Coding a paper claim for Carer Payment (CP) for one care receiver or combined care receivers under 16 009-04050030
A system issue exists resulting in incorrect and/or incomplete claim forms being issued to customers. Staff must follow the workaround available in Network News Update (NNU) - NNU - PD - CLM - CAR - FCSO issuing incomplete system-generated forms (12719)
For Carer Payment/Carer Allowance Smart Centre Processing staff only
This page contains instructions for coding a paper claim for Carer Payment (CP) for one care receiver or combined care receivers aged under 16 including where the carer is claiming CP due to a change of care receiver or during the bereavement period. The following is an interim process subject to change.
Processing Service details for: Carer Allowance/Payment New Claims.
On this page:
Coding medical and care receiver details
Initial processing
Table 1: this table provides instructions for coding the initial screens of a paper claim for CP for one care receiver or combined care receivers aged under 16 years.
Step |
Action |
1 |
A paper CP claim lodged for one care receiver or combined care receivers + Read more ... Use the Carer New Claim & Review Assessment script for all Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) new claim processing:
2 |
Indexed claim + Read more ... |
3 |
Customer Details Task (CDTS) + Read more ... Select the relevant fields on the CDTS screen and complete the address, payment destination, marital status and Proof of Identify screens. The Energy Supplement is paid if the carer is eligible. If a frequency change is requested by the carer, check/update the Energy Supplement payment frequency option. |
4 |
Care Receiver Summary (CRS) screen + Read more ... This is the final screen in the CDTS process. If E585CU - Incomplete CP link exists error displays within the activity, go to the Link Summary (LS) screen, select the link and then delete the incorrect link via the Action field on the Other Customer Links (OCL) screen. Does the name of the care receiver for this claim appear on the CRS screen?
5 |
To add the child + Read more ... On the CRS screen:
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Child record + Read more ... Does a record for the child already exist? Note: if the care receiver being added is linked to another customer - remember to reassess the losing carer's record. See Carer Payment (CP) for 2 or more carers in respect of the same care receiver.
7 |
Pensions Task Selector (PTS) screen + Read more ... Go to the PTS screen. As this is a Carers claim, the CRS screen will be auto-selected, as will the Assessment field:
Press [Enter]. |
8 |
Income and assets + Read more ... Income and asset coding and verification requirements for CP new claims differ according to:
Carer and/or partner is current ISP The usual notification rules as per Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services apply in relation to whether verification is required/requested. The claim outcome is not delayed while waiting for any verification. Non-current claimant is single or has a non-current partner
See Assessing the Income and Assets (SA369) or Recording and correcting employment income details. |
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Pensions Assessment (PNA) screen + Read more ... The PNA screen will display the Start Day as calculated by the system. Check that the correct start day has been calculated, and overwrite the date, if required. For more information, see Start Day. Carers who claimed or contacted in relation to a claim for CP (child) before 1 October 2009, may have their claim backdated to 1 July 2009, or to the date on which they became qualified for CP (child), whichever is later. The backdating provisions are subject to the carer having satisfied CP (child) eligibility. For example:
To backdate a payment all relevant dates of effect must equal the date of grant on the (PNA) screen. For example:
Note: the date of receipt of the new claim activity does not require adjustment to allow for backdating. After completing the screens selected from PTS the screen flow will navigate to the CRS screen. The care receiver's name should now appear on CRS with 'YES' in the CP Link field. |
10 |
Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen + Read more ... If required, select the Exchanged Care screens (in addition to those selected by default). Press [Enter] to accept the selected screen flow. Note: if this is a change in care, due to a system limitation, the date of effect of the claim for CP cannot be coded as the cancellation date of the CP for the previous care receiver. This means that the carer may miss out on one day's payment. For example, CP is cancelled from 4 February 2015 and paid up to and including 3 February 2015. The system only allows CP for the new care receiver to be granted from 5 February 2015 so the carer is not paid for 4 February 2015. In these cases:
To make sure the carer is advised the correct cancellation date, a manual cancellation letter is also required. See Creating a Q134 letter. This will make sure the correct date of grant appears on the carer's Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) and the grant letter. |
Coding medical and care receiver details
Table 2: this table provides instructions for coding the child medical details, details of further care receivers and the care receiver's income and asset details screens of a paper claim for Carer Payment (CP) for one care receiver or combined care receivers aged under 16 years.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Child Medical Details (CDMD) screen + Read more ... Complete the coding on the Child Medical Details (CDMD) screen. Note: there is a known issue where the First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow may issue a Carer Payment Medical Report (for a child under 16 years) (SA398) when a medical report with a functional assessment is required. The incorrect medical report may cause a CP (child) new claim to automatically reject reason 'THP' (Treating Health Professional Score too low). If this occurs:
Report any incidents of incorrect forms being issued by the FCSO workflow to the Centrelink Payments Support Team (CPST). If the SA398/SA428 has been correctly issued and the reuse provisions:
To record the return of the SA398/SA428 on the CDMD screen, 'correct' the most recent THP assessment. Although the new THP medical report may be completed by a different THP and would have been completed on a different date, this is the preferred method as it still recognises the pre-existing, re-usable DCLA information, does not reject CP and cancel CA and does not re-set the re-use provision dates. Is there more than one care receiver?
2 |
Code additional care receivers if claim is for combined care of 2 to 4 children + Read more ... The medical coding for the remaining child/ren care receiver/s must be added to the assessment. Code the CDMD screen:
Note: if the child being added is linked to another customer, reassess the losing customer's record, see Carer Payment (CP) for 2 or more carers in respect of the same care receiver. Does a record for the child already exist?
3 |
Code the Care Needs Assessment form + Read more ... |
4 |
Care Load Validation (CLVL) screen + Read more ... If the CLVL error SR004 displays on SWE, a process called validation will be required. Is validation required?
5 |
Care Receiver Care & Institution Details (CRCI) screen + Read more ... Complete the following fields:
Press [Enter]. The system will redisplay CRCI to confirm the details coded. Press [Enter]. |
6 |
Care Receiver Income and Assets Details (CRIA) screen + Read more ... Code the income and assets details of the child care receiver and - if the care receiver lives with their parent or legal guardian - the combined income and assets of the child care receiver, their parent or legal guardian and their partner and any FTB children. Do not include the family home, funds received from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) that are deposited into an account used to manage the care receiver's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan, and assets obtained to specifically assist the care receiver in respect of their disability. See Coding the CRIA screen. Note: if there is more than 1 care receiver, a CRIA screen should be coded for each care receiver. The system will not combine totals but will separately assess each care receiver. The income and assets details of all assessable persons for that care receiver should be included. A rejection code will be produced if any of the following apply, and there is not a different rejection reason selected based on the 'hierarchy of non-qualification reasons':
Complete the new claim coding to assess all remaining qualification and payability issues. |
Finalising claim
Table 3: this table describes the coding of Exchanged Care issues and Care Assessment results as part of processing a paper claim for CA for care receivers aged under 16 years.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Exchanged Care screen + Read more ... Were the 'Exchanged Care' screens selected from the CETS screen?
2 |
Exchanged Care Summary (CECS) screen + Read more ... This screen shows the start and end dates of the parenting plans, as well as the parenting plan type. This could be:
This screen also shows a 'free text' field for recording any other parent or guardian who is party to the same parenting plan, and with whom the carer is exchanging care. 'S'elect the relevant Parenting Plan to go to the Exchanged Care Details (CECD) screen. |
3 |
Exchanged Care Details (CECD) screen + Read more ... The CECD screen records parenting plan details (start and end date of the plan, the type of plan, and whether constant care is provided). It enables grouping together of the care receiver/s being exchanged in the parenting plan. Care receivers can be given a number (1 or 2) to allocate them to the relevant Exchanged Care group (1 or 2). Use field help ('?') for more information. This screen also allows entry of the percentage of care for each Exchange Group. Where there is a change in the level of care as set out in any parenting plan relevant to a carer claiming (or already receiving) CP (child) under multiple care provisions, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) is created. The MFU is required if:
The MFU will:
The next screen to display is the Exchanged Care Assessment Selection (CECA) screen. |
4 |
Exchanged Care Assessment Selection (CECA) screen + Read more ... This CECA screen is a display screen, showing the care receivers for both Exchanged Care groups for assessment, which is determined by the combination of care receiver/s on in both groups. Multiple care receivers can be 'S'elected for assessment. Care receivers are listed in the following priority order, with the highest scores (as displayed) first:
Warnings will display in the following circumstances:
Key 'CECR' in Next to access the Exchanged Care Assessment Results Summary (CECR) screen. |
5 |
Exchanged Care Assessment Results Summary (CECR) screen + Read more ... The CECR screen is a display only screen, and shows the provisional data from the current activity or historical data (which has been confirmed). The following fields:
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Record all details on a DOC in the carer's record + Read more ... Deceased customer:
Does warning message W223FY FTB estimate on FTI/FTF is not reasonable appear on the AWE screen, or is the carer in receipt of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and require a revised income estimate to include CP?
7 |
Care Receivers for Assessment (SCRA) screen + Read more ... After the AR screen has been displayed, key 'SCRA' in the Next field and press [Enter]. The SCRA screen must be used for selection of care receivers for assessment for CP child. The assessment rules that may allow grant of the payment are determined by the combination of care receivers selected. Care receivers are listed in the following priority order, with the highest scores (as displayed) first:
Warnings will display in the following circumstances:
This screen also displays the:
To insert a new occurrence, or correct an existing provisional occurrence, 's'elect the care receiver/s. |
8 |
Care Assessment Results Summary (SCRR) screen + Read more ... This screen displays the assessment results summary for the selected carer. It displays the assessment type and the list of care receivers included in the assessment, and the result. Note: if the carer has not been through an assessment and does not have historical data, the screen will be blank. The following fields:
The Resources page contains a table where the most recent medical report causes the cancellation of CA. Check the AR screen. If:
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Arrears appear incorrect + Read more ... If the arrears look incorrect, make sure the previous income support payment was cancelled from the correct date and CP was granted from the correct date. If the previous income support payment was not cancelled This is done via the Benefit Action (BA) screen, using field help ('?') for relevant values. In the following fields:
For more information, see Cancellation of Payments (CLK). Make sure the cancellation activity is finalised on the Assessment Results (AR) screen before continuing with this procedure. No BTR activity If there is no BTR activity at AR it usually means there is a limiting date error and the case needs to be referred to Centrelink Payments Support Team (CPST). A limiting date error would usually result in Carer Payment being granted from an incorrect date. |