Carer Payment (CP) carer is absent 009-06030020
This document outlines information about the effect on Carer Payment (CP) when the carer is temporarily absent from the caring situation. It includes information specific to CP (XWP).
On this page:
Initial assessment
Table 1: this table describes the initial assessment when a carer receiving CP is temporarily absent from the caring situation.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Carer or care receiver is overseas or going overseas + Read more ... If the carer or care receiver is overseas or going overseas, see Carer Allowance (CA) and Carer Payment (CP) interaction of portability and temporary cessation of care (respite) rules. Procedure ends here. Is the carer's absence because they are in prison or psychiatric confinement in connection with an offence?
2 |
Carer imprisoned or psychiatric confinement because they have been charged with an offence + Read more ... Only staff undertaking compliance intervention processes and F2F Incarcerated Customer Servicing team can suspend CP and/or CA if the carer enters prison or psychiatric confinement. For urgent cases where immediate action is required, contact the relevant state F2F Customer Servicing team directly. For all other cases, check the Correctional Facilities page to locate the relevant F2F Incarcerated Customer Servicing Team and send an email to the relevant F2F Incarcerated Customer Servicing Team requesting follow-up and suspension of payment. The email must contain the:
Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Taking a break + Read more ... Is the carer taking advantage of the fact that their care receiver has entered a period of respite to also 'take a break'?
4 |
Assessing period of respite + Read more ... Although both are absent from the home, this situation only counts as 1 period of respite. The system will not allow 2 overlapping periods of respite to be entered. Ensure the start date coded is the first 24 hour 'midnight to midnight' period that the first person was temporarily absent from the home. The end date is the last 24 hour 'midnight to midnight' period prior to when the last person comes back to the home. This way the whole absence period will be covered. Note: Respite only applies to CA if the carer is getting CP (XWP). Code depending on the type of absence. To code a:
5 |
Absence due to paid work + Read more ... Is the carer absent because they are undertaking paid work, including self- employment?
6 |
Has the carer been hospitalised or admitted to an institution? + Read more ...
7 |
Partner as carer + Read more ... Is the care receiver the partner of the carer?
8 |
Absence greater than 14 nights + Read more ... Is the expected length of the absence greater than 14 nights?
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Single rate of payment + Read more ... The couple may be entitled to single rate of payment if they are assessed as a respite couple. See Customer is separated from their partner - temporarily or due to respite care. In the carer's record, navigate to the Marital Status (MS) screen. Code the Event Date, the Qualifier Code and the Marital Status fields. Use Field Help ('?') for appropriate codes. Coding the MS screen will allow the carer and care receiver to receive the single rate, if applicable. This is the case if the carer or care receiver (who are partners) enter respite for at least 14 consecutive nights. Press [Enter]. |
Coding the absence
Table 2: this table describes coding the absence when a carer receiving CP is temporarily absent from the caring situation.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Code the absence + Read more ... Code all absences using the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow. If the workflow is not available or not working, manually code the absence. Note: TCC absences do not apply to CP (XWP), but do apply to the carer's CA as normal. Is the workflow working?
2 |
The Care Receiver Task Selector (CETS) screen will display + Read more ... On this screen, 'S'elect:
Press [Enter]. Note: field help for the ABCE screen and the ABSN screen refers to absences as 'nights'. This will be revised in a future release to clarify that these are 24 hour periods, midnight to midnight. |
3 |
The Absence Enquiry (ABCE) screen displays + Read more ... This provides the summary of the absences taken in the current calendar year. Code 'Y' to the question Go to Absences Details Screen? (Y/N) field. Press [Enter] to view the Absences Details (ABSN) screen. |
4 |
Determine the absence reason code + Read more ... Is the care receiver a child care receiver who is in the care of the carer's partner?
5 |
Regular or one-off absence + Read more ... Is this a regular absence?
6 |
Coding the one-off absence + Read more ... Code the one-off absence on the ABSN screen, using the reason code already determined. |
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Coding the regular absence + Read more ... Code the regular absence on the ABSN screen, using the reason code already determined. Note: the End Date field can be coded if it is known, however, regular absences do not require an end date to be coded for the activity to accept. |
8 |
The ABSN screen will redisplay with the absence accepted and a new input line + Read more ... Press [Enter] again. The screen flow will go to the carer's Activity List (AL) screen.
Is CP going to cancel RBE?
9 |
Determine if Carer Payment can be suspended + Read more ... Carers can enter a suspension period for CP for up to 26 weeks if all of the following apply:
Can Carer Payment be suspended?
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Record details on a DOC in the carer's record + Read more ... If the end date is keyed as a result of an estimate by the carer, include a note to this effect on the DOC If an extension was considered, include the reason for either granting or rejecting the extension on the DOC. If CP was suspended to override a cancellation, include these details in the DOC. |