Temporary cessation of care (respite) for more than 63 days 009-06010090
This document outlines what may occur if a carer exceeds the total allowable 63 days for temporary cessation of care (TCC) (respite) in a calendar year. Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) may continue if there is a 'special reason'.
On this page:
Assisted processing instructions for temporary cessation of care
Manually coding the temporary cessation of care due to a special reason
Assisted processing instructions for temporary cessation of care
Table 1: this table explains how to assess if there is a special reason when a carer exceeds the 63 days allowable for temporary cessation of care in a calendar year.
Step |
Action |
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Respite care exceeds the 63 days + Read more ... This procedure is for carers whose respite care period will extend beyond the 63 days allowable for the current calendar year. If the care receiver has been in hospital, refer to hospitalisation provisions. A manual follow-up is created two weeks before the respite days expire. Processing Service staff action the review by contacting the carer to determine whether the respite is still expected to extend beyond 63 days and the reason. While there is no limit to hospitalisation days for CP (child) and CA (child) care receivers, the 63 day respite limit still applies. All absences must be recorded. For detailed information see Temporary cessation of care (respite) and hospitalisation (CLK) .
Submit a 'Direct Referral to SSO'. The Resources page contains information to locate this site. Create a DOC to note a Direct Referral to SSO has been made, together with a brief explanation outlining the reason for the request of respite extension. Procedure ends here for Smart Centres. |
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Special circumstances and applying discretionary extensions + Read more ... Special circumstance is determined by an APS 5/6 level officer. The APS 5/6 level officer does not have to occupy any particular position for them to have the delegation for this decision. However, the delegate will usually be the supervisor of the Processing Service actioning the review. Generally, a decision to continue payment would only be made if the reason for ceasing care was outside the control of the carer and consistent with the need for, and provision of personal care and attention. It should be clear in these situations that a return to care at the required level can be expected after a definite period and that the carer will resume providing the care. Respite provisions used in an emergency situation such as fire or flood etc will meet the criteria of 'special reason' for extension of the 63 days in a year. Special circumstance would not exist where the carer simply chose to extend a holiday beyond 63 days. Are there special circumstances?
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Code the absence extension + Read more ... All absence extensions should be updated in Customer First using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow. In Customer First:
If the workflow is not available or not working, update the absence manually. For manual coding, see Table 2 > Step 4. |
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Update the Care Receiver Absence Update page + Read more ... Update the absence by:
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Absence Updates Summary page + Read more ...
Manually coding the temporary cessation of care due to a special reason
Table 2: This table explains how to update a record when there is a special reason for a carer exceeding the 63 days allowable for temporary cessation of care in a calendar year.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Respite care exceeds the 63 days + Read more ... This procedure is for carers whose respite care period will extend beyond the 63 days allowable for the current calendar year. If the care receiver has been in hospital, refer to hospitalisation provisions. A manual follow-up is created two weeks before the respite days expire. Processing Service staff action the review by contacting the carers to determine whether or not the respite is still expected to extend beyond 63 days and the reason. While there is no limit to hospitalisation days for CP (child) or CA (child) child care receivers, the 63 day respite limit still applies. All absences must be coded. For detailed information see Temporary cessation of care (respite) and hospitalisation.
Submit a 'Direct Referral to SSO'. The Resources page contains information to locate this site. Create a DOC to note a Direct Referral to SSO has been made, together with a brief explanation outlining the reason for the request of respite extension. Procedure ends here for Smart Centres. |
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Special circumstance + Read more ... Special circumstance is determined by the APS 5/6 level officer. The APS 5/6 level officer does not have to occupy any particular position for them to have the delegation for this decision. However, the delegate will usually be the supervisor of the Processing Service actioning the review. Generally, a decision to continue payment would only be made if the reason for ceasing care was outside the control of the carer and consistent with the need for, and provision of personal care and attention. Respite provisions used in an emergency such as fire, flood will meet the criteria of 'special reason' for extension of the 63 days in a year. It should be clear in these situations that a return to care at the required level can be expected after a definite period and that the carer will resume providing the care. A special circumstance would not exist where the carer simply chose to extend a holiday beyond 63 days. Is there special circumstances?
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Code the absence + Read more ... All absences are to be updated in Customer First using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow. For workflow action, see Table 1 > Step 3. Manual coding is to be used only when Customer First or the workflow is not available. Where possible updates should be done in Customer First. |
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Manual updates + Read more ... While in carer's record:
Customer First The Temporary Cessation of Care Update page will be presented. Go to Step 5. Customer Record Select the Absence Details (ABSN) page/screen. |
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Update extended absence + Read more ... Update as follows:
This will make sure that the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance will not cancel once the absence extends beyond the 63 respite care days allowable per year. For additional help with the coding of absences, see: |
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Finalise action + Read more ... Complete the following fields:
Finalise activity:
Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) page/screen. Record details on a DOC in the carer's record, including the name of the APS 5/6 level officer who made the extension decision. The decision to allow an extension must be recorded in a DOC |