Temporary Cessation of Care (respite) provisions for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) 009-06010010
This document outlines the Temporary Cessation of Care (TCC) (respite) provisions for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA).
On this page:
Change of carer, temporary or permanent absence of care
Change of carer, temporary or permanent absence of care
Table 1: this table describes information for Service Officers on the Temporary Cessation of Care (TCC) provisions process for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA) with respect to change of carer and temporary or permanent absence of care.
Step |
Action |
1 |
CP cancelled or provisionally cancelled due to exceeding respite or hospitalisation provisions + Read more ... CP customers who exceed respite or hospitalisation provisions may be eligible to have their payment suspended instead of cancelled. Has the customer’s Carer Payment already been cancelled?
2 |
Change in care receiver/s during the current calendar year + Read more ... Has there been a change in care receiver/s during the current calendar year?
3 |
Change in care receivers for current calendar year + Read more ... As the system may not allocate TCC (respite) days correctly, refer the case to a Service Support Officer (SSO). SSO go to Step 5. |
4 |
Change in care receivers for current calendar year + Read more ... As the system may not allocate TCC days correctly, a hand-off needs to occur to the Technical Support Line. The Resources page contains a link to Technical Support Line contact details. Technical Support go to Step 5. |
5 |
Change in care receivers for current calendar year + Read more ... Will the expected number of TCC days for all care receivers exceed 63 days in the current calendar year, and TCC days have been recorded for the previous care receiver(s)?
6 |
Identify the reason for the absence + Read more ... If the care receiver is hospitalised, in respite, or in prison or psychiatric confinement because they have been charged with an offence, go to Step 7. If the carer is absent:
7 |
Determine if cessation of care is temporary + Read more ... Is the cessation of care temporary?
8 |
Absent from the care situation + Read more ...
9 |
Cessation of care is permanent + Read more ... When the cessation of care is permanent, cancel the CP and/or CA. Note: care requirements do not apply to CP (XWP) but still apply to the carer's CA. If the carer is getting CP (XWP), their CP will be auto-cancelled when their only or last payment level CA is suspended or cancelled for any reason. A carer loses their qualification for CP (XWP) permanently if payment level CA is not reinstated without a gap in entitlement. |
TCC provisions and coding
Table 2: this table describes information on the process for coding hospitalisation and respite for CP and/or CA.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check care receiver’s admission to hospital + Read more ... Has the care receiver been/or is about to be, admitted into hospital?
2 |
Hospitalisation provisions + Read more ... Do hospitalisation provisions apply?
3 |
Code the hospitalisation absence + Read more ... Code all absences from home for hospitalisation using the Temporary cessation of Care workflow tool. Do not finalise the activity. If the tool is unavailable or not working, see process for manual coding a one-off absence or a regular absence but do not finalise, return to this step. Note: absences are 24 hour periods, midnight to midnight. Tell the carer they must advise Services Australia within 14 days of the care receiver returning home or leaving the hospital. If coding the absence manually, go to Step 4. |
4 |
Code the absence + Read more ... Absences are 24 hour periods, midnight to midnight. Before coding any absence consider the following. Note: if the absence from care was due to the carer going overseas without the care receiver, there is a current system limitation, which continues to count TCC after expiration of portability. Where the carer's payments will suspend after 42 days the TCC end date should reflect only 41 days if care is provided on the day of departure and TCC will commence from the following day. Code respite with start date equal to the day after departure and end date equal to the end of the limited portability period. Therefore the TCC period will be 41 days provided the carer has this number available. For guidance on the interaction between Portability and TCC and correct recording procedures, see Carer Allowance (CA) and Carer Payment (CP) interaction of portability and temporary cessation of care (respite) rules. The Resources page has an example. If the tool is not available or not working, manually code the absence on the Absences Details (ABSN) screen. See process for manual coding a one-off absence or a regular absence but do not finalise, return to this step. If none of the following scenarios apply, go to Step 5:
5 |
Code all absences using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow tool + Read more ... Use the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow tool. In Customer First (CF), from Workspace, launch Temporary cessation of care workflow.
On Temporary Cessation of Care Update screen, code the Care Receiver Absence Update:
Warnings will appear to explain how an absence is calculated and to consider if there are any impacts on customer payment due to the absence recording. Discuss with the customer:
Select Continue Continue to Assessment Results (AR) screen. Make sure any further warnings and ripple impacts are considered. Go to Step 6 |
6 |
View activity outcome/s via the Assessment Results (AR) screen + Read more ... If not in the activity, select it from the Activity List (AL) screen. Manually key 'AR' in the Nxt field, to go to the AR screen. Do not finalise the activity without first reviewing the outcome/s. Will the absence coding result in cancellation of the CP due to Caree Respite Bank Exceeded (RBE) or Caree Hospital Bank Exceeded (HBE)?
7 |
Determine if CP can be suspended + Read more ... Carers can enter a suspension period for CP for up to 26 weeks if all of the following apply:
Can Carer Payment be suspended?
8 |
Carer Payment to be suspended + Read more ... Do not finalise the TCC workflow activity From Assessment Results (AR) select Do Not Finalise and then select Continue. Navigate to the Assessment List (AL) screen:
Code Benefit Action (BA) screen:
9 |
DOC suspension + Read more ... Assessment Results (AR) screen will show CP suspended from the date allowable respite/hospital days were exceeded. From the left side menu under Customer, select Document (DOC). When the DOC opens, the following information must be manually recorded within this doc.
The Summary details cannot be updated but the following must be recorded:
Select Continue, go to Step 10 |
10 |
Review the AR screen + Read more ... Is the customer also receiving Carer Allowance (CA) which will cancel as a result of the absence exceeding the allowable respite or hospital days?
11 |
Finalise activity + Read more ... Once outcomes have been reviewed and a suspension coded if applicable, finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen. The workflow creates a DOC in the carer’s record. A separate fast note is needed if finalisation results in cancellation of CA payment - Record the decision using a Fast Note Select Auto Text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason DOC all actions taken on the record including any updates |