Other financial assistance for carers 009-07000000
This document contains information relating to one-off payments for recipients of Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA), as well as information relating to ex gratia payments for carers who do not meet the eligibility criteria for CP when caring for a child under 7 years of age.
Government intent
Carer payments are intended to provide income support and assistance for people who provide a substantial level of care, for care receivers who have a recognised disability. A supplementary payment is available for carers, who provide additional daily care and attention for someone with a disability or medical condition. This payment provides financial assistance for carers and replaces the previous ad hoc payments.
Carer Supplement (CS)
The Carer Supplement (CS) is an annual payment introduced in June 2009, to assist carers with the costs of caring for a person with a disability or medical condition. Payment is based on a carer having 'received' an instalment of an identified primary payment that attracts CS for 1 July. Note: from 1 July 2012 carers in receipt of a qualifying income support payment who have their payment reduced to nil rate for a period that includes 1 July are also eligible to receive the annual Carer Supplement. For more information, see Carer Supplement (CS).
Child Disability Assistance Payment (CDAP)
Families caring for a child with a disability may receive an annual payment of $1,000 to help them purchase assistance for their child. The payment is made for each child who qualifies their parent/carer for payment of CA on 1 July each year. This money can be spent however the family chooses. For more information, see Annual Child Disability Assistance Payment.
One-Off Carer Bonus
This payment was replaced by the Carer Supplement (CS). For information relating to years prior to 2009.
Carer Adjustment Payment (CAP)
The Carer Adjustment Payment (CAP) is a one-off non-taxable payment for families where, following the diagnosis of a serious or severe illness of a child under 7 years of age, there is a period of significant adjustment because of the care needs of that child. It is to assist families with additional costs during the adjustment period immediately after the diagnosis. The maximum amount available to any family is $10,000 per child. The amount payable depends on the families’ individual circumstances.
Claims for Carer Adjustment Payment must be lodged within two years from the date of diagnosis of a severe illness, medical condition, or major disability. Qualification is determined by the Department of Social Services. For more information, see Carer Adjustment Payment (CAP) for carers of young children.
Carer Adjustment Payment (CAP) for carers of young children
Annual Child Disability Assistance Payment (CDAP)
Early intervention services for children with disabilities
Related links
Eligibility for Carer Allowance (CA)
Eligibility for Carer Payment (CP)
Health Care Card (HCC) only Carer Allowance (CA) (child)
Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP)
Assessing a claim for Carer Allowance (CA) using the combined assessment scores of two children
Shared care for Carer Allowance (CA)
Payments from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) and referrals to the DVA Clearance Team
Completing Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding