the Services Australia Website about choosing between CP and Age Pension
  • more details about transfers to CP from different payments and the special conditions that apply


Transfer from Wife Pension (WP) to Carer Payment (CP)

Transfer from JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/Youth Allowance (YA) to Carer Payment

Claiming Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA)

Calculating the start day for a transferee

Identity Confirmation

Carer Payment (CP) claims for care receivers aged under 16

Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) Child to Adult Transfer (CTAT)

Carer Payment (CP) claims for care receivers aged 16 or over

Social work services

Specialist staff for Indigenous customers

Working Credit

First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow